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Don't hate me but fast forward 2 years later Billie's 20 Eloise is 3 the only reason why I forward it is because this wasn't supposed to be a long book.





"Uncle Finneas is going to watch you while me and mama have to work okay?"

"But I don't want you to go"

"I have to I'll be back I promise"

"Pwomise?" she held out her pinky

"I promise," we connected our pinkies.

"Alright that must be him be a good girl for me k?"


I kissed her forehead then went to the door to open it.

"Woah this place is nicer than I expected," Finneas said walking around

"I know right"

"Good for you bil"

"Yeah also don't give her any candy she ate a bunch yesterday and I don't even know how she got into it"

"Aweeee," Eloise whined

"I mean it"

"Fine," she huffed and crossed her arms.

"Alright I'm ready-omg hi finn," Cassie came out

"Hey Cassie how you been?"

"Really good you?"

"I'm doing great"

"Awee I missed you," she gave him a hug.

"Me too"

"Alright we have to go see ya later"

"Bye guys"

"Bye Finneas," we both said.


Eloise and I are watching a movie on the couch, she's eating some avocado toast Billie had made for breakfast before they left. she got up to take her plate to the sink before coming back over to me.

"Uncle finneas I want chocolate"

"No Eloise your mom said no"


"No because if she finds out she's going to kick my aa-My butt" I caught myself

"Aweee," she folded her arms.

"Sorry can't go against mamas wishes"

"Nuuu" she ran to her room slamming the door dang this girl is so much like Billie, I walk up to her room and knock on the door no answer so I just walk in to see Eloise on her tablet in her really nice room cuddled up to her teddy bear

Her bedroom

Her bedroom

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