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I forgot to mention that this book is going to take place back in 2007

Eloise and I had been playing all day I'm exhausted plus this stupid medication is making me tired, Eloise won't stop bugging me trying to get me to play with her I'm trying so hard not to lose my shit and yell at her.

"Mommyyy," Eloise begged and begged and begged for me to play with her






She cried and stomped her feet out of anger so I pulled her into my arms and she calmed down immediately.

"Mama I'm tired can I take a nap and you can go play with Finneas please I promise I'll play with you when I wake up"


"I promise baby now go play"

I kissed her forehead and she ran off I immediately went to sleep.

2 hours later

I woke up and saw that it's been two hours, I groaned and got up going downstairs seeing that Eloise is playing with Finneas damn this girl has energy.

"Mommy" she gasped running towards me.

"Hey babygirl" i picked her up "you look sleepy baby"

"Noo" she shook her head while yawning and rubbing her eyes.

I chuckled at her cuteness.

"Okay baby let's go to bed"

"Noooo" she tried fighting out of my arms.

Eloise come on go to bed"


Oh my god this kid.

"Hey come on let's go somewhere" I went upstairs, put on her jacket and shoes, then I put on mine.


I drove us to the beach it was perfect and might put her to sleep, we walked around near the water where you can hear the waves swishing back and forth and the wind whistling.

It was beautiful

"Mommy cold," I swooped her up into my warm arms and put a blanket over her as I continued walking down the beach.

"Ouuuu" she said pointing at the moon reflecting on the water.

"That's the moon baby"

"Moon" she said.

"Yeah baby you're so smart"

She laid her head on my shoulder and put her thumb in her mouth I continued walking until I heard light snores I didn't walk far so I would be near my car it's cold as a bitch out here.

I walked back to my car put her in and drove off back to my house. I took off her shoes and changed her clothes before lightly putting her down in my bed.

"Goodnight baby," I kissed her forehead

I changed then went back downstairs to go eat something.

"Jeez finally all that energy payed off" Finneas said sitting down in the chair right beside me.

"Yep," I took a bite of my burrito

"We've played for 2 hours and she didn't even want to sit down how do you deal with it?"

"I don't know she's my kid"

"Oh yeah you two act the same" He playfully rolled his eyes

"Exactly" I flipped my hair to my back.

My moms eyes widen as she slowly nodded her head yes and we all laughed.

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