birthday disaster (Shannon x Nick)

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(Nick's P.O.V)

I was heading over to my beautiful girlfriends house. You see today is her birthday so I'm gonna surprise her with some flowers and chocolates. What she doesn't know is that I'm spending the day with her. I usually only have time to drop stuff off or cuddle for an hour or two. But that's because of my job. I work as an er doctor. I don't hate my job but it does cut into my love life. I'm just happy that Shannon my girlfriend, understands.

As I walk up to her house I notice her mail box is flooding with mail. I go and collect her mail and head inside her house with the spare key she gave me.

Once I'm inside I take off my shoes and put the mail on the coffee table and go to her room. I knock softly in case she is asleep. "Baby?" I ask when I walk in. "Hmm." I hear her say in response. I smile to myself and go over to her. "Hey hows my birthday girl?" I ask and I lay next to her pulling her into my chest. As I'm doing so I feel her slightly shaking and she is really warm. As a doctor I want to figure out what's wrong with her but as her boyfriend I want to hold her.

I was pulled out of my mental war when I heard her sneeze. Its the cutest little thing ever. But I let my doctor take over. "Hey baby I'm gonna take your temperature ok." I say as I sit up. She then grabs my arm. "No Nicky stay." She says with a pout. I sigh. "Baby let me check your temp first then we can cuddle all you want." I say as I get the thermometer.

I swipe it on her head and it beeps. '102.1' I sigh. "My poor baby your temperature is really high." I says with a sad voice as she snuggles into her blankets. "Baby how about I take you to the hospital so we can get this all figured out yah?" I ask knowing its gonna be a lost cause. You see Shannon has had a great fear of hospitals and doctors since ahe could remember in fact its a miracle that we have our relationship still going even after she found out I was a doctor. "No!" She shouts with yer hoarse voice with tears in her eyes. I sigh. "Fine I'll make a deal with you if you take your medicine and if and only if it takes effect I wont take you in. But if it doesn't work and you get worse then I'm taking you in no argument." I say sternly but not to stern so I won't make her cry.

I give her her cold medicine and hold her as she snuggles into my chest. While we are snuggling I hear my poor baby cough. And to say I was worried would be an understatement. Her cough sounded very dry with mucus and that set an alarm in my head. Her nose was getting stuffier and she would wince every time she moved. In that back of my head I was thinking pneumonia. I really hope I'm wrong.

(Shannon's P.O.V)

My head was pounding I know I have gotten worse. I just didn't want to tell Nick because I know he would take me to the hospital. And I don't want to have to spend the rest of my birthday there. It was currently 9:00 at night. I look over and see Nick who is fast asleep. I sigh. But as I inhale to let it back out again my chest shoots up in pain. My whole body is sweating and it feels as if I had just ran a marathon.

I'm fed up with this feeling I want it to stop. "Nick." I cry cause the pain in my chest and head gets worse. I see his eyes open and he shoots up.

(Nick's P.O.V)

I heard my name come from Shannon it almost sounded like a cry for help. I open my eyes and as soon as I do I swear I saw a ghost but as my vision got clearer I saw that it was just my girlfriend. She was crying. So I shot up. "Baby what's wrong what hurts?" I ask as a worried boyfriend and doctor. " chest... Nicky help" She breaks down crying. I sigh. "Alright we are going to the hospital to get you better. I promise I won't leave your side." I say as I put the hairs off her forehead. "O...ok..." I smile and walk out to my car with her in my arms.

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