pass out (Shane)

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(Shane's P.O.V)

I woke up this morning feeling like shit. My head hurt and my nose is stuffy. But will I be like most kids and tell my guardian in this case my uncle. Most certainly not. As much as I love him he scares the shit out of me. Oh im sorry let me go into a bit more detail... I'm living with my uncle because my mom and baby brother died the day of his birth on the OR table. And my dad... Well.... I never knew him. Anyways... I walked downstairs and go into the kitchen. "Morning bud." My uncle Don says placing a plate of pancakes in front of me. "Morning." I say and take a small sip of my juice. "Hey you ok? You look rather pale?" Don says in a almost questionable tone. "Yah I'm fine I'm just heavily sleep deprived." I say trying to get off the matter. "Are you sure? I am not no doctor but I can most certainly tell when my nephew is sick." He says placing a hand on my head. "I said I'm fine!" I shout and leave the table and go to my room and finish getting ready for school. "Your not going to school today you have a fever!" He shouts up. "Watch me!" I shout down.

After I got ready and got everything together I head downstairs. On my way down I feel slightly faint. Oh well I didn't eat breakfast that's probably the reason why. "And where do you think your going young man?" Don says. "I'm going to school." I say back. He sighs and grabs my backpack and takes it off me before dragging me back to bed.

He puts me in bed and I pout. "Aww your cute when you pout." He says and takes my shoes off. "I'll call out and make soup." Don says and leaves the room. After he leaves I decide I better fall for the caring and take this time to my advantage and get some sleep.

A few hours later and I wake up to find a bowl of soup on my bed side table and a glass of water. I look at the time and I see that its 12 at night. I'm not feeling any better intact I'm feeling worse. I get up to go use the bathroom but on my way there the last thing I remember was passing out.

I woke up to the sound of beeping and someone placing cold metal to my chest. I look up to a nurse smiling at me while checking my heart beat. "Sounds good. I'll go tell the doctor you awake now." She says and leaves. I look around and see Don in the chair looking worriedly at me. "How are you feeling bud?" He asks. "I-i feel-l l-like I been h-hit by a bus." I say stuttering like crazy. He nods. Then suddenly there is a knock at the door and a doctor appears. "Well it looks like you are awake. Hi I'm Dr.Stork." the man says. I nod and look at Don. "So it looks like he only suffered a very small shake to the head but he doesn't have a concussion and there are no signs of brain bleeds or anything of the sort." The doctor says. "So then what caused him to pass out?" My uncle asks. "Well he had a bad case of the flu and that came in a package deal with an ear infection. So I'll prescribe medications for him to take and he should be well in a 2 week time frame. Make sure he stays hydrated and we'll rested." The doctor says and leaves.

That day me and Don went home. On our way home don picked up a few cases of spring water, more stuff for soup, and my medications. And with the medications and all of my uncles love and care I became back to normal. I honestly wouldn't know what to do without him he is truly the greatest.

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