Mental (Hannah×5sos)

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WARNING: This request might be triggering to some. Please if anything about mental Institution, abandonment or schizophrenia triggers anything for you please don't read. Also I have no experience in this sort of thing so apologies ahead of time for all the misunderstood assumptions.

You have been warned!

Request for hd1997

(Hannah's P.O.V)

Voices.... Many fucking voices. Loneliness.... Anger.... Emotions.... Its all a constant loop. Being sold like a slave and salvaged into parts like a robot. All by the ones you loved and trusted. Sadness of loneliness and most of the time you just wanna curl up and cry. Things done by me but aren't always me yet I have to take the blame. It pisses me the fuck off. I lay in an all white room with tubes, needles and wires sticking out of my damn body. I want to just curl up and cry and pray that this is all a bad dream but it isn't and there is no leaving this constant nightmare. I tried many times but it all comes down to me being put back in this position. Life isn't fair. Why would anyone want to be put here. No why is anyone put here. This isn't fair! This Isn't Fair! "THIS ISN'T FAIR!!!" Shaking and tugging but getting nowhere. Constant yelling and hands on touching. "Shut her up already!" My doctor. Doctor Ashton Irwin. "WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME! WHY CAN'T YOU JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!!" I scream off the top of my lungs feeling the restraints the nurses are putting on hold down my arms and legs. "Because you have no say in this situation here darling." He says and injects me with yet again another sedative.

*A year earlier*

(Luke's P.O.V)

"Just take her off my hands. Why the hell should I care for her any longer? I'm going broke just because I have to care for her. I can't even take care of my own self when she's around!" I shout to my best mate Ashton. My sister Hannah has had schizophrenia since she was 11. Shes currently 19 and it has gotten bad, so bad to the point where I am sending her to a mental institution. I run the place so I know how things go down in there. And plus it would be a safer option to put her in a mental institution. She'll constantly be watched and given the right treatment. "Are you sure Luke? You know its tough there. And you have been with your little sister since birth. Do you want to just give her up like that?" I look at Ash with a straight face. "Did I stutter." I say with a cold hearted tone. "No sir." He says and then looks towards the medics who are specially trained in mental patients to transfer them to and from places. "LET ME GO!" I hear Hannah yell as the restrain her to the gurney. "LUKE HELP ME!" She screams off the top of ger lungs. I ignore her and look towards Ashton. "Hurry and get her out of here I have work to do." I say in the same cold tone walking away. Ashton nods and walks over to Hannah and injects her with a sedative knocking her completly. "Get ger out." Ashton shouts to the medics as they leave the house.

*present time*

"Well I see you still haven't been able to control her Ash." I say as I walk into the room where they currently hold my sister. "Shes gotten weaker yet stronger at rhe same time I swear its those Hemmings genes." He says back sighing from the event prior. "How is her condition?" I ask. Now don't get me wrong my sister may be too much to handle but that doesn't mean I don't care. I have been worried about her health mentally and physically because after all she is still my little sister. "Well she ripped out her feeding tube and ivs, she is becoming severely malnourished and dehydrated, and she refuses to eat anything. Hell I can't even remember the last time I saw her sleep on her own without being sedated." He says making me sigh. "Alright well finish up your tests and get her back in her room. And don't tell her I was here." I say and walk out.

(Hannah's P.O.V)

I woke up in an all white and padded room with my back against something soft unlike the cold hard testing bed I was previously on. What even did happen? I sit up slowly and look around. I notice I have a feeding tube down my throat and a few ivs connected in bot my arms. I see bruises and bandages from restraints on my wrists. I jump at the sudden noise of the speaker leading in my room. On the other side its my nurse Calum. I actually like Calum he is the only one that gets me and understands my pain. We talk a lot and he is the I my one who has ever seen me smile. "Hey sweets I brought in a food bag." He says pushing a trolley of medicine and food bags around. "W-what fl-flavour?" I ask. "I don't know.... Banana?" He says giving me a playful smirk. I smile at his childishness as he comes over with the bag. "Alrighty you knkw the drill and this time no pulling it out." He says sternly attaching the bag to my tube. "I-i wont." I say staring him in the eyes. My eyes start to fill with tears. "I-i c-cant control it. I-it h-happens on its own." I start crying. I feel Calum rubbing my back and hug me. "I knkw sweets I know. I know how hard it is to not be able to control certain emotions but you have to try." He says to me. "I do try!" I sob in his chest. "I k kw princess but you have to try harder. The harder you try the quicker you can get better and leave this shit hole." He says rocking me back and forth pressing my head to his chest. "Relax and breathe dear." He says calmly. I nod and relax my body for the first time in a while and I breathe. "Thats it good girl." He praises. I smile and yawn. "Get some sleep princess I have to deliver to other patients I'll be back to check on you soon." He says and leaves. I sigh and lay back down getting as comfy as I could get. My eyes start to droop more heavily and heavily. Eventually I fall asleep into a dreamless dark abyss.




Sorry for the long wait I hope you enjoyed this. 💕

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