Drowning (Bondi Lifeguards)

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(Tommy's P.O.V)

"Maxi wake up mate!" I say smacking his door as I walk by. We have to leave for work in an hour and he isn't even up.

I head to the kitchen after turning on the news to see the weather for today. "Breaking news! Just three days ago Orphan Ashley Miller a 12 year old girl ran from the orphanage. If you see her pl..." The sound of the tv fades out when Maxi comes jogging into the kitchen. "Hm another run away?" Maxi says referring to the tv while getting an apple. "Yah. Poor things. They probably had it with these orphanages." I say shutting off the tv and and grabbing my bag. "Ready Max?" I say. He nods and we head out the door. It's supposed to be nice today meaning it's gonna be a busy day at the beach.

(Third person P.O.V)

A tiny 12 year old girl that could fool you to thinking she's 7 walks around the street. A mask covers the lower half of her face. Her thin soft black hair neatly braided into two pleats. She wears a short flowy dress with tan sandals.

The small girl walks down the street towards the fresh beach breeze. It's still slightly dark outside by it only being 5 in the morning. The wind is cool and the the sunrise is beautiful. All the different hues in the sky. That's the girls favorite part of the day. Watching the sunset and sun rise.

She gets to the entrance to the beach. See only a few people there. Most of them are asleep. The girl takes her sandals off and slowly walks onto the sand. Loving the feel of sand in her toes and the fresh ocean breeze. She smiles.

She starts heading towards the water. She takes off her mask and starts to walk the length of the water.

(Tommy's P.O.V)

Me and Maxi park our bikes and start walking to the changing rooms. Maxi takes a look at the beach, but something seems to have caught his eye. But he shakes his head and starts walking. "Looks like we got some people to wake up." He says. I laugh lightly. "Yah." I say and walk into the building.

"There he is!" Harry says running over to me and pulling me into a bro hug. "Where partners today!" He says happy. His bright white teeth blinding me. "Give him some time he didn't have coffee this morning." Maxi says walking in laughing. "Max your with me today." Deno says walking in with the reports binder. The report binder is just a way for us to write down every rescue and calls we make during our shift. "Alright see you later then Tom." Maxi says getting his walkie and heading to the buggy.

Me and Harry are going around waking up all the sleeping people on the beach. There aren't many but still.

As we walk around I see a girl sitting by the waters edge. She looks young. "Hey Harry I'm gonna go talk to that girl right there." I say. Harry nods and helps the guy that we just woke up.

I walk towards the girl. "Hey sweet heart." I say nearing her. I can see her body stiffen. She then gets up and runs off. "Hey wait!" I say. But I just let her go. I sigh. Then the buggy with a laughing Harry pulls next to me. "Damn you can't even get a child Tommy." He laughs. "Oh shut it." I laugh as I hop in the buggy.

(Third person P.O.V)

The small girl runs. As the fear of being caught fills her head. "I can't be caught. I can't." She says to herself as she runs as fast as she can off the sand.

She takes shelter in a small shop that just opened. She has her mask on so no one knows who she really is. She walks up to the store clerk. "Excuse me can I have a toasted bagel with strawberry cream cheese please." She asks. The store clerk smiles. "That'll be $6 please." She says. The girl nods and hand her a ten dollar bill getting change in return. "Your bagel will be a minute." She says and puts the bagel in the oven. The girl nods and goes to take a seat.

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