Saved (Bondi Lifeguards)

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(Savannah P.O.V)

"Honey be careful in the water!" My mum shouts from the shore. I nod and continue to head in. You see it's my birthday and my one wish was to go to Bondi beach in Australia. It's been my one and only wish for a long time. But my mum is always too busy and my dad is away on a business trip. But for my birthday they surprised me with a trip to Bondi.

I head over to the area just outside the red and yellow flags where the surfers are with my board. I have been a surfer for a few years now. Being that I'm only 12 and started when I was 6. Lucky for me we have beaches back where I live but none compare to the surf at Bondi.

As I was about to catch a wave I notice a young girl near by screaming. "Help! Help!" I hear. I wanted to go and help her but I just froze. But luckily I saw a lifeguard going to get her. "Thank god for lifeguards." I say as I get splashed with a wave.

I paddle back out to catch my last wave before we head on home. This is a knarly wave. I stand up on my board and I start surfing the wave. But my leg gave out. A massive cramp sores through my entire leg and I fall mid wave. As I fall I feel pain from my board slamming into my side arouse. My head gets pushed under by the surf. I try to swim back up to the surface but I can't. Waves keep crashing into me. I can't even keep my head up long enough for me to breathe. Is this it? I ask as I start to feel my body weaken. I start making a ladder climbing motion as my last resort. At this point I have swallowed at least a few liters of water.

Just as I was about to give up hope I see a blue board with a lifeguard paddling out. That was the last thing I remember before everything went black.

(Harry's P.O.V)

Me and Choppo were patrolling the south end of the beach today. It's a very nice day. It's warm on land and the water is perfect to cool off in. Which is our main concern as lifeguards because not everyone swims between the red and yellow flags where they should. As I was watching the water I noticed a young girl surfing. She's got moves. "Hey chop look at that kid." I say pointing to the girl doing skips with her board. "Wow she looks young. I reckon 10 or 11." He says. I laugh. "Nah mate has to be older if shes ripping it in style." We joke around with each other cracking more jokes as we patrol.

Just then I look over and I watch as the girl is surfing a huge wave. I watch in concern. "I have a bad feeling bout this." I say to Chop who is just as concerned. I watch as the wave crashes her down. I jump into action. "Chop radio the tower!" I shout as I throw my board into the water and start paddling.

It feels like forever until I got to the girl. Just as I got to her I see that she has become unconscious. I grab her and lay her on my board while I signal to the tower that I have pulled an unconscious victim. "Common love." I say as I check her pulse and air ways.

I quickly get her situated on the board and paddle back in. As soon as we are in I grab the girl and lay her on her side on the sand to try and drain any water she might have inhaled. "Mate I need the oxy!" I shout to Choppo who is driving over in the buggy. "Yah here." He says grabbing the yellow oxy bag from the medical bag. I place it over the young girls nose and mouth as I start to deliver Oxygen into her system. "I got a pulse but its a weak one." Choppo says. As we see another buggy rushing down. At closer look I see it's Deno and Terry along with one frantic lady. "This here is her mum. She says her daughter's name is Savannah and that she's 12." Deno says as the lot comes over and assists us. "Ambo has been called." Terry says assisting us with the back board. "We don't wanna take any risk when it comes to spinal injury so we are putting her on a board."  I tell the mum. "Please let nothing happen to my baby!" She says sobbing. I feel nothing but empathy. If this was my son I would be sick out of my mind. "Alright let's lift her on three. 1... 2... 3!" I say as we lift her and get her on the buggy. "We are going up to the tower. An ambulance had been called." We say to the mother.

We get to the tower just as the ambo pulls up. I see the girl move her hand just the slightest bit which makes me jump up. "Hello Savannah darling can you hear me?" I say rubbing her sternum. She coughs up some water which we quickly move the oxy mask so she could. "Savannah can you hear us love?" I ask. She tries to nod but the c collar makes it hard. "Can you tell us where your at?" I ask. "Bondi." She says in quiet tone. "Good girl. And do you know what day it is?" I ask. I'm asking questions as the paramedics come over to take her to the hospital. "Friday." She says. I nod. "Good girl. Your doing fantastic. The ambulance is gonna take you to the hospital and your mum is gonna go with you alright?" I say. She tries to nod making me smile.

The paramedics take her away to the hospital where she'll be further evaluated.

As we are packing up for the day I see a board wash up on shore. I see that it's the girls board. It's all busted up and broken. I pick it up and bring it over to the tower. "Hey Harry nice rescue today mate." Deno says. "Yah. It was a tough one." I say sighing and putting the broken board bits to the corner. "Yah but you did good. I mean she's alive cause you got to her and the hospital said she hasn't got a spinal injury. Just a mild concussion and a few broken ribs from the impact." Deno says. "Well it most certainly could've been worse." I say closing the door and locking it.

The next morning was my day off. I heard from Hippo that the girl is still in hospital for observation. I took it upon myself to go to the surf store and get her a little get well gift.

I walk out of the shop and make my way to the hospital with a board on the top of my car.

"Hello. I'm here to see Savannah Mitchell." I say to the lady at the front desk. "Yes. Are you here for a visit?" She asks. I nod. "Yes the mum knows about me coming." I say. She nods. "Yes she informed us." She says in reply.

I get all my documentation delt with and get a visitors badge. I go to her room and I knock. "Hello!" I say walking in seeing all happy faces. Savannah's face is the brightest in the whole room. "Woah! I think I need my sunnies there's a bright aura!" I joke making her and her mum laugh.

After a few more good jokes we get to talking. "Thank you so much. You and the other lifeguards who saved my baby girls life. Thank you." The mum says hugging me. "It's my pleasure miss." I say returning the hug. "So was I really that good out on the wave?" Savannah asks. I nod. "You we're shredding it. You could even beat me in surfing you were so good!" I say. She smiles brightly. "But my board is probably toast. I heard it snap and crackle whenever the waves hit it." She says. I nod. "Yah the board washed up yesterday after pack up. It's in the lifeguard tower at the moment if you wanted to come get it." I say. They both nod.

Later she was released from hospital and was told to take it easy. "Meet me at the beach I have something for you." I tell the girl as we part on the car park. She nods as her and her mum get in the car.

Later that day at the beach I see her mums car pull up. Me and the other lifeguards who assisted in her rescue were all there. We wrapped her board up in pretty wrapping paper and put a bow on it.

She gets out of the car and hugs us all. Her and her mum explained what happened and what not. "Okay so out of appreciation of us lifeguards here at Bondi beach. We got you a little something to make up for your lost board." I say as we move out the way revealing a wrapped surfboard. Her eyes widen as she rushes over and tears the paper apart. "Omg! It's a new board!" Savannah says with a huge smile. "OMG! OMG! Thank you! Thank you!" She exclaims. "Your very welcome love." I say. She hugs us all again.

Moments like these are what makes me glad I'm a lifeguard.

Hope you enjoy! Sorry for the slow updates. I have been super duper busy. And it's currently 4am while I'm writing this lol. Anyways stay happy and healthy. And lmk if you watch Bondi Rescue and who's your favorite Lifeguard! Mine has to be between Maxi, Harry and Deno! Bye for now!

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