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Request for ashleycasey5776

My name is Y/n I'm 16. I live with my mom Bella and my father Aaron. Ever since I could remember I was always bullied. I just never really Showed how I truly felt about it. Until recently when my mom walked in on me crying about it. Sadly my mom and dad are super over protective and thinks I'm gonna harm myself. So I'm being forced to come see a therapist. Sadly though my mother had to go to work leaving me in the waiting room all alone.

The longer the wait the higher my anxiety gets. I feel tears form in my eyes as I hear the clock in the waiting room tick. "Y/n." I hear someone call. I can't move I can't even get up my body is shaking tears are silently making their way down my face. "Hey hey sweetie what's wrong?" A voice asks as a gentle hand was placed on my lap. "Here drink this." He says handing me a cup of water. "Th-thank you." I says shakingly taking the cup and drinking the water. I start to feel a little bit calmer as I take a few deep breaths. "Good job. Now how about you come with me and we can have a chat." I nod still not looking up. "Alright come on then." He says. I nod and stand up with his help. "I'm doctor Irwin. But you can call me Ash." He says. 'that name is so familiar' I say to myself.

We arrive at his room. It's filled rainbows and stuffed animals. It doesn't look like the average therapist office. "We'll come on in and make yourself comfortable." He says. I nod and take a seat on one of the bean bag chairs. "So I know why your here but let's start off easy. What's your name?" He asks. "M-my name is Y/n l/n." I say. He nods. "nice to meet you y/n." He says. I look up and see he looks very familiar. "Wait a minute... Do I know you from somewhere?" I ask. He smiles and nods. "Do you know the band 5Sos?" He asks. I nod. "Wait your Ashton Irwin!" I say excitedly. "Yes you are correct." He says with a slight laugh. "woah." I say eyes widen. "How did you end up here?" I ask. He smiles and looks at me. "I was gonna ask the same thing to you love." My smile drops. "I was forced to come here by my mom." I say. His face goes from a smile to a concerned face. "Why do you think she would want you here?" He asks. I sigh. "She saw me crying in my room." I say looking towards the window. "Ahh I see. But why would anyone wanna buy a sweet girl?" He asks. I shrug my shoulders. "I'm used to it." I say. "That isn't okay dear. You need to talk to someone to tell them how you feel. If someone is bullying you need to tell the teacher." He says. "I know but then I would be told I'm a wuss or something." I say sadly. "You won't be a wuss. It would make you strong." He says. I nod my heart constantly pounding against my chest. "Hey don't get nervous. It's okay to seek out help." He says. I nod.

After talking with Ash for about 30 minutes out time together starts to run out. "well our time is almost up." He says with a sigh. 'wait you still haven't told me why you work here now." I say. "Well after me and the boys got up to age we began to want to go our separate ways. We ended up getting degrees in separate things. I still keep in touch with the others." He says causing me to nod. "Woah." I say. "Alright well your mother is probably waiting for you." He says. "Your right." I smile and stand up. "I'll see you next week y/n." He says. "See ya Ash!" I say and wave.

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