Cold season (Emily)

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Hi my name is Emily and I'm 16 years old. My dad is a doctor and my mom is an attorney. I don't get to see them much because of their work but I seem to manage. In fact all the time I spend without my parents I'm usually spending with my boyfriend. His name is Johnson. He wants to be a doctor just like my dad which I find weird especially whenever he sees my dad. They always talk about weird medical terms and what not. And to make it worse is I don't really like doctors but I don't misbehave cause I know they wont dare harm the daughter of their boss. But I don't really worry about it because I'm never sick and I rarely get seriously hurt.

It's sad that we are expecting a long winter. In fact its been getting pretty cold out. "Emily dear don't forget your coat its really cold out today." My mom says from the kitchen where shes making her coffee to go to work. "Don't worry mom I didn't forget." I say back as I get my coat on. "I'm actually on my way out now Ems do you want a ride to school?" My dad asks. "Sure thanks dad." I say and walk out the door that he's holding.

*skip school day*

The last bell of the day finally rang. I pack up my bag. I'm a little upset that I didn't see Johnson today. I wonder if hes okay.

I walk out the school building just as it starts. The first snow fall of the season. "Great." I say to myself as I sighs and start walking towards my home. As I'm walking I get a phone call from my dad.

D- dad E-Emily

E- Hey dad what's up?

D- Hey baby I'm gonna be working a little later today. Make sure your coat is zipped up all the way and when you get home take a warm shower to regulate your temperature so you don't get sick okay?

E- Yes dad. I'm on my way home now. I love you.

D- I love you too peanut.

With that I hung up the call and continued to walk home.

*skip rest of walk home*

I hang up my coat and take off my shoes. "I hate how quiet it is in here." I sigh and rush into the shower.

I get warm pjs on and cuddle up on the couch turning on Netflix.

*4 hours passed*

I was in the middle of the third movie in the Twilight series when I started to get a massive head ache. I'm not usually good with pain so like wise I started to tear up as I stood to go look for pain killers. I walk around the house tears trickling down my cheeks. "Where the hell are they?" I ask myself aloud.

After what feels like forever I see the bottle of pain meds on my parents dresser. I grab it just to find it empty. "Are you kidding me?!" I start crying more as my head ache gets more intense. "Where is my phone?" I ask myself as I walk to the living room. I grab my phone and dial my dad's number. "Daddy!" I sob as I hear the other end connect. But the voice that comes through is not my dads voice but its Johnson's voice.

J- Johnson E-Emily

J- Ems whats wrong baby? What happened?

E- m-my head hurts sooooo bad a-and we are all out of pain meds😭

J- oh babe your dad is in a meeting right now I'll let him know when he gets out but for now try and take a nap.

E- okay *sniffles*

J- I love you

E- I love you too

With that we hung up and I laid on the couch. A few minutes later and I cried myself to sleep.

I woke up to the feeling of someone shaking me. "Hey princess can you open your eyes for me?" I hear my dad say. "Daddy?" I ask. "Yes princess daddy's here. And I brought home medicine for your head ache. Can you sit up for me?" I nod slightly and try to sit up but it hurts my head so much I start to cry again. "Shh shh its okay sweetie. Johnson can you turn off the light." I look around the room to see my boyfriend turning off the light. "Its off now." He says. "Alrighty now Ems can you sit up now sweetie?" I nod and start sitting up again this time with the help of my dad and my boyfriend.

"Here sweetie take these now." My dad says handing me meds and a water bottle. "Thank you dad." I say and take the medicine. "Your welcome sweetheart." He says calmly playing with my hair. While he's playing with my hair his face goes from concerned and soft to concerned and serious. "Johnson go get me the thermometer out of my med bag please." He says to Johnson. "Daddy what's wrong with me?" I asked. "I don't know yet. But don't worry we will get to the bottom of it soon." He says with a reassuring smile. "Here sir." Johnson says. "Thank you." And with that my dad checked my temperature. "Its really high." Is all he said before he gave Johnson a look. "John stay with her while I go get somethings out of my med bag." Johnson nods and comes over to me and smiles. "Hey babe how are you feeling?" He asks in attempt to make small talk. "I feel like I was just crushed by an elephant." I say with a small smile as he hugs me. "I love you." He says to me making my cheeks light up a rosy shade of pink. "I love you too." I say back. "Alright you two love birds, Emily I know you wont like this sweety but you do need a shot. And an IV to keep you hydrated because upon further observation and inspection you have the nasty case of the flu." With that said my eyes shoot open almost falling out of my head filling with tears. "N-no d-daddy please no! You know I don't like needles please!" I start full on sobbing causing my head ache to come back. "Princess I know your scared but you have to remember I wouldn't do it unless it was 100% necessary fir your health. I'm sorry sugar." My dad says coming over and hugging me. "John wanna give her some cuddles while I do this?" My dad asks. I see Johny nod and cuddles me close to his chest. "N-no please!" I sob. "Shh baby it's okay I'm here it'll only hurt a small bit not much." Johnson says holding me close. "Ok Ems on 3 okay?" I nod slightly holding onto Johny. "1... 2... 3." My dad says and injects the shot. I whimper and start to tear up. "Owie!" I start sobbing. "Hey hey princess it's almost over we just need to do the IV and it'll be all done I promise." My dad say making me cry more trying to get out of my boyfriends grip. "No baby this IV will help you." His grip tightens and I cry harder. "Princess breathe and relax please." My dad says. I try to control my breathing and eventually I am able to breathe normally. "Good girl small scratch." My dad says. He quickly puts the needle into my hand and tapes it down. "Good job princess good job. You'll be feeling better soon." I smile. "Thank you daddy. And Johny." They smile and hug me. "Your welcome." They both say. "Now get some rest. The medicine will make you a bit sleepy." My dad says. "But first I have a question why was Johny with you and not in school?" I ask half asleep. "He was apart of a shadowing program for high school students and I had requested him to tag along with me. So now that your question was answered you should sleep now." My dad says planting a kiss on my forehead. "Okay daddy. Night Johny." They both smile and leave me to nap. I love my family.

Within the next two week I was almost 100% back to normal with the help and comfort of my loving father, mother, and boyfriend. I am one lucky girl to have them here.

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