Blood Work (Liz×1D)

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"Come on now Liz we haven't gotten all day. If you want a ride to the clinic then I suggest you hurry on up." My oldest brother Harry states as he rushes around the house getting ready to go. "Ill be out in just a second Haz I need to find my earbuds." I say back to him.

After I found my earbuds I went out of the house and into Harry's car where he was waiting. "The lads are already at the clinic Louis has been there all night so he'll take you home after your blood work ya." He says. I him in agreement and put my earbuds in.

We arrive at the parking lot to the clinic and we get out. "Kay Liz you know what floor your going to?" Harry asks me. I nod. "Yes Hazz this wouldn't be the first time I'm getting blood work done." I say back. He smiles and hugs me. "Well I'll be off then. Don't forget your appointment is at 12:45 and it is currently 12:20." He says I nod as we start walking into the building. "Oh and when your done if Louis isn't there just ring him up. If he isn't in surgery I'm sure he'll answer." Harry says. "Yes Hazz I know. Like I said not the first time." He smiles and hugs me. "Well I'm off see you later tonight." He says and kisses the top of my forehead. I smile and walk to my destination.

I get to the lab where they draw blood and such and I sign myself in. I was never scared of this sort of thing. Honestly living in a house with 5 doctors really helps ease the nerves. I sit in the waiting room after checking myself in. There aren't many people here. I put one earbud in and listen to music while I wait.

Thirty minutes gone by and I'm still waiting in the waiting room. "Honestly this is ridiculous. Why do I even bother showing up to work." I hear a nurse say. She sounds lovely... Note sarcasm. "Elizabeth Styles." She says. I cringe at my first name being said. I stand and follow her to a room. "Sit on the bed so we can get this over with." She says in a semi rude tone. Just as I was sitting down my brother Louis happened to walk in. "Hey Lou." I say with a smile. He is still in his navy blue scrubs with his stethoscope around his neck. "Hey sis. Got off a little earlier so I decided not to miss out on the fun." He says sitting in the chair next to the cot. I smile while the nurse ties the band around my arm. She gets the needle and with no warning she sticks it in my arm. But what doesn't sit well with me is the fact that it hurts like a bitch and BLOOD IS SQUIRTING OUT MY ARM! "What the fuck!" I shout scared. "Shit I didn't mean to do that." The nurse says. "Move aside." My brother Louis says sternly to the nurse. "But doctor I-" she gets cut off. "I clearly said move aside. Go get me a suture kit and gauze. Make it fast." He demands while applying pressure to my wound. I'm on tears and crying. "Hey hey Liz I won't let anything happen to you. You have to trust me love." He says I'm a caring tone. The tears that are constantly streaming down my face not stopping. "Here doctor." The nurse says passing Louis the stuff. I see another needle and I freak. "No no more please!" I shout scared. "Page the other Styles boys tell them to get to the lab and nurse you are dismissed and don't stop and think for one second that I won't report you to the chief." Louis says sternly kinda scaring me. He looks up to me "Hey Liz I know it's scary what just happened but remember it's me your big brother loubear I won't let anything happen to you." He says. Just then Liam, Niall, and Zayn walk in through the doors. "We were paged here and came instantly. What's wrong?" Liam asks. "Nurse over there had a bad day and blew Liz's vein I need to stitch it up but she now kinda doesn't like the sight of pointy objects at the moment." Louis says. Niall's face fills with empathy. "Aww Lizzy." He says coming over and hugging me while the other boys talk in secret. "Okay Lizzy here is how this is gonna go down. Niall is gonna hold you whole I fix you up and then we can go out for icecream and you can get any flavor of icecream." Zayn says. I shake my head. "No!" I shout starting to feel a bit light headed. "Hey hey calm down love. Lou go get a liter of O neg and Li help me keep her calm." Niall says. "Pl-please Nini no needles please no more." I sob. "Relax Liz your in a room with only your brothers no one else we won't hurt you." Liam says. "you might not but those tools will!" I shout. "Hey hey. Lizzy I heard what happened love are you alright baby sis?" Harry asks walking over to the cot that I'm currently sitting on. "Hazza d-dont let them h-hurt me again." I sob. The pain in my arm becoming more and more unbearable and my light headedness getting worse. "Heya lads she's looking a bit pale." Niall says. "Ya I can see that Ni. We need to hurry up and get this stitched." Harry says seriously. "Listen to me Liz we have no other option here. We need to stitch you up and give you some blood and fluids. You'll be fine trust me." Harry says. "Hey Liz wanna know something funny?" Liam asks. I look over to him on the other side of the room as he talks. He goes into deep details about the day mom and dad brought me home from the hospital. And how much him and Hazza flight over me all the time. In the middle of Liam talking I realized I couldn't feel my arm anymore and that it wasn't bleeding. I look at it and see that Hazza is wrapping what looks to be like a gauze ace bandage wrap on it. While in my hand there is blood flowing into me. My eyes widen. "See I told you it wouldn't hurt." Hazza says while Lou chuckles at my facial reaction. "Don't worry Liz I wasn't the one who did the stitches. So there will be no scaring." Lou says in a joking manner. I giggles slightly and yawn. "You can rest here Liz well wake you up when it's time to go home." Zayn says. I nod and curl up in Niall's lap. All the boys come around and starts singing. I smile and drift into a peaceful sleep. I love my brothers ever so much. And I am happy that they always have my back even through tough times.

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