Car Accident (from the responders POV)

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⚠️This imagine is a made up scenario in a made up place and made up people! Obviously it's not going to be accurate! But please do enjoy!⚠️

"Beeeeeee beeeeeeeeeppppp!" Goes the sound of my pager at 4 am. "Yorkshire monitors, Yorkshire EMS respond to county highway 29 mile marker 30 for a 3 car MVA with personal injury.... Repeat for Yorkshire monitors and Yorkshire EMS responding to county highway 29 mile marker 30 for a 3 car MVA..... Holster monitors 1 engine, Holster EMS mutual aid to Yorkshire....... Forks EMS mutual aid for Yorkshire for a 3 car MVA with personal injury." The pager tones. "Son of a b****!" I shout as I jump out of my comfy bed and run around my room like a headless chicken finding pants to throw on. "Babe we got a three car MVA wake the hell up!" I shout to my husband who was still sound asleep. "Okay okay." He says groaning as he gets up.

Me and my husband are volunteer firefighters at our local department here in Yorkshire. I'm squad captain Darci Baker and my husband is captain Kevin Baker. We were high school lovers who joined the fire department together. I'm a full time paramedic and my husband is a full time teacher, but when we are on our off hours we respond to calls with our department.

"Dice two cars or one?" Kevin asks. He usually goes to the scene in his pick up truck to do a quick size up and relay back to the crew on what we got. "Take two, I'm taking the bus out." I say as we head out to the drive way. We get our cars up and running and we're out.

I get to the station where I have one other EMT and the fire guys are scrambling to get their turnout gear on. "Darci is Kev heading to scene?" My EMT partner asks. "Yah he's heading to scene we should be hearing from him shortly. We're going 2 man crew on the ambulance." I say to my partner, Rick, which he agrees on. "Darci! We have a full crew on engine do you need a driver?" Lt. Barnes asks. "No sir we are good!" I shout back hopping into the ambulance passenger seat. "Yorkshire command 1202 to fire control." I hear over the radio,

"Yorkshire command go ahead."

"We have three cars blocking the two lanes and traffic is starting to pile up, can you get state DOT and police down here to control traffic? Further evaluation is in progress." I hear my husband's voice over the radio.

"Copy state DOT is enroute and state police are heading past mile marker 20 as we speak." Dispatch relays to Kevin.

"Alright let's get going." Rick says as he starts to pull out of the station after the engine. "Engine 125 in route." I hear the captain on the engine say. I pick up the radio in the ambulance getting ready to call us in route. "Ambulance 128 same traffic." I call in. "Engine 125 and Ambulance 128 enroute 4:20." And with that were off lights and sirens.

I prepare myself by getting my PPE ready which would be a hand full of gloves and throwing a mask in my pocket. "Darci we're going to park 100ft up wind who knows what's coming out of the vehicles." My partner Rick says. "Okay, we have Holster and Forks coming." I say back watching my partner nod in response.

We arrive on scene to see three cars lined up the middle car has the most amount of damage being squished in between the front and back car. As my partner drives by to where we will be stationed I try to see what we are in for. I can't really get a good look so I'll have to look when we get closer. "Medic 3 arriving on scene, where do you want me stationed?" The counties fly car asks over the radio. "Medic 3 post by 128, all incoming medical units post near 128 and block that end of the road. We have state police redirecting traffic." Kevin says over the radio. "Copy." I replied back.

"Alright Im going to go up and see where we stand stay here, I'll radio back when I need you." I say to my partner. He nods, I get out of the ambulance and make my way to the scene of the accident. "Darci we have 2 patients in the front car and are responsive. Middle car is a mom and baby. Last car the driver is DOA and passenger is unconscious." I'm updated by my chief who is now on scene. I nod and head over to the cars and start triage. "Hey dear can you tell me what happened?" I asked to the mom of the vehicle in the middle. As I talk to mom I don't hear the baby cry which is a bad sign. "I.... I don't know! My baby! Where is my baby!" The mom shouts frantically. "Ma'am I need you to calm down. I'm going to check on your baby can you tell me how old your baby is?" I ask as I try to open the side door that isn't too badly damaged. 'Try before you pry', "She's 3 months, we... we were on our way from the hospital... she was sick..." the mom explains having to take breaths in between talking. I see the other ambulance crew heading towards me. "Alright mama I'm looking now, she looks to me asleep. So I need you to stay calm and she'll stay calm." I say to mom as the arriving crew come towards us. "The patients in the last car driver is doa and passenger is unconscious. Unknown on helicopter but we're going to need one." I say to the arriving crew. "Darci you want us with the first car?" The second crew asks. "Yes, take the first car." I say as I reach for my radio.

"Darci to ambulance 128." I say over the radio.

"Ambulance 128." I get in reply.

"Bring the cot and bag, we have a pediatric patient and mom." I say as I situate the babies blanket to keep the neck aligned.

"Copy." My partner says.

Within minutes I had the cot over to the car and a crew of firefighters ready to help extricate our patients. "We get mom out first baby is stable for now." I say as I let my partner stay with the baby and I go to help direct the extraction. "Heads count we move her onto the back board." I say loud enough for everyone to hear.

In one swift motion we get mom onto the backboard and on the cot, while my partner grand the baby car seat and we all make our way to the ambulance. "Start vitals on the baby Ill take moms vitals." I say towards my partner. He nods and does as told.

I turn to mom. "Dear can you tell me your name?" I ask while I start my rapid trauma assessment. "Maranda Turner." She says. I look for DCAP BTLS IC as I palpate down her body. "Okay Maranda tell me if anything starts to hurt." She nods and just as I get to her chest she screams in pain which causes the baby to wake up. "I'm sorry dear I'm sorry." I say as I continue to palpate. I notice she has a deformed femur and her part of her chest is swollen. "Maranda I'm going to connect you to oxygen okay dear?" I say as I connect her to the onboard oxygen.

"Baby seems to be healthy dear, just a bit shaken." My partner says as he finishes his assessment. "Both are stable let transport to general." I say towards my partner. He nods and hops out the back of the ambulance and into the driver seat. "All good back there?" He asks. "Yes sir." I say, and with that we are off.

"Yorkshire general we are coming in with a female patient age 35 and a pediatric patient age 3 months. From a MVA both patients are stable as of now and we'll be arriving in 15 minutes." I state on the radio to the hospital.

I sit back down and start charting and asking Maranda questions. She then suddenly grabs my hand and stares me in the eyes. "Take care of my baby for me please." She says as tears fill her eyes. "Maranda dear we are taking care of both of you. We'll be at the hospital soon hon." I say patting her hand. She starts to cry. I do my best to try and keep her as relaxed as can be given the position she's in. "You don't understand.." she sobs. I give her hand a squeeze as we pull into the bay and the ambulance doors open to reveal my partner. "Triage nurse is inside waiting." He says, I nod and get ready to transport them inside.

Triage nurse Sam comes over to get the chart. "We have two patients for you, Ms.Maranda and her 3 month old baby. Both were in the middle car and apart of an MVA. Both were conscious and alert soon arrival." I state and tell Sam the trendings of their vitals. "Alright thank you Darc, we will have you put mom in room 12 and baby goes with. We have Nicu nurses waiting." He says. I nod and do as told.

After cleaning and restocking the ambulance, I can't help but wonder what she meant by I don't understand. Poor lady has been through a lot.

The next day I'm at the station filling out a the last bit of paperwork when the station phone rings. I answer it only for it to be the hospital we transported the mom and baby to. "Hello this is Darci Baker of the Yorkshire fire and EMS. How can help you?" I say. "Hey Darc it's Sam triage nurse from general." Sam says with almost a sad tone. "Darci the mom you brought in yesterday has unfortunately passed away due to complications during surgery..." Sam says. Tears start to fill my eyes. "Your joking right?" I ask as I take a deep gulp to rid of the ball in my throat. "Unfortunately not. She did say before passing that she wanted to trust her baby to the female medic she had. Hence why I am calling you. After long searches and CPS communications we can't find any other form of family for this baby. And due to multiple people hearing the dying wish of the mother... it's last resort, or the baby gets put into the system..." Sam say's obviously trying not to cry himself.




It's been four years since the incident, the Baker family is currently sitting at their court house to finalize the long awaited adoption process of baby Lillian Maranda Baker. Darci and Kevin were happy to have a family of their own but felt guilty of how the circumstances had to be to get this family.

A few months after the official process was done, Darci found out she was pregnant with her first son.

The Baker family grew. Darci and Kevin were proud parents of a beautiful baby girl Lillian Baker and a handsome son Brian Baker. Together the family will conquer whatever comes their way.

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