A fall at the park (Nia)

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(Nia P.O.V)

"Nia love lets go out today and wait for daddy." My mommy calls up to me. I'm currently in my room coloring a picture of my family. It has my mommy and my daddy and me. We are all happy. "Hurry up Nia!" My mommy calls up to me. "Coming mommy!" I call down to her. I get dressed and run down to my mommy. "I ready!" I say happily. My mommy smiles and kisses my head. "Your too cute. Now lets go to the park and wait for daddy to get out of work." She says as we walk to the door to get our shoes on. I grab my new shoes that are a little big on me but they are pink and sparkly. I put them on and hold my mommy.

We get to the park and I see my friend Elly from kindergarten. I look at my mom "mommy I want to pway with elly pwease." My mommy looks around and sees her. "Go ahead love." She says and I take off running. I run to elly and she has her dollies. "Can I pway?" I ask. She looks at me excited and hugs me and nods. Elly doesn't talk much but I don't mind. I sit down and we play.

After playing dollies for a little bit I start to get board and I ask Elly "can we pway on the slwide?" She nods and smiles and we run over to the slide. We took turns. Let me tell you we played on the slides like a bazillion times but it just kept getting better and better. I was going up the steps when I tripped and bit my knee really hard on the step. It took me a second to realize what's going on until I started sobbing for my mommy. I see her run over. "Nia baby what happened love." She says as she pulls me to her chest. "Mommy my knee!" I cry. "Aww baby." Just then I saw my daddy run over still in his scrubs from work. Yes my daddy is a doctor. I'm not scared of them.im just scared of the tools they use. "Hey baby girl what happened?" My daddy asks as he takes me from my mommy. "Daddy my knee!" I sob into his hold. "Alright baby let's get you home so daddy can have a look yah." He says and starts walking. I nod and continue to cry as my daddy holds me close.

We get home and daddy takes me to his office which is like a mini doctors office which is in our house. He lays me on the bed and gets out some tools and hides them under a cloth knowing if I saw I would cry. "Alright baby let daddy see what's wrong ok?" He asks. I nod and he gets next to my knee as my mommy holds my hands rubbing circles on them. Daddy looks at my knee while silently cry in pain. "Alright sweety, it looks like you popped your knee out. But its ok cause it popped back in. But I am gonna have to put a brace on it and that means no moving around for a while ok?" He says. I nod. "Alright Nia now im just gonna do a regular check up to make sure you didn't hurt anywhere else ok." I nods slowly and cry when my daddy moves my leg to get the brace on. "Shhhh baby your ok." My mommy coos. She holds me closer and my daddy puts the brace on. After hes done he takes hit stethoscope from around his neck and places it on my chest. "Deep breaths love." He says. I comply and do as told. "Good job!" He praises and kisses my head. He then checks my eyes, ears, throat, and nose. Then he takes out the blood pressure cuff. "Alright princess this is just gonna hug your arm ok?" He says. I shake my head and start crying. "Aww baby what's wrong?" My daddy asks me. "Its scawy." I cry. "Aww baby its ok." He coos and kisses my head. I smile a little. "So you ready now?" He asks. I nod. He puts the cuff on my arm and it puffs up. It gets really tight but then my daddy makes funny faces towards me. I laugh. "Alright all done baby." He praises and hugs me. "Let's go watch movies and cuddle ok?" He says. I nod. "I love you daddy." I say and nuzzles him. "I love you too baby." He says. I'm so happy he is my daddy.

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