Brain Cancer (Ellie)

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(Ellie POV)

I was sitting on the chair in the doctors office waiting for the news that would change my life forever. "Ellie Carter?" The nurse calls. Me and my boyfriend Evan who I brought with me heads to the room wich the nurse leads us to. "Please have a seat where you please the doctor will be in shortly." She says with a smile and heads out.

Let me give you a quick run down on what's going on. So my name is Ellie Carter I am a 23 year old college student who works at Starbucks. I have a boyfriend named Evan Who is 26 and we live together. Recently I have been having pounding migraines and i have been feeling extremely tired. By recently I mean it's been going on for months. My friends and family all say that I'm looking a bit more paler than normal as well. So I decided to just go see the doctor and get some medicine. It can't be nothing to bad. Right?

The doctor knocks on the door. "Come in." I say. She comes in with a smile and sits in her spinnie stool. "Hello Ms.Carter I'm doctor Lee and I'll be your doctor today. So i hear your having complaints with migraines?" She asks making me nod. "Okay. *Pauses to type* So are these migraines constant or do they come and go at random?" She asks. "They come and go at random." I say whiley boyfriend rubs my hand that he is currently holding. "Okay. *Pauses to type* And what grade level would you rate your pain?" She asks. I take a minute to think. "Around a 5 but sometimes it can get really bad and be like an 8 or 9." I say truthfully. "Okay. *Pauses to type* Ok so I'm gonna do a quick examination and then we will go based off that." She says with a soft smile. I nod.

After the exam she goes back over to her computer and types. While she's typing she says. "Okay so I noticed you are really pale and a tad bit under weight. I also notice that in your left eye your pupil has become dilated which is a red flag. So I am gonna schedule you to go over to our lab and get blood work done. I would really recommend having it done today but if you can't sometimes this week would work." The doctor says. "Today would work. I just want to get rid of these migraines." I say with a slight chuckle. "Okay then i will call the lab and tell them your coming down and for your headaches just keep taking over the counter pain meds until we can figure out the cause." She says making me nod.

After i get my blood drawn we go out to eat. "Well that was useless." I say in the car on our way to Starbucks. "You just gotta give it some time baby. I know this sucks but I'm here to go through it with you." Evan says while holding my hand and driving.

We get home from a long day and I'm starting to feel really faint. It feels as if I'm floating in space. "B-babe." I say as it's hard to make words come out properly. He looks at me and his eyes widen. "Come lets get you on the couch." He says as he sits me down. "I'm gonna go get you some water. I'll be right back." He soon returns with water and we cuddle and watch movies.

The next morning i get a call from the lab saying that i must go and see my doctor today. I say okay and get up to get ready. Evan had work today so he won't be joining me. I get into my car and head to the clinic.

When I arrive i check myself in and wait in the waiting room. A few minutes go by and the nurse is calling my name. I follow her to my doctor's consult room. "Good afternoon Ms.Carter." She says with a smile. "Good afternoon." I say back. "So I have good news and bad news." She says. I nod. "Okay so Ellie your test results from yesterday came in. And we know why your feeling the way you have been. That's the good news." She says. I look at her and nod for her to continue. "And we'll the bad news Ellie is that you have a sever elevation in white blood cells. Which could potentially be cancerous." She says causing my eyes to widen. "Listen Ellie we just need to get a head to toe scan of your body just to be 100% sure." She says. I nod. "When can we get the tests done?" I ask. "Well because of your white blood cell count we are gonna have to admit you to the hospital just to keep an eye on that so anywhere between now and tomorrow we can get you that scan. Until then we are putting you on medication to help your white blood cell count." She says. I nod. "I understand."

That was the day that i found out that I had Brain Cancer. Me and my boyfriend now practically live in the hospital. I have 4 tumors on my brain and they can not yet remove them because it's too risky. I was told if the tumors don't die down then eventually I'm gonna have a massive brain swell or something like that that'll cause me to die. But I won't let god take me now. Not yet. Its been 3 years. I can fight for a while longer.

"Hey Ellie! Nice to see you!" My nurse who just got back from maternity leave Janet says. "Oh hey Janet." I say. "I heard the news." She says. "So~ let me see the ring..." She says talking about the ring my boyfriend Evan used to propose. I smiled and held up my hand. She squealed. "OMG!!! Girly that's amazing!!" She says smiling brightly. "I'm so proud of you." She says and hugs me.

She leaves shortly after giving me my medicine and some pudding. Which then my doctor comes in. "Hello Ms.Carter." She says. "Hello." I say in return. "Where is your fiance?" She asks. "Oh he had to go to work." I say. "Oh ok. Well i have some news. And it isn't the best." She say her voice sounding hopeless and dull. "Oh? What's wrong?" I ask. It's most likely about my cancer. I mean i know it's getting worse and i have been mentally preparing myself for the moment i was told i would die. "Ellie your tumors are getting worse and at this rate Chemo is just barely slowing it down." She says sadly. My eyes widen. " how long do i h....have?" I ask. "We are estimating about a week." She says sadly. A WEEK?!! Tears start to run downy face. How am I gonna tell Evan. We just got engaged and we were hoping on raising a family together once i got better. I look at my doctor and nod. "I understand." I say. She nods and gives me an empathic smile. I sob.




Its been two years since I passed away. I am now watching over my fiance and his new girlfriend. He was struggling a lot with my passing but I am happy he finally found new love. Someone who can fill the void I'm his heart that I left. I still remember the last moments of my life were spent with me and Evan snuggling in the hospital room sobbing. But now he is back to laughing and smiling. I will miss him. But I am now in a better place.

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