Stoamch bug (BTS)

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(Demi's P.O.V)

I woke up this morning feeling very icky. I started crying for my mommy cause her cuddles always makes me feel better. "Demi sweet baby what's wrong?" My mommy asks while walking over to me. "My tummy hurwts mommy." I cry in her hold. She and I look up to see my daddy also walking into my room. "Daddy my tummy hurts." I say cry to him. "Aww sweety. Here let me take your temperature." He says as he gets the temperature checker thingie out of the bathroom. He swipes it on my head and I can see panic in his face he then turns the device to my mommy and she looks at me with a sorrowful look. "Aww my baby has a high fever. Come lets take you to the doctors." My mommy says getting up. I. Hate. The. Doctors. "No mommy pwease no doccy! Pwease!" I start sobbing. "Hey hey now its alright. You know doctor Smith doesn't hurt you." My mommy says. "Theys give me ouchies!" I cry. "Hey princess don't worry I'm sure everything will be ok and they'll just give you some medicine." My daddy says. I guess he's right. I give him a nod and with that we are out.

We get to the doctors place I'm covered in my throw up. On the way here my tummy twisted really badly and I threw up. My mommy who was sitting next to me kept petting my hair to keep me calm.

We go inside and I shut my eyes closed cause the light is way to much. I hear my mommy talk to the sweet looking lady at the desk. "Hello my name is Jessica Madison and my daughter here Demi hasn't been feeling well." My mommy tells the lady at the desk. "Alright ma'am what's her last name and age." The lady asks. "Her full name is Demi Madison and her age is 5." My mommy says rubbing my back because I start whining cause my tummy really hurts. "Okay Mrs.Madison it says here that she usually sees Dr.Smith. Unfortunately Dr.Smith is out on maternity leave so ms.demi will be in the care of Dr.Jimin, Dr.Taehyung and Dr.Jungkook." The lady says to my mommy. "Does there have to be so many?" "Yes ma'am the new policy states during entry exams parents must stay in the waiting room. But don't worry those doctors are the best of the best." The lady says with a smile. My mommy signs some papers and we sit in the waiting area. My mommy and daddy talk back and forth while taking turns holding me while I whimper in pain. One of the nurses here gave me a bag to throw up in which I gladly accepted and used it.

As I was about to try and fall asleep I hear my name being called. "Demi Madison?" The person calls. My mommy pats my back trying to get me to sit up. As I do I cry out cause my tummy starts to hurt more. I don't like this pain it hurts too much. "Don't worry ma'am i can take it from here." The guy who I didn't realize walked over. "Hey Demi sweetheart. I heard you have a icky tummy so I'm gonna take you back into the princess room and we can get your tummy feeling better how does that sound?" The man asks me. Now that I look closely at his face he looks like a cute kitty. I nod my head and hold onto my mommy tightly. "Sweety I can't come in with you you'll have to trust him ok." My mommy says handing me over. And that is when the tears fall. I start thrashing around crying and screaming while the nurse brings me to the room. When we get in there I'm met with 6 faces. All in scrubs. I continue to cry and one guy comes over and crouches infront of me. "Hey sweety my name is Hobi but you can call me Jhope. And the one who brought you back here that's Yoongi." He says pointing to Yoongi. "Im Junkook you can just call me oppa and this is Jin, Tae, Namjoon and Jimin." Jungkook oppa says pointing to them all. "Now come have a seat so we can see why your so icky yah?" Jimin says. I shake my head and turn and hide my face in Yoongi's chest and cry. "Come on sweety we aren't gonna hurt you." He says and sits with me on the table. "Now that we got you up here lets listen to your little heart." Jungkook says coming over with his stethoscope. I flinch away but Yoongi pats my back. I hold his hand watching him smile. "Deep breathes princess." Jungkook says. I listen and breathe deeply. "Good job and again." He finishes listening to my heart and lungs. "They sound amazing little princess." He says. "Hey baby I'm gonna take your temperature ok?" Tae oppa says. I nod slightly. He puts the thermometer in my ear and then it beeps and he takes it out. "Its 40.0 c°." He says to the others. "I'll right down on her chart she needs a fever reducer." Namjoon says. "Lets get her some fluids as well she looks very dehydrated." Jimin says. "Alrighty." Namjoon says. "Ok sweetheart you wont like me but I have to check your tummy so can you lay down please." Jimin says. I shake my head and starts to cry. "Hey hey its ok I promise to be as gentle as I can." He says. I look into his eyes and see hes telling the truth so I lay down. When I lay down the pain in my tummy comes back and I cry. "Hey princess what's wrong?" Jimin says as he walks over. "Mwy tummy!" I cry. "Aww baby its ok we are gonna help you get better." He says. I nod.

I hold Yoongi's hand  while Jimin touches my belly. When he gets to the middle of my belly I let out a scream. "Owie!!" "Shh princess all done all done. Joon add a stomach bug medicine in there." Jimin says. "Alrighty I'll go get the things." Namjoon says and walks out.

I lay there in Yoongi's arms when Namjoon walks in with a tray. I watch as the boys walk closer to me. "Hey baby your gonna hate us after this but we need to give you some ouchies." Jin says. My eyes WIDEN and I try to get away and I start to scream and cry. "Hey hey shh. Its ok we wont hurt you I promise." Yoongi says cuddling me close to his chest. "After this you can see mommy and daddy ok hun?" Hobi says. I nod slightly. "Hey baby guess whats black and white and red all over." Jin says. "Um..... I nono." I say back. He smiles. "A newspaper!" He laughs. I giggle and I feel a slight sting in my hand and I start to cry. "Hey hey look at this." Tae says holding up a stuffed Tata plush. I smile and laugh as he dances around the room with it. "Ok baby your doing so great but we need to get this one in your tummy." Namjoon says. I realize that they want to put an ouchie in my tummy and I start to cry. "NoNo!" I start to thrash around. "Hey shhh its ok we wont hurt you. You didn't feel the other 2 did you?" Hobi asks in a calm tone. I shake my head. "No..." He smiles. "That mean this one will be just as painless." I look at him and he smiles more. "O....otay...." I say.

They lay me down and lift up my shirt. I see the needle coming closer to my skin and I let out and ear piercing scream as the needle gets put into my tummy. "OWIE GET ITS OUT GETS ITS OUT!" I scream trying to get away. "Sweet girl 3 more seconds. 2... 1... Done! You did so well baby so well!" Jungkook oppa says kissing my head and placing a Kookie bandaid on my tummy. I smile slighlty and yawn. "Get some rest mommy and daddy will be in shortly." Hobi says. I no and close my eyes. "Tank you." I say and drift off I to a deep sleep.

I hope you enjoyed!
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