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I walk in slamming the door shut as I fall to my knees gripping my chest. The feeling of dread and guilt overwhelm my mind. My eyes burn and my vision blurs as tears threaten to spill over. My stomach is cramping in pain and my head is pounding.

It feels like I'm genuinely dying.

(An hour earlier)

"Liz? Hey you okay?" My friend Shikamaru Nara asks watching me scribble in my notebook. I don't respond and continue to scribble. I wasn't drawing anything I was just not having a good day. First I wake up late from my alarm, then I burn my toast and don't have enough time to make anything else. And on top of all that I ran even later because my damn period came. So in short I am having a very bad day.

"Hey Elizabeth can you come here please?" The teacher questions ushering me towards his desk. I nod, standing and walking over to the desk. "Yes Sir?" I ask. The teacher sighs and looks at me. "I want to talk to you about your science test last week. You failed the test and I just would like to know if there is anything you needed help on that I could help you with. I don't like to see my students struggle and so if there is anything you need let me know and we can work something out." He pauses for a moment grabbing a folder from inside his drawer. "I have some extra credit packets you can work on that can count towards your next test but won't fully make up for this test. Would you like to work on that?" He asks. I just gulp and nod feeling that if I spoke I'd start to cry. I'm usually a straight B-A student in science but recently I have just been finding it hard to concentrate in class. "Here is the packet. Our next test is in 2 weeks. I know you can do this Liz. You're one of my best students." The teacher says with a smile. I accept the package and head back to my seat feeling a tightness in my chest a lump in my throat. "You okay there Liz?" Shikamaru questions placing a hand on my shoulder. I don't know what gotten into me but I snap. "Just leave me alone!" I shout shoving him away from me.

It takes me a moment to realize what I had just done and seeing the hurt in his eyes just pains me further.

The teacher stands and walks over to me. "Liz why don't you go take a walk. Take as long as you need." The teacher says not coming too close to me. I hesitate for a moment before looking around seeing everyone in the classroom staring at me. Without a second thought I turn around and rush out the room feeling a panic attack coming on.

I rush down the hallway towards the single person bathroom. Everything seems like a blur. I can feel my breathing becoming ragged and I'm practically leaning onto the wall to make it to the bathroom.

I get to the bathroom, as I walk in slamming the door shut as I fall to my knees gripping my chest. The feeling of dread and guilt overwhelm my mind. My eyes burn and my vision blurs as tears threaten to spill over. My stomach is cramping in pain and my head is pounding. 'Why is it that something so fucking small triggered me like this? Why am I so fucking weak? Why can't I do anything right?!?' I say to myself as my hands go to my head gripping my hair. The pain in my chest starts to turn into more of a ripping sensation, breathing feels nearly impossible. At this point all I want is to do nothing but die. I want this to all go away. My cramps are like the cherry on top of this awful nightmare. I just want it to end.

I lay my body onto the cold tiled bathroom floor as I find it hard to keep it up right. One hand gripping my chest while the other pulls at my hair.

Just then I hear a knock at the door followed by a calming deepish voice calling. "Liz? It's Kakashi. Can you let me in? It's just me." The school counselor Kakashi says calmly through the closed door.

You see the only people in the school that knows about my panic attacks are my best friend Shikamaru, the school counselor and the schools doctor Kakashi and the principal. Usually Shikamaru either is by my side or if he feels he can't help he goes to Kakashi for help.

"Liz? Are you okay in there? Can you hear me?" He questions. I know I need help right now but it's hard to move. I try hard to relax myself for a moment but only manage to get so far. I find the strength to move my arm and I turn the door nob which unlocks and opens the door revealing a very concerned Kakashi and Shikamaru. "Help me sit her up." Kakashi says to Shikamaru coming into the bathroom.

Shikamaru is quick to get me into a sitting position where Kakashi pushes my head down to my knees. "Liz I know that this is difficult but I need you to try and relax. Your breathing is almost to the point of you passing out and I know how much you dislike the clinic so please try to take some deep breaths." Kakashi says calmly rubbing my back. At this point I can only gasp. "Alright we need to get her to the clinic and calm her down there." Kakashi states towards Shikamaru who just nods in agreement.

The two men help me to stand as my hand flies to my chest feeling the pain erupt through my body. "I know it hurts hun we are going to get you to the clinic and get you calmed." Kakashi states as they start walking.

We arrive to the on campus clinic where I am out into a cot. "Liz I know you'll dislike this but I'm going to give you a relaxer." Kakashi states pulling out a needle and vile with medicine in it. "Kakashi can I stay with her?" Shikamaru asks holding my hand. Kakashi nods as I feel a wave of dizziness over take me. A mask is placed over my head and a small sting is felt in my arm, but the feeling of dizziness wins as I pass out into a dark void.

(An hour later)

"Oh look who's waking up." Shikamaru states rubbing my hand. I open my eyes some more feeling really tired and having a massive headache. "How are you feeling dear?" Kakashi asks handing me a cup of water. "I have a headache and my stomach hurts..." I say my voice still hoarse. "That would be expected. You did have a panic attack that got pretty gnarly." Kakashi says pulling out a bottle of Tylenol. "Here this should help. I do have a personal question. Are you on your monthly by chance?" Kakashi asks slowly trying not to make me feel uncomfortable. I squeeze my eyes shut but nod. "Then I'll get you some Midol." He states walking over to the same cabinet and grabbing some more pills.

After 30 minutes my headache was nearly gone and my cramps weren't so bad. "I want to talk with you about what just happened. Is that okay?" Kakashi asks. I nod in response feeling too sleepy to talk. "She looks tired." Shikamaru says petting my head softly. Kakashi nods and smiles. "Then I guess we can talk later when you wake up." And with that I drifted off into a semi comfortable sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2023 ⏰

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