Electric Shock (Hannah x Alex)

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Hi my name is Hanna and I'm 15 years old. I LOVE food and all things cute and squishy! My older brother Alex is a doctor. I don't have any fears or what not towards doctors because I know that they won't hurt me and instead they are there to help me. I am tho a little scared of needles but my fear isn't so big.

Today my brother is watching me while our parents are out on a month long business trip. "Hannah come downstairs really quick please!" My brother shouts from the bottom of the steps. I get up and head downstairs. "Hey Alex what's up?" I ask as I sit next to him on the couch. "I was wondering its such a nice day out today and it rain a lot yesterday...... Maybe...... Do you wanna go take a paddle through the pit?" He asks referring to the massive mud puddle 20 minutes from the house. A huge smile grows across my face. "I would love to!!!" I say jumping all around excitedly. "Alrighty then go get clothes on we leave in 5 minutes." He says causing my to nod and I rush to get my clothes on. 

*after a few hours in he mud pit*

We finally get home after a day of having fun in the mud. Honestly looking at my brother Alex you wouldn't even know he was a doctor you'd think he was a plumber who had gotten squirted with poopy water. Saying that to myself made me start breaking out into laughter as he opens the front door. "What are you laughing about huh?" He asks in a joking manner. "You!" I say and run into the house looking behind seeing him chase me. "You little!" I laugh so hard I fall onto the floor as he catches up to me and tickles the living crap out of me. "HAHAHAHA STOP STOP HAHAHA!" I laugh out.

After about 5 minutes into the torture he stops. "Alright little one its getting late lets go shower and get out of these muddy clothes. Then I have to clean all this mud mess we tracked into the house. And then maybe...... Just maybe....." He says rubbing his imaginary beard. "Maybe what?" I ask. "Maybe we could order pizza?" He says looking at me with a smirk knowing I LOVE PIZZA. "OMG YESSSS!! THANK THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!" I shout hopping around. "Alight pizza it is but first showers!" He says marching towards his room to get clothes as I do the same but towards my room.

*after showers*

I sit on the couch next to my brother. "Finally your out. I'll order the pizza now do you want garlic knots?" I nod in response. "Okay I'll be in the kitchen ordering hollar if you need me." He says causing me to nod again.

I play on my tablet not realizing that the battery is almost dead until it shuts off. "Dang it." I say aloud to myself. I stand and go up to my room where my charger is. I plug it into my tablet but see that it's not charging. I look around and see that the box piece fell out of the outlet. "Aha so that's the problem." I say to myself again. I grab the piece and plug it in not realizing that my wet hair is dripping onto my hand and........... ZAP! I got shocked! I scream out in pain as the shock waves pass through my body. I hear running up stairs and then my door fly open. "Hannah what happened?!" My brother says walking towards me. I look towards the outlet and his eyes widen and he rushes out of my room.

A few seconds later the constant shock waves stop but I'm still shaking. My brother runs back into my room with what looks like his medical bag. "Hey hey Hannah your gonna be ok sweety. I'm gonna check you over to make sure you didn't get too seriously hurt okay?" He says to me. I just nod not being able to talk still shocked from what all just happened. He sits me down on the edge of my bed and pulls out his stethoscope and he places it on my chest. "Breathe in sweety." He says calmly. I take a shaky breath in and out multiple times as needed. "Your heart rate is extremely fast. But that's hopefully just shock. I'm gonna monitor your heart rate the rest of this night." He says to me as he pulls out another tool. "I'm gonna take your temperature. And after that I'll deal with your injured hand." He says putting the object gently in my ear. "Thankfully your temperature is normal. Its a little high but that's due to shock it should hopefully go down soon. Now let's take a look at your hand." He says getting closer to my hand. I whimper knowing this is gonna hurt. "Hey princess its gonna be okay. I'll be gentle. After this I'll make you some nice warm milk so you can go to sleep. I'll put the pizza in the oven for tomorrow so we can have it for breakfast ya?" He asks me. I smile slightly and nod. "Good girl now let me see your hand." I cautiously rest my hand in his waiting palm.

He looks at my hand in total concentration. "You have some pretty serious burns here sweety. But don't worry your big bro will make the ouchies go away!" He says with much enthusiasm. I giggle a little. "There's that smile." He says as he pulls out some creams and bandages. "Ok this might sting a little but to make sure your hand is clean from dirt and germs I'm gonna disinfect is." He says.

He starts to disinfect my hand causing me to constantly whimper. "Hey hey almost done your okay sweet heart." He says calmly. After he finishes disinfecting my hand he puts the creams on it and wraps it up. "There all better." He says proud of his work. "There is one thing tho little sis. Your charger box has metal in it. And because you had some small open bleeding scrapes I don't want to risk you getting a metal borne disease. You need a tetanus shot. But don't worry it doesn't hurt much." He says watching me carefully for my reaction. I gulp down the pit that was in the back of my throat leading it to my stomach. "Hey it's gonna be fine small pinch and done. I promise." He says wrapping me in one of his loving brother bear hugs. I smile slightly and nod telling him to go ahead and do the shot. "Okay great but first..." He says turning around and grabbing something off my chair. "Here." He says with a warm smile passing me my favorite stuffed Stitch that I take with me when I need shots. I smile wider. "That way you aren't so nervous. Now on the count of 3 I'm gonna put the shot in your thigh since your wearing shorts okay. 1..... 2...... 3." He says and gently but quickly gives me the needle. I whimper and hold onto stitch. "And done. See it wasn't so bad little one." He says and discards of the shot. "Okay I'll be right back with some warm milk." He says and heads downstairs.

A few minutes later he comes back with warm milk. "Sorry it took so long sis I had to take care of the pizza. But I brought your milk." He says sitting next to me in my bed handing me the milk. "Thank you Alex." I say with a smile. "Any time little sis."

*skip a couple of hours*

It is now midnight and I still can't sleep. Alex left to go take care of cleaning the house and getting ready for bed himself an hour or two ago. I finished my warm milk but that didn't even make me the slightest bit sleepy. Honestly I'm still shaken up from the whole mishap earlier. Literally I'm still shaking! I hear a quiet, faint knock at my bedroom door. "Hey Hannah you still awake?" I hear my brother say walking in quietly. He turns on the light causing me to squint my eyes. "Oh dear what are you still doing wide awake." He says coming over and hugging me. "I-im sc-scared." I say about to start crying. "Scared about what sweety." He says running his fingers gently through my hair. "Wh-what i-if you weren't here and i-i-i died!" I start sobbing. He holds.me closer to his chest shushing me. "Hey hey sweet baby sister its okay. Nothing too bad happened to you because I was here. But even if I wasn't I would still rush over to your aid and nurse you back to health. So no matter what I wouldn't let you die on my watch." He says calmly in attempts to calm me down which aren't working too well. "Hannah dear I'm gonna give you a small sedative to help you sleep tonight. I'll be right back." He says and leaves my room.

He comes back a few seconds later with another shot. I start to cry harder. "Hey hey its ok this one doesn't hurt at all." He says as he starts to lift me on his lap. "This does go in your bum tho so I need you to lay on your tummy." He says. I get scared but do so. "Alright 1...2...3." He says and puts the needle in. And he was right I barely felt it go in. "Good job Hannah. I'm so proud of you. Now lets get you tucked in and asleep okay?" He says as he disposes the shot. I nod and get comfy as my brother tucks me in. "Good night Hannah." He says and kisses my head.

The next morning I woke up feeling 100× better than I did yesterday and I have nothing but the love and comfort given from my brother. He is the best thing that has ever happened to me!

This was a request for someone who didn't want to get mentioned. I hope you liked it!

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