Blood Draw

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"Mom do I have tooo??" I ask my mom as she drags me to the car. "Daniell you are 18 years old, you'll be fine." My mom says. I make a pouting face but comply. I sit in the front seat of the car as I feel a tightness in my chest and a lump in my throat. You see I have severe anxiety and today I have to get blood work done. I HATE needles, they scare the living shit out of me and with my anxiety I could never go alone. Hence why my mom has to bring me. "Jesus Daniell don't start crying. It's literally just a prick and your all done." My mom says handing me a tissue and starting the car. "Mom I don't want to do this. I'm scared." I say as the first tear falls from my eye. My mom looks at me and sighs, she then turns her head to face the road and starts driving. At this point I'm shaking in fear. Why does staying healthy have to cause pain.

After a long anxious car ride to the clinic my mom parks the car and turns her head towards me. "Listen Danny I know this is scary for you but you HAVE to do this. I'll sit out here and wait for you but you have to get this blood work done." My mom says causing my eyes to widen. "W....wait your n...not coming in w....with me?" I say stuttering as my shaking worsens. "No honey you have to be a big girl and do this yourself. Listen you are going to have an amazing doctor and they are going to get this done and over with quickly with as little pain as possible." My mom says not helping my nerves any. "And if you can do this baby we can go to Starbucks on the way home okay?" She says. We'll I do love me some Starbucks. "Okay..." I say hesitantly. "Good now I'll be right here in the car, you have nothing to be afraid of." My mom says reassuringly. We hug and she kisses my forehead. "Deep breaths baby. You got this." She says as I comply. I take a deep breath and I head out the car.

'Now I'm on my own, I have to do this, I'm a big girl I can do this.' I tell myself in my head as I shaking my walk to the entrance of the clinic. I look back to the small parking lot where my mom is parked. I see her face lit up as she smiles and watches me walk in. I take a deep breath and walk into the clinic. 'You got this Danny, quick in and out and your done' I say to myself as I walk to the receptionist desk. "Hi how can I help you?" The reception lady asks. I think for a minute feeling my anxiety start to spiral again. "I...I'm here to see Ackles..." I say starting to stutter. The receptionist types on the computer then nods. "Are you Daniell Johnson?" She asks and I nod. "Okay dear so you just wait over there in the waiting room and there will be someone out shortly to call you in." She says with a smile. I nod and walk into the waiting room. My nerves are shot, I'm starting to panic. 'Breathe Danny, breathe.' I tell myself constantly.

What felt like forever, a man came out of a door wearing navy blue scrub pants and a Scooby-Doo scrub top. "Daniell Johnson?" The man says. I stand up and walk towards him. He looks at me with a smile, "Hi dear my name is nurse Padalecki but please call me Jared." He says with a smile. I follow him into a room that has a cot and a chair with the arm rest. I feel my breathing hitch and the room starts to spin. "Hey Daniell you okay dear?" He asks as he helps me to sit in the chair. I start shaking my head. "I don't want to do this." I say starting to freak out. Just then another man walks through the door with a tray covered. "Hello Danny how have you been hun?" The man who I soon recognize as Dr. Ackles asks. I start to shake. I know what's on that tray and I hate it. "Hey hun calm down a bit okay? This is going to be real quick and we'll get you outta here." He says reassuringly. I shake my head over and over again and then I felt a gloved hand hold mine. "Hey Danny, calm down okay dear, it's going to be alright." Nurse Jared says calmly.

After 15 minutes I was calm enough for them to start. Nurse Jared held my hands as Dr. Ackles tied the rubber band around my arm. "Deep breaths dear, your doing great." Jared says every so often. Without warning Dr. Ackles inserts the needle. I flinch and try to pull my arm away. "No no don't pull that's going to make it harder for us to get this done and over with." Jared says. "I'm sorry hun but this might sting a little your vein rolled and I can't get it." He says. I start to hyperventilate as my fears start to surface. Tears fill my eyes and everything starts to get foggy. I can't hear exactly what their saying but I feel something being placed in my nose and the needle being taken out of my arm. The only face I can really see is Jared's.

After another 15 minutes or so I'm calm enough to find out what's going on. Jared had explained to me that they couldn't get my blood so he went to go find nurse Misha who is great at taking blood. I also found out that they put a nasal cannula in my nose to give me oxygen while I was hyperventilating.

After a little bit of waiting I felt tired, all the anxiety from today has taken a huge toll on my body. At this point I'm just ready to get out of here. Just then I heard the door open, "oh poor thing." I heard a female say. "She's exhausted let's get this done with." Jared says. "Okay I'm going to use the other arm dear okay?" She says. I'm just too tired to fight back at this point so I just nod. "Alright on the count of three and it'll be all over. 1,2,3." And on three the needle was in and blood was flowing into the tubes. "Good job dear, your doing amazing." She said every so often. Jared held my hand and kept reassuring me everything was fine.

After the blood work was over they gave me a quick check up to make sure that everything else was fine, which everything was. Nurse Jared helped me out to my mom's car and told her I did an amazing job. With that my mom thanked them and we headed to Starbucks. I ordered a pink drink and cake pop. And when we got home I fell right to sleep.

This was an imagine for @danielleeeelizabeth
Hope you enjoyed this and sorry for the wait.

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