New Years sickness (Laura x Jackson)

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(Laura P.O.V)

I woke up New Year's eve feeling like crap. My head hurt and my eyes burnt. That's a great way to start out the New Years. (Note the sarcasm).

I was scrolling through my phone when I get a text from my boyfriend of 2 years saying 'baby I'm coming over to spend NY with you. 😘' I smile at his cute way of trying to "act cool" with his short words. I send a text back 'ok babe but I'm not really going out partying I'm gonna chill out today." I type and send.

After I put my phone on the charger I get up and go to my closet where I pick out what I'm gonna wear today. I settle on a pair of sweat pants and an oversized hoodie that I stole from my boyfriend. After I get dressed I put my hair up in a messy bun and do some light makeup like a small amount of mascara and some concealer to cover up my dark marks. I really hope he doesn't see past the makeup. You see my boyfriend AND my brother are both doctors. And they work at the same hospital. In fact that's how we met. But that's a story for another time.

I sit on my couch on my Mac book watching Netflix. I could watch it on my tv but I'm just to lazy to. I was watching Netflix last night on my laptop so all I had to do was just open it and unlock it and bam.

As I was in the middle of binge watching 'chocolate' (it's a k-drama) I heard a knock on the door. My eyes WIDEN. I totally forgot someone was coming over today especially my boyfriend! I panic slightly and I rush over to the guest bathroom making sure I make little to no noise ans I look into the mirror real quick looking semi presentable but whatever. I flush the toilet as I hear another knock. "One second!" I shout as I wash my hands from 'using the bathroom' and I go to open the door. "Hey baby." He says excitedly. "Hi!" I squeal like a little kid hugging him. Although I see him everyday I still can't get over the fact that he is sooooo cuddly. He makes me want my inner child side to come out. I hate it some times but I learned to get used to this awkward side of me. "You ready for Netflix and chill? I bought chinese." He says holding up the delicious smelling food. I didn't even know I was drooling until he laughed slightly. "Come on lets get inside my drool monkey." He says with a giggle. I get out of my daydream of food and wipe the drool off my cheek as I look away embarrassed.

Its been an hour since he arrived. We had finished our Chinese food, well he did I ate a few bites I wasn't really feeling it anymore. Anyways, we continued to watch Netflix when a sharp ass mother fucking pain shot through my head. Of course I winced. "Hey baby are you ok?" He asks concerned. Well great he is now curious. "Yah I'm fine I'm just sleepy that's all." I say hoping to fool him. "Ok... Well then get some sleep." He says turning down the show and pulling me closer to his chest. To be honest I felt really comfy. And before I knew it I was asleep.

(Jackson P.O.V)

I shouldn't be a doctor if I haven't noticed how pale my girlfriend was and the fact that she is sweating like crazy when its cold as hell in here. But of course I wasn't gonna say anything. I know shes scared of doctors and wouldn't listen to me if I asked her to let me check her up. So I waited until she was asleep because she's usually a heavy sleeper when she is sick.

After 10 minutes of her snoring I decided that she was certainly asleep. So I carefully lay her on the couch and grab my spare medical bag out her hallway closet. I honestly forgot it here but it comes in handy at times so I just kept it here.

I got over abd crouch down beside her and swipe the thermometer across her sweat covered forehead. '39°C' I sigh. My poor baby is so sick. I uncoil my stethoscope and listen to her heart and lungs. Her heart sounds fine but her lungs sounds like there is a bit of fluid in them.

After finishing the rest of the check I conclude she just has a small cold. But to get her fever down I'm gonna have to give her a fever reducer injection. Let me pray she doesn't wake up. I give her the injection and to my surprise she is still asleep. Thank you lord.

I clean up and put my medical stuff away and I cuddle her on the couch. And slowly start drifting to sleep.

I love my baby girl and it would pain me to see anything happen to her.

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