Brother (Y/n×Shoto Todoroki)

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A/n: Just go with it. It's an imagine that I made up at literally 3 am. Thank you and enjoy! Also ⚠️TW mention of self harm is in the story read at your own risk⚠️

(Quick Summary)

Shoto Y/n was one amongst of the number 2 hero's children. Whom is that hero you may ask well it's non other than the flame hero himself Endeavor. Also amongst those children is your twin brother Shoto Todoroki. Not very many people know about you because you're the one that's always in the shadows of your twin brother who is older than you by 2 minutes.

You and Todoroki always bicker and argue but you always have his back and he always has yours. When he got into UA with recommendations you got in by just pure luck. You both have both of your parents quirks but you just chose not to use any of them. As your parents never once cared about you. They rather look to Todoroki as if he was the only child. Making you and your other siblings feel left out and abandoned.

After some time your father Endeavor started showing a bit more love and compassion to your other siblings but never you. But like said earlier, your twin is always there.

(Present time)
(Y/n P.O.V)

It's hard being the youngest. Especially being the youngest and the twin to a child prodigy. Although he get all the love and attention he never brags about it to me. Instead he shares it with me. That 'he' is none other than my twin Shoto Todoroki.

"Y/n can you hurry up already! I'm getting really impatient yah know!" My brother Todoroki shouts from the outside of the bathroom door. "Yah I'm almost done!" I shout as I finish brushing my teeth. I don't usually wear makeup or do anything too outrageous. I like to blend in more than to stand out. The thought of fame and publicity seems okay just not for me. After I was done brushing my teeth I look down at my arms. They aren't bad just a few slight scratches and one that's deep but they are mostly healed. I know it's not the best but living a life in the shadows with little to no love it seemed like a really good coping mechanism.

I put on my long sleeve uniform shirt and head out of the bathroom. "Finally." Todoroki says as he rushes into the bathroom. I walk into our room and I grab my school bag. It's not as fancy as Todoroki's but my school bag is good enough. I walk out of the house and head towards school. I have a bad feeling about today but who knows.

I don't like walking alone but I have to leave earlier than my brother because I have to drop a project off for a club I'm in. In UA I am hoping that i can make my parents powers into my own. So I guess you can say me and my brother have similar ambitions. Our parents only recently found out about me also having both powers Just like Todoroki. Before I never shown it. The only person that knew was Todoroki and he's the one that told me to not tell anyone.

While I was walking I heard a sound. Of course I'm scared cause I never walk alone. But this sound didn't sound like a cat or people talking it sounded more like a growl. I start to pick up the pace of my walking. I hear something following me. It's even scarier because I can't see anything. I'm not in a major street I'm in a freaking alley way. I hear what sounds like big heavy feet running this way. 'Oh God I'm done for' I say to myself. I know I was told to never look back but I looked back and I wish I didn't. I saw a big bloop chasing me. It was green and slimy. He extends part of his body and wraps it around my ankle causing me to fall. My head collided with the cement side walk causing a major aching pain in my head. The slime creature grabs the rest of my body making it almost impossible to move. "LET ME GO!" I shout. Blood from my head drips down as the slime creature smiles. "Or what little girl?" He says smuggly. "Or else you'll have to deal with me!" I hear a familiar voice say. "Todoroki help!" I say at this point tears are streaming down my face. I watch as another figure appears from behind him. "Endeavor??!!?" I say really confused. "Don't come any closer or this child will get ripped to shreds. I mean it Endeavor!" The slime creature says as the slime that surrounds my body starts to pull on my limbs. "Enough is enough!" Endeavor says as his flames become a bright light. Todoroki uses his flames as well. The energy from my body starts to be drained. I try to activate my quirk but it drains me even more. The blood dripping from my head forms a pool as the slime creature starts slamming me around to avoid the flames of Endeavor and Todoroki. "Let her go!" They both say in unison as their arms becomes engulfed in  flames. They swing and bash the slime creature to bits. My body that's now flying through the air is caught my my brother. "Y/n can you hear me?" He says as he gently lays my body in the ground. "Now that that thing is all contained I'll summon forth an ambulance." Endeavor says. "No time." And with no time to fight back Todoroki picks me up and rushes me to the closest hospital. "Your going to be okay. Hang in there." He says not looking down at me not even once.

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