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"Liz! Hey Liz, you okay? Lizzzzzzz~" I hear my friend Sarah call. I snap back and look towards her. She has a confused look on her face only to get one back. "What?" I said. She stares at me in disbelief. "This is the fifth time you have zoned out today. Either you're thinking about a really cute boy or you're over thinking again. And I really hope it's neither because we have to get this packet done before the bell rings." Sarah exclaims. I just sigh at her and start typing on my computer. "I'm fine Sarah its nothing." I say making no eye contact. I feel her gaze on me as turns back to her own computer. If only I could tell her what's really happening. the only problem is I am already a burden on her as is I don't want to make it worse, and why the hell is this packet so long we only have 20 minutes until class ends and we won't be able to get it done in time and them I would have to do it for homework by myself but I have practice today after school and... and... and... "Liz breathe." I hear Sarah say in a whisper as she grabs my hands and holds them with her own. "You're okay. It's okay. You're in a safe place with me, okay?" She speaks. I didn't even realize I was scratching and nor did I realize that I was starting to hyperventilate. Fuck now it's getting harder to breathe. I can't breathe. my face is tingly, and my tongue feels numb I can't move my fingers why is this happening. "Liz please you need to calm down or you'll pass out. I can call your brother to come pick you up if you want but please do not pass out on me." Sarah says as she lets go of one of my hands and pulls out her phone. I can hear and see everything that's around me almost as if all my senses are heightened. "It's Liz she's having a bad attack right now. No, I don't know she's fucking pale and breathing super-fast. You're the Medic dumbass!" Sarah raises her voice a bit which makes me jump. She wraps her arms around me and hugs me while putting her phone on speaker. "Lay her down flat on her back or have her sit up straight with her arms above her head until I get there." I hear my brother say on the phone. I feel something fall down my face as my arms and legs start to go numb. "Shit Jackson hurry!" Sarah shouts as my hearing starts to leave and the only thing I can focus on is the feeling of my body shutting down. The panic arises and no matter how hard I try I cannot get it to stop. Fuck.

Sarah P.O.V

"Liz listen to me it's going to be okay Jack is on his way. Stay with me." I say to my friend of 10 years. We have been friends since elementary school, and she's had anxiety ever since. Although her attacks rarely get this bad. I'm honestly starting to freak out. "Sarah listen to me you need to stay calm. She'll feel worse is you freak out. Take some nice deep breaths I'm roughly five minutes away. Is she still awake?" Jackson, Liz's older brother, asks. "Barely she keeps opening and closing her eyes, but her face is pale and red, and her mouth is in the shape of an O and she's she's." I try to continue but a tear slips out of my eye. "Sarah deep breaths lay her on the ground and go inform your instructor you two are leaving campus for the rest of the day. I'm pulling into the parking lot in front of the college now." Jack says over the phone. "Okay." I say wipe the little tears from my face. I gather our stuff together and head over to the front desk where the instructor was and informed her on the situation. "Ms.Lafrim Liz isn't feeling to well and her brother is here to get us so we can get her checked out. We are going to be leaving soon. I am terribly sorry for this inconvenience." I say to the teacher sincerely. "Honey don't worry about it. I hope she gets better soon and for the assignment just hand it in next week Monday if you need and do email me or shoot me a text if you need anything." She tells me. I nod and head back over to where Liz is currently in and out of consciousness. I stand her up and wrap her arm around my neck to help her walk out of the building. All her weight is shifted on me. "Come on Liz it'll be okay Jack is just right outside." I tell her as we start walking out the classroom gaining concerned looks from everyone in the hallways.

We get to the main office, and I see Jackson making his way to us. He is in his paramedic uniform meaning he must've come here from work. "I already signed you two out let's get her to the station." He says picking her up swiftly and carrying her out if the building. "Liz, I know it's scary, but you need to calm down or else you'll have to go to the hospital, and I doubt you want to go there. So, you need to calm down deep breaths." Jack says to Liz as we get over to his pickup truck. "Sarah get in the back seat with Liz. Ill drive we are going to go to the firehouse so then that way if she can get checked out and sent to the hospital." He says putting her in the seats. I just nod and get in the back with her. I lay her limp head on my shoulder as she looks like she is on the verge of passing out. I can tell that she's trying not to. "If she passes out just hold her head upright so she can still breathe." Jack says as he pulls out the parking lot. Liz looks up at me and I swear my heart broke into millions of pieces. She looked scared and tired. I don't know how to help her and now I'm starting to feel bad. "Liz I'm sorry..." I say as a tear falls down my cheek. "Sarah calm down you did nothing wrong." Jackson said looking at me through the rearview mirror. I wipe my tears just as Liz's head drops into my lap. "She passed out!" I say freaking out. This has never happened in front of me. "Oh my god Liz!" I shout picking up her head. "Sarah relax I know its scary but her passing out is a good thing. That means her body can relax itself. Its the best thing for her right now." I hear Jack say as I start crying.

I feel the car come to a stop and Jack gets out and heads over to the door on Liz's side. "Let's get you two inside. I'm still on shift so you two will sit here until I'm done. When we get inside my buddies are going to take her vitals and make sure she's okay. If everything looks okay then well go to the house but if her oxygen stats are low, they'll give her some oxygen. Just to be safe. okay?" Jackson says grabbing Liz. I nod and open my side door and step out. My dumbass tripped. "Fucking bitch!" I shout at I land on my ankle. "You okay kiddo?" I hear Jackson say. I nod and stand up. The pain radiates through my leg causing me to limp with every step. "Alright let's go in Sarah you're going to go into the tv room and I'm going to take Liz to the ambulance bay. I'll be in shortly." Jack says walking away. I nod and make my way over to the tv area.

Me and Liz used to come here every day after school to hang out. Since we have been friends for so long her family is like my own. And the station is now like our third home. It nothing too fancy just a simple single story fire station with an ambulance bay. It's really peaceful and quiet when the alarms aren't going off. "Hey Sarah!" Richard, one of the firemen said to me as I limp into the reck room. "Hi." I say biting my lip with every movement I make. "Here let me help you." He says standing up and letting me use him as a human crutch. "What happened to you?" He asks. "I tripped getting out of Jacksons truck and landed wrong on my ankle." I as he helps me to the recliner. "Here let me go get you some Ice for you then." He said and walked into the kitchen. "Eventful day huh?" Ashely, one of the firefighters asks. "Yah, I just hope Liz is okay. She scared the living shit out of me." I say truthfully as Richard walks back into the room. "Here ya go little missy." He says handing me a Ziplock bag of ice. I thank him and put the bag to my ankle.

My eyes become fixed on the tv as Jackie Chan's bleeding steel plays. Someone plops down a bag and sits in the chair next to me. I look over and see Jackson, Liz's brother. "How's Liz is she oaky?" I ask. He nods and sighs deeply. "She'll be fine. She just needs some rest. Now what did you do to your ankle?" He questions looking towards my ankle. "Getting out of your truck I tweaked it a bit." I say as he nods thinking. "Want me to take you to the urgent care while I drop Liz off at home?" He asks. "I mean if you want to although I'm sure it's nothing." I spoke. He shrugs his shoulders. "You never know. Anyways get ready I'm taking off early tonight." I just nod and stand up. "Dick help her out to my truck I got to go get Liz." Jackson said.

I sit in the passenger seat next to Jackson as Liz is laying in the back sleeping. The drive is quiet and somewhat calming. Jackson always has this calming presence. "Do you want to spend the night at our place or do you want me to drop you off at home?" He asks breaking the silence. "Can I spend the night at yours? I want to be there for when Liz wakes up." I say in response. He nods, "Yah you can, I'm off work tomorrow so you two won't be alone." He said, I nodded in response and we drove the rest of the way in peace and quiet.

Yes I know it's been a hot minute and I apologize, I have been busy with some stuff which I will announce at a later date. Although I am excited about this news and I think it'll help me out with these books I make. I hope you all enjoyed this imagine, there are still more to come. Leave a comment for anything you want to see in this book or any other one of my books. I'm working on rewriting a few different books and I'll post them when they are 100% done so you don't have to wait for updates. As always stay safe and stay happy!

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