horseback incident (Kendle x Brian)

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Hi my name is Kendle I am 13 years old and I have a passion for horse back riding. I also loved horses from age 4 till now. Me and my mom live in Texas which is perfect for my love of horses. I have about three horses myself. I love them all dearly. I ride them constantly. Today was a very stressful day. I had 3 quizzes, several homework assignments, and on top of all that I had chores. I wouldn't normally be complaining but my mom is super lazy. Anyways... I was getting done with the dishes when I thought about taking a quick ride around on my horse misty. That would clear my head. So that's exactly what I did.

I've been riding for about 20 minuets now. And I was right my head did get cleared. I felt peaceful like nothing could go wrong. If only I knew how wrong I was.  The next thing I remember doing is letting go of the harness for a quick second and WAM! I fell back and hut my head on a rock that was there. Everything went black...


I was taking a stroll around the trail in the hills when I heard what sounded to be another horse. Now I have heard my fair share of horse noises and this one didn't sound to pretty.

I headed over to where the sound was and saw a beautiful all black horse with a brown patch on her eye. But what catches my eye next makes me run faster than I have ever. I look just right next to the horse and see a girl who doesn't look to be any older than 10 laying there unconscious with some source of a wound anywhere because her riding gear is soaked in blood. I go over and lead the girls horse and my horse to the nearest tree just so that way the horses are safe and out of the way. Then I run over to the girl and carefully examine her for any other worrisome signs that she could be in life threatening danger. Oh I forgot to mention. I'm an ER trauma doctor at Randolph's emergency medicine. "Hey love can you hear me. If you can, can you please open your eyes." I say as I rub roughly on her sternum to get some sort of response. Luckily I get a little groan from her lips which means she can feel. "Hey sweetie can you open your eyes for me." I say and she slowly flutters her eyes open. "Hi welcome back you were out for a little can you tell me what happened?" I ask as I patch up a small gash on her shoulder with gauze. "I...i...i don't remember..." She says as her eyes keep trying to shut. Definitely a concussion. I notice her eyes closed again. "Sweets I need you awake. Can you tell me your name?" I ask while I lay her on her back and hold her head still. "Ken....ken...ken...." I can tell she is trying to remember. "Is your name Kendle?" She tries to nod but is stopped by my hands on her head. "You cant move your head love I have to make sure you don't have and injuries to your neck or back. Can you tell me how old you are?" I say as I remove a hand and grab my phone to text one of my friends and fellow doctors. "13..." She says. I can tell she is fighting to stay awake. I get a response saying my friend will be here soon with an ambulance. "Your doing so great sweet heart. Help is on the way ok. I need you to stay strong and stay awake with me." I say as her eyes keep opening and closing. "Wh...wha...whats your name?" She asks me. "I'm Doctor Harn. But you can call me Brian." I say as I keep watch around our surroundings and on her. You never know out here in the woods its certainly dangerous. "I....i... your name." She says and makes me smile. "Kendle love do you know where you live?" I ask knowing her parents must be worried. "2...2..213 stogs ave." She says. I nod knowing exactly where that is. I drive by there all the time on my way to work.

We have been out here for about 30 mins now. Its starting to get dark. Kendle's health is slowly decreasing. But I can tell she is a fighter. "I.......... I........ Want my mom." She says about to start crying. I also notice she is shivering. I take my jacket off and place it over her. " dont worry I'm sure the hospital contacted your mom." I say as I play with her hair and hold her neck straight. From a distance I can hear what sounds to be sirens. I sigh a breath of relief as the noise gets closer and closer. "Do you hear that...." I was cut off my a choking noise and movement. I look down and I see Kendle having a grand mal seizure. "Shit." I curse as I ever so carefully but quickly lay her on her side so she doesnt choke. I listen as I hear the voices of my mates coming closer. "Brian what we got?" Tyler one of my friends and fellow doctors say. "13 year old female horse back accident. Was unconscious at arrival but responded to pain stimulus. Woke up and was responsive for about thirty mins. Slightly hypothermic. And just started seizing." I report and I time the seizure on my watch. "Alright Maddie get me and iv drip of warm saline and 10 cc of Lorazapam, a neck brace, spinal board and blankets stat!" Tyler yell to the medic who was getting the gear. As soon as she brings the required tools we start right away. Tyler places the iv drip into her arm and pushes the Larazapam and it slows the seizure down to a stop thankfully so we can continue. Maddie sets Kendle up on monitors while Tyler helps me place the neck brace on her. After all the monitors were in place we got Handle situated on a back board and o2 mask. Once that was done Tyler and Maddie put Kendle on the stretcher and put ger in the back of the Ambulance and drove off with Tyler in the back.

They just left with kendle. I walk over to the horses and give them each an apple and lead her horse to my own and start riding to Kendles house. When I get there I see a lobely young lady on the porch looking frantic. I walk up to her. "Ma'am do you happen to be the mother of Ms. Kendle?" I ask. She looks at my with hope in her eyes. "Y..yes thats me. Where is my baby she was supposed to be back by now." She cries. "Ma'am Kendle is.on her way to.the hospital right now. She is in good hands." I say trying to comfort her. "I'm an awful mother. I let her go out there all on her own. I am always so lazy. This is all my fault." She cries. "No ma'am this isn't anyones fault. I'm sure your a great mother. And I'm sure Kendle thinks so too." I say as I see her look down. "I guess your right...." She says. "Alright how about you go get dressed and I can drive you to the hospital." I say. She nods and runs inside. I walk around back and pit the horses away. On my way back to the front I see her mom closing the door. "You ready?" I ask. She nods.

We get to the hospital and hear that Kendle was rushed to surgery for a brain bleed. Luckily it wasnt too serious and is treatable. Me and Kendles mom so in the waiting room and waits. "Parents of Kendle Gomez." A nurse says. Me and her mom stand up. "She is asleep currently but you can go and sit with her." The nurse says. Her mom and I thank the nurse and walk to kendle.

We have been at the hospital for a week now. Kendle is doing better. Me and her mom recently got together and are going slow and steady. Unfortunately Kendle did loose 2% of her memory and is also relearning how to talk again but I will be there for her and never leave her. I will give her and her mom the support they need. And when kendle is all healed we can have horse back adventures together.

Word count: 1457

This is my first medical imagine book. I am so happy. This book can include anyone you want. In this chapter I made up the names of course. But please feel free to let me know if you have a request. I am always excepting. And also please let me know what I can do to make my stories even better. Thank you and I hope you all stay happy and healthy.

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