Car crash (5sos×Hannah)

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Hey my name is Hannah Hood Calum's little sister. I'm only 19 but I'm a famous pop star. My friend Demi is also in the music biz. Speaking of Demi I promised to meet her at this new restaurant that recently opened in town. I head outside to my car where is see my driver all ready to go like usual. "You know where to go Brian." I say with a smile as I buckle up. "Alighty miss lets go then." He says and pulls off.

We were almost the the restaurant when the light turned red. Brain stomped his foot on the break causing my fling forwards thankfully I had my seat belt on. Little did I know the seat belt couldn't save me from what happened next. Another car crashed straight into my side and knocked me out. Everything turned black.

I was awoken by loud noises and constant movement. I could barely make out where I was or what was going on all I could tell was that my body hurt like hell. I look around to see everything is blurry and bright but I know I'm not in the car with Brian. "Sweet heart..... Can...... You....hear..... Me.....?" A voice asks. It sounds so distant yet so near. Argh this light is giving me a migraine!

(Ashton's P.O.V)

Me and my buddy Michael were on call doctors for the night meaning we ride along with EMTs to emergencies outside the hospital. We were chilling talking to the driver of the ambulance when our pagers went off. The radio in the ambulance went off as well. "Ambulance 240 Truck 50 and rescue 50, MVA on the intersection maple and curry rd. Multiple victims number in cars unknown." Me, Micheal and the two paramedics we were on call with jump into the ambulance and rush to the scene of the emergency. "Ambulance 240 on route to accident ETA 3 minutes." One of the paramedics says.

As we pull up to the scene of the accident we can see firefighter rescue crews working to get the victims out from the cars. "We need medical assistance over here!" We hear a fireman yell. Me and Michael rush over with our gear and a stretcher. "What do we got here?" I ask crouching down putting my stethoscope in my ears and then placing it on the victims chest. "Young girl in mid to late teens critical condition. Driver of the car we couldn't save him." I nod keeping my emotions for later right now I have to deal with this girl. "Michael her vitals are weak but still there set up and drip and leta get her on put of here." I says to Michael who instantly jumps into action. "Lines in!" He says. I look at the firefighter. "Okay I'm gonna beed help getting her rolled onto a back board and into the ambulance!" I say.  Me, Micheal, the fireman and the paramedics carefully grab a portion of her body and rolls her onto the backboard so we can safely transport her to the hospital with trying to keep the minimum amount of spinal damage possible if she does have a spine break.

We got ger into the ambulance and were on our way to the hospital when I saw her head move slightly. When I look at her she has her eyes open but they keep rolling back. "Hey sweetheart can you hear me?" I ask shining my light into her eyes. "Definitely a concussion." I say to Micheal as he fills out her chart. I continue to look her over and see that she has a seriously fractured jaw, both her legs and arms seem to be damaged, she is pretty damn scraped up. While I was in my train of thought the girl started wheezing and having problems breathing. I grab my stethoscope and place it on her chest while Micheal grabs the Oxygen mask. "Shit she has a clasped lung. Page the OR we need to get her up to surgery soon!" I say while grabbing the tools i need to relieve some of the pressure in her chest just until we can treat her clasped lung. I make a small incision on the side of her chest and stick a tube into it carefully in order to release the air pressure built up from her collapsed lung.

"Ash we're here lets get out." Micheal says as the back of the ambulance opens. "Alright lets go!" I say as we bring down the stretcher and rush inside the hospital. "Teenage Jane Doe victim in an MVA collapsed lung, broken jaw, and broken arms and legs! Vitals are low and dropped on route regained consciousness but ended up loosing it again!" Micheal shouts as we rush into the OR that was prepped and waiting.

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