Sibling outing

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"Come on Bubba! Slow down!" I shout to my 24 year old brother. "Come on Em you need to speed up. The land mark is coming up. We can stop for a rest there." My brother Bubba says back. I just roll my eyes in response. You see my name is Emilia and Bubba is my brother. I'm in 10th grade and we currently are on a hike. We usually like to go hiking twice a month depending on the weather. It's always been our "bonding experience" so my mother calls it. But secretly I think it's just a ticking time bomb. Bubba is just probably waiting for the right time to shove me off the edge of one of these cliffs. "Em we are about 5 minutes out." He says as we keep walking. "Bubba can we stop please 🥺." I say making a pouty face while panting. He rolls his eyes and sighs. "Fine but only for a few seconds. I want to take a dip before it's too dark." He says referring to the water hole we always go to on our hikes. "Ok ok let me just drink some water." I pull out my water bottle and start drinking. The cold water soothes the metallic taste I have in the back of my throat from all this hiking. "Ok kid let's go." Bubba says standing up and holding an arm out. I take his hand as he helps me up. "So 5 minutes away?" I ask. He nods and points to the tree that we spray painted as a marker. "Wow that's still standing?" I say heading towards the tree. We both have a laugh.

We get to the watering hole. It's beautiful. The natural layout of the rocks abd how they form the most beautiful waterfall. The clearness of the water. The fresh smell of nature. Its amazing, absolutely breathtaking. "Alright last one in is a rotten egg!" Bubba shouts as ge takes off his shirt leaving him in only his shorts. "HEY NO FAIR!" I shout taking my top off leaving me in a swimsuit top and shorts. We both race into the water and start splashing each other. Times like this I wish would never go away. "Em let's race to the other side of the watering hole." Bubba says. I nod and smirk. "Your on Bubs." I get into my readying position. And on the count of three were off. I swim as fast as I can to the other side but the faster you swim the harder the impact. As I got closer I saw the rocks were covered in slimy moss. Crap! Crap! Crap! I say in my head. I swim right into the rocks hitting my hands on the rocks. "You fucking pop tart!" I shout as I grab my right wrist. Bubba comes rushing over with his face full of concern. "What happened?" He asked staring at me. "Nothing just hit the rocks." I say biting my bottom lip. He takes my hand an starts to examine it. You see Bubba is a paramedic so he deals with injuries and such all the time. "By the way your wrist is already swelling I say you did something to it." He says. I just stare at him. "Well no dip Sherlock!" I shout rolling my eyes. "Alright alright. Let's wrap up in towels and start walking back to the parking lot." He says helping me out of the water. "I'm gonna wrap your wrist up until we get to urgent care." He explains taking the ace wrap out of his backpack. "Dude I am NOT going to urgent care." I say. He just exhales deeply and starts wrapping my wrist. "Ow!" I say flinching my arm back. "That hurts. Can you be a bit more careful!" I shout cause I'm stressed irritated and in pain. "Look Emilia I get it your in pain but once tge wrap is on the pain will lessen and we'll get you to urgent care to double check nothing is broken." He said finishing the wrap. "But I don't want to go to urgent care. We have ice packs at home. I'm sure I just need to ice it." I say trying to get out of urgent care. But Bubba looks like he isn't having it. "I said your going so let's go." He says causing me to grumble.

We finally make it back to the car. My wrist is in a crap ton of pain. "Bubba..." I say tears starting to fill the rim of my eyes. He gets into the driver seat of the car and looks at me. "Come er'." He says pulling me into a hug. "We'll go get it looked at and see if anything is wrong I have some Advil if you wanted to take some." He says handing me a bottle of Advil. I nod and take it from him and grab out 3 pills. "I need a drink." I say as the first tear slips. Bubba passes me his water bottle. I down the pills and the water.

The entire 15 minutes to the urgent care was hell. The Advil wasn't working worth shit and every bump made it worse. "Alright come on Em." He says parking the car. We get out and head to the front door. By now I'm leaning on Bubba just for support. I feel tired but in pain. We get all checked in and wait for the nurse to call us in.

We get to a room and the nurse takes my vitals. And then we wait another 50 damn minutes for the doctor. When the doctor came in he saw my wrist and scheduled an x-ray and then left.

X-rays came back and me and my brother got the news that I had 2 hairline fractures in my wrist. And I did some damage to the ligaments around the bone.

After a few weeks of being on a cast and having my brother help me with writing and such. I can finally have the cast removed. Although I got hurt. Hiking is something that I see as a bonding experience with my brother cause before we know it time will slip by and those precious moments will be only memories.

Thought I'd write a quick one so I am sorry for any mistakes. I do hope you enjoy!

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