Game day jitters (y/n×5SOS)

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(Y/n POV)

It's our first big game of the year. We have had many scrimmages and small pop up games. I have only been hurt a few times but I have always had my family to help me get back up. When I say family I mean my dad Micheal and my uncle's Ash, Luke, and Calum. They all became doctors after their band years were over. And then there is me, a tomboy girl who loves to play sports. I'm currently playing soccer which I find so much fun. But... Today is the biggest game of the year. And make that our first biggest game of the year.

"Hey sweety are you ready?" My dad asks as he walks into my room. "I think?" I say more as a question then a response. "Hmm. Well do you have a filled water bottle? And your change of clothes? Oh and your cleats?" He asks. I nod to each thing he mentioned. "Do you have the best supportive set of dads and uncles like ever?" He says making me smile. "I don't know do I?" I say with a devious smirk. He smiles and tickles my side. I burst out into laughter. "Okay! Okay! I have *pauses to laugh* the best set of supportive dad and *pauses to laugh again* uncle's!" I say through each laughing fit. He stops tickling me and laughs. "Good. Then your all ready!" He says with a smile. I smile back. "Thank you dad." He nods. I can tell he knows I'm scared. "What's wrong sweet heart?" He says sitting next to me. "Just a set of pregame jitters." I say. He nods and pulls me in for a hug. "Well it's more than okay to be scared or nervous before a big event. I had a lot of those back in the day when I was in a band." He says. "But then I had to remember that I had the guys with me and at the time they were my support. You have me and the guys to be your support. Plus your coach and teammates." He says rubbing my shoulder. "Do you promise?" I ask looking down towards my soccer bag. He nods. "Yes baby I promise. Now let's hurry and finish getting ready we have to collect the guys and then head to the game." My dad says getting up from the bed. I smile and stand up.

We get to the car. I throw my soccer bag in the trunk and get in. "Alrighty buckle up and let's get going." My dad says as he turns on the radio. We buckle up and start going. I stare out the window thinking about how scary this game is going to be. I mean what if I get hurt, what if I miss a goal and everyone yells at me?, Even worse what if... I was cut out of my thoughts when I felt someone poking my arm anoyyinly. "Y/n~~ earth to y/n." I hear Luke say. "Is she alright?" I hear my dad say. "Yah she just looks lost in thought." Luke says slightly laughing. Wait... "UNCLE LUKE!!" I shout and hug him only to get a hug in return. "Hey n/n!" He says while we hug. Out of all my uncle's Luke is my favorite. Maybe it's just because he has a way with kids. I mean he is a pediatrician. "You ready for the big day?" He asks. I think for a second and then slowly nod. "Hey Luke can you call Calum and Ash and tell them we are coming now so stop being bafoons and be ready." My dad says. "Yah sure. One sec y/n let me call them and then we can talk." Luke says pulling out his phone. I nod and stare back out the window. I start to bounce my leg. 'why am I so freaking jittery?' I say to myself. "Oi! Don't shoot the messenger!" I hear Luke say. I can only tell that he's on the phone with Ash. "Alright we'll be ready we are almost there give us like a few minutes." Luke says then hangs up. "I swear they are more child like than an actual child." Luke says under his breath. "I beg differ on that." My dad says making me chuckle. "Alright y/n let's talk now. What's wrong? Do you have big game jitters?" He asks. I nod. "Oh..." He says in reply. "Well you have me your dad and your other baboon faced uncle's. We will be at your game to cheer you on. And I don't have a doubt in the world that you'll show the other team that your the boss." He says. I smile a little. "Thank you Lukey." I say. He smiles. "Anytime doll."

After a long car ride with my uncle's shouting and wishing me good luck for my game and singing to their old songs, we finally made it to the field where the game will take place. I feel my heart rate start picking up and my body starts to shake. There are so many people here. So many big and strong looking kids. The field is huge and there are so many cameras. "I feel like I'm gonna be sick." I say placing my hand over my mouth hunching over. Everyone in the car looks at me worried. "Luke open the door hurry!" My dad says. Luke opens the door and i quickly hunch myself over and throw up. "That's it let it all out." I hear my uncle Calum say as Luke rubs my back. I see my dad walk over with a water bottle in his hand. "Here drink this." He says putting it up to my lips after i was done throwing up. "Luke does she have a fever?" My uncle Ashton asks. "No but her pulse is ready fast. Nerves maybe?" Luke says as he keeps his hand on my wrist feeling my pulse. "Baby I need you to calm down okay?" My dad says. "I..I'm... Sc...scared..." I say stuttering. "I know princess I know. But your team needs you. You are an amazing player and everyone will be cheering you on. And I promise nothing will go wrong you have us here. And we are your number one fan!" My dad says reassuringly. I nod and take a few more sips of water and calm down. My dad's phone rings. "Hello go for Mike." He says. "Yes sir we are here. We are in the car park she had a bit of an accident but we will be in soon." He says. "Alright see you in there." With that he ends the call. "That was your coach he's worried something is wrong." My dad says as he rubs my hands. "Alright let's go in when your ready sweets." He says. I nod and take a few more sips of water and deep breaths. "Okay I'm ready." I say as I get out of the car.

The game went smoothly. We ended up winning with me getting the winning shot Wich was a buzzer beater. The whole crowd cheered as my team ran over and surrounded me with hugs.

After the game me, my dad and uncles went out for pizza. We all talked and they showed me some really cool shots from the game. I was happy. "Thank you guys for helping me earlier." I say looks to everyone. They smile. "We would gladly do it again." My dad says. "we are family." Uncle Ash says.

With that we all went to my dad's house and had a sleepover to celebrate our victory. I really do have an amazing support system. And an amazing family.

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