"Its just a scratch"

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Nancy and Thalia were getting ready to go to the skate park. "Dude Hunter asked Clara out last night." Thalia says to Nancy who is tying her shoes. "Ew why Clara? He could do so much better." Nancy says standing up.

Thalia scoffs, "Your not saying you like my brother. Are you?"

Nancy smiles and shrugs. "Come on let's go before it gets dark. My mom's making pizza tonight."

Thalia rolls her eyes and follows Nancy out the door to the skate park.

The girls arrive to the skate park laughing from the constant talk they had on the way over. "The bowl or the railing?" Thalia asks. Nancy pauses and thinks for a moment. "Let's warm up in the bowl first. I learned a new trick on the rails I wanna show you. So you know best for last." Nancy says smiling proud of herself. Thalia laughs and puts a hand on Nancy's shoulder before taking off towards the bowl on her skateboard. "Come on then Nanc what's taking you so long!" Thalia shouts towards Nancy laughing.

After a few tricks in the bowl both girls stop for a water break. "That was cool but you wanna know what's cooler?" Nancy says to Thalia. Thalia looks towards Nancy as she continues to talk. "The trick I learned on the rails. Come on I'll show you!" Nancy states excitedly standing up. Thalia is short behind and follows Nancy to the stairs at the skate park.

"Just be careful Nanc." Thalia says to Nancy who's getting ready to jump down the rail with her skateboard. "Aren't I always?" Nancy says.

After getting ready Nancy starts skating towards the railing and jumps up. Unfortunately she ends up missing the railing and falls over catching the side of her leg on a sharp stone on the stair case. "Holy shit Nancy! Are you alright?!" Thalia says rushing over to her friend's side. "Yah I think it's just a scratch." Nancy says holding her bloodied hand to her leg. "Just a scratch?!? You're bleeding like crazy!" Thalia shouts in a panic while Nancy chuckles. "T calm down I feel no pain it can't be that bad. C'mon let's get home." Nancy says standing up. "Dude you're fucking crazy. You're losing blood! How are you okay?!?! Did you hit your head or something?!?" Thalia continues to shout. "Okay, okay if you think it's so bad why don't you call your brother and ask him." Nancy says rolling her eyes. Thalia doesn't take another second and pulls out her phone and dials her brother's number.

Hunter: "yah what's up?"

Thalia: "Hunter,Nancyjustwipedoutattheskateparkandisbleedingreallybadfromherlegandshethinksitsjustascratchbutitsreallyreallybadandrhereisacraptonofblood!"

Hunter: "Hey, Hey calm down and take a breath what's going on? What about blood?"

Nancy: "I had a wipe out and I scratched myself and Thalia is freaking out." Nancy says over the phone that's on speaker.

Hunter: "How bad is this scratch?"

Thalia: "Blood is everywhere!" Thalia turns the phone camera on revealing the cut on Nancy's leg.

Hunter: "well shit that's no scratch Nancy. I'll come get you guys hang tight keep applying pressure to the wound. Thalia help her apply pressure." Hunter orders over the phone and the girls nod and do as they're told.

The phone call ends. "Fuck now your brother is coming. Thalia I really don't like doctors man. It's just a scratch." Nancy says starting to freak out. "Oh shut up you have a crush on him and you know it. Plus I told you this wasn't just a scratch." Thalia states trying to ease the situation with teasing Nancy about the crush. Suddenly Thalia's phone rings.

Thalia: "Hello?"

Nancy's mom: "Hi honey I heard what happened. Hunter told me. He's going to bring you two to the hospital I'll be meeting up with you guys there."

Thalia: "O-okay. Did my brother say how long he'll be?"

Nancy's mom: "He said 3 minutes. He should be there soon."

After Thalia gets this information Nancy's mom talks to Nancy to calm her nerves a bit and then the call ends. "Well today is just great." Nancy says shivering. "Here." Thalia says taking her hoodie off putting it on Nancy as a man is seen running towards them. "About time he shows up." Thalia says as Hunter comes into view.

"Alright we are here." Hunter says pulling up to the emergency room. "Thalia stay in the car I'll bring Nancy in. Her mom is already inside waiting." Hunter says making Thalia nod.

After a few minutes waiting in the cold car Hunter returns. Thalia is in the car staring at the blood on her hands. Hunter watches her through the window and opens the door crouching down next to her placing a hand on her shoulder. "You did good Thalia. Nancy will be alright. They have to do some stitches and give her some blood but nothing is life threatening." Hunter says trying to comfort his sister. "Let's get you home and clean. Okay?" Hunter says staring at his sister with worry. Thalia just nods.

After arriving home Hunter sends Thalia upstairs to shower and change while he orders pizza and invites his girlfriend Clara over hoping the girl to girl contact can help Thalia.

After the shower Thalia sits and thinks. What if this was something more serious than a leg injury. What if something happened to both of them. What if Nancy hit her head and fell unconscious.

With all the thoughts of what ifs Thali didn't notice the fact that her hands were gripping the bathroom sink and tears were streaming down her face as a tightness overtakes her chest.

"Thalia?" Hunter says on the outside of the bathroom door. "H...hu....hunter..." Thalia breathes out. Hunter opens the door peaking in to make sure it's safe to enter. After he sees Thalia is dressed he walks in hugging her. "What's wrong little sis?" He asks holding her close to his chest rocking her back and forth. "I....im scared...." She says taking deep breaths trying to calm herself. Hunter rubs her back. "I know baby sis. But hey Nancy is alright. I just got off the phone with her mom. They did the stitches and Nancy is already feeling much better." Hunter says trying to ease his little sister's nerves.

After a few minutes of rocking back and forth Thalia is able to get her panic attack under control as Hunter smiles leading her down to the living room. "Here I ordered pizza and I invited Clara over for us all to hang out. We can call Nancy a little later to check up on her okay?" Hunter asks. Thalia nods eating a slice of pizza.

Later that night Thalia FaceTimes Nancy who's leaving the hospital on crutches. "Hey girl so no skate park for a while. I had 42 stitches isn't that crazy!" Nancy says laughing. Thalia chuckles. "I told you it wasn't only just a scratch."

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