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"Come on Sage you can't sit in your room forever. Let's go out and have some fun~." My dorm mate Kianna said. "I have to study. We have a test at the end of the week and I need to cram in extra study hours." I say back to Kianna who is now laying on my bed upside down. I swear you wouldn't even know she's a med student.

"You know... Studying all in one night isn't smart. Cause by the end of the week you'll forget. And~~~ There is a carnival in town and tonight is discounted wrist bands to ride until 11. You can't beat that." She says causing me to smile. "How about we go tomorrow?" I suggest. "If we go tomorrow I'll be dead by then. Come onnnnn!!!" She says tugging on my arm. I sigh and put down my pencil. "Fine. But then tomorrow you HAVE to study with me." I say standing from my desk. "Yah yah whatever." She says getting up from my bed and exiting the room. "Be ready by 5 I want to ride all night. And off into the sunset." She shouts through our dorm apartment.

I get ready. Black skinny jeans, a white Rugrats teeshirt and a pair of white converse. I grab a clean mask and my mini backpack that I take with me as a purse. "Ready!" I call out to Kianna. "Girl what the hell you look so.... Casual." She says coming out of the bathroom with her rainbow cropped hoodie and a white pleaded skirt. "Cause it's only a carnival. We go on rides, try not to throw up and leave. Nothing about that screams 'dress up'" I say as she sprays perfume. "Girl you gotta think. Cute pictures, hot guys and girls and if one of us throws up well look hot while doing it." She says causing me to laugh. "Your too much." I chuckle.

"Alright and.... Done. How do I look?" Kianna asks walking out the bathroom. "Like a teenager who went to pride fest." I say. "Hey there's nothing wrong with that." Kianna says back slightly offended. "No no you asked how you looked and I answered. I'm sorry was I being too out there again." I ask putting my head down in shame. I have a tendency to be too blunt. Sometimes it comes off the wrong way. Kianna then perks up and smiles. "I know you didn't mean it in a harsh way. I was playing you. Wanted to see how you would react. Anyways let's get going. The big is still young after all." She says grabbing the keys. "Yah yah." I say and follow her.

As I get to the door of our dorm I stop. "Did you put the medical bag back in the trunk?" I ask closing the front door to our dorm. "Yep and all accounted for. Now come on it's relaxing fun time. Not worry about medicine time." She says skipping down the halls.

We get into the car. I turn on the A/C as it is quite hot today. "Let's not forget to get cold water from the store." I say as we pull out of our parking spot. "Wanna go to Starbucks. Their still open. Cause girl all this makeup made my fat ass hungry." She laughs causing me to join. "Sure. How long until we get to this carnival?" I ask as we drive down the road to the Starbucks. "Uhm... It's about an hour and a half away from here so we have time." She says.

You see Kianna isn't all childish and play. When it comes to the lives of others she is the most reliable person ever. Hell if I was dieing I would feel comfortable knowing Kianna was there. She's been an EMT for a few years. I only just started last year. She's helped me get into the ropes of things. Even though we are roughly the same age. (24). She is still so much more experienced than I am. I look up to her as if she was a sister.

"Helloooo earth to Sageeeee. We are hereeee." She says turning off the car. I snap out of my thoughts. "Oops sorry." I say unbuckling and heading out the car.

We get to the entrance of the carnival to get the wrist bands. Thankfully the line isn't that long but still took some time till it was our turn to purchase the wrist bands. "Two please." Kianna said pulling out her wallet. "No Ki let me pay. You paid for gas." I insist. "Bitch no I pay grrr." She says causing me to chuckle.

We pay for our wrist bands and head in. "Ok first things first we need to take a cute photo." She says looking for a spot to take one.

After over 3 hours of back to back rides and food it's finally time for us to leave. "Come on Ki let's head home so we can shower an-" My words were cut off by horrible screams. We look towards the parking lot where the screams are coming from and we see man laying on the ground bleeding. Without second thought we went running. "Sage go get the med kit. Ma'am I need you to step aside and call 9-1-1. Everyone else I need you to clear the area now!" Kianna says taking charge. Luckily the car is right next to the scene so grabbing the med bag was fast. I ran over to them and threw the bag on the ground besides the patient. "An ambulance is 5 minutes out let's apply pressure to the bleeding until they arrive." Kianna instructs. I nod and grab the gauze from the back and some gloves. I put the gloves on and I start applying pressure using the gauze. "They said they are  caught in traffic but their a few minutes out." The lady who called 9-1-1 said. "Okay Sage I need you to wrap the wound and help me splint this leg." Kianna says. I nod and do as I'm told. I take out the medical tape and I use it to secure a fresh piece of gauze to the wound and I grab the splint. "On my count you life the leg and I'll slide it under." I say and Kianna nods in agreement. "Ok 1... 2... 3." I say and if almost in one swift motion the splint was on the man's broken leg. "I'll take his BP and you put the oxi meter on him." I say to Kianna as I grab the stethoscope from around my neck and the blood pressure cuff from the bag. "Got it." And we do our thing.

I get the mans vital signs and write it on his arm. The man just lays there conscious and breathing. "Sir can you tell us what happened?" I asked. "I don't know bro." He says. You can tell he's been drinking alcohol and doing some sort of drugs there is no denying that. "Okay sir my name is Sage and this here is Kianna we are keeping the bleeding under control until the ambulance gets here." I say. The man goes out in another daze. "Does anyone know what happened?" Kianna asks. "Yah he was walking and stumbled upon a car that was trying to pull out. He then tripped on that rock thing." A lady says pointing at a large rock in the ground. "Ki the ambulance is here." I say pointing to the rig. "Awesome I'll go talk to the paramedic." She says and I nod.

"Okay we'll take it from here girls good job!" The paramedic says. We bid our goodbyes and we clean up. "Hey Sage." Kianna says. I look over towards her. "Yah?" I say looking confused. "I'm kinda hungry and want Taco bell. You in?" She asks. I chuckle and nod. "Sure. And then I seriously need to get back and shower before someone thinks I just killed a person." I laugh. Kianna laughs too.

That was a fun day. ☺️

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