Sick Days (Ghost Adventures)

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(Zaks P.O.V)

I woke up feeling like crap. My head hurts my throats sore and I know for a damn fact I have a fever. I don't feel like going into work today but I have to. I get up and start walking to my bathroom that is attached to my bedroom. On my way over I get a dizzy spell and hold onto the wall. I realize that going to work would literally just be a death wish for me. I walk back over to my bed and call my good friend Aaron to tell him I wont be coming into work today and that I'll most likely be heading to urgent care. He agrees that I should go and tells me to get well soon. I hope. I get up and get myself to look decent to go out in public. I call an uber know sure in hell I wont be able to drive.

The uber comes and I get in. "To the nearest urgent care please." I say. He nods and drives there. The entire ride was silent but ever little bump made my headache grow beyond a migraine. We arrive at the urgent care and I get out and tip the driver. I walk in and go and check myself in. "Zak Bagans?" The nurse calls I get up and follow her. "Take a seat please." She says as we walk into a room. I do as told and I take a seat. She starts checking my vitals height and weight. "The doctor will be in soon." She says with a soft smile and leaves. I wait there while scrolling through my phone on Facebook when I hear a knock. "Come in." I say. The doctor walks in with his computer in his arms. "Hello Zak right?" He asks. I nod. "Alright well from symptoms and the way your tempeture is in assuming you just have a cold. I can prescribe some medications and so forth so on and yah but let me just finish this check up off and we can go from there." He says. I nod.

He completes the check up and comfirms that I just have a simple common cold and allergies. He prescribes me allergy meds and cold medicine and I'm on my way. I head home after collecting my medicine. I walk in and go to the kitchen to get a bottle of water. I get my water and take my meds and head to bed. A few hours later im woken up by a pat on the back. I open my eyes to come face to face with a smiling Aron. "You know I'm really regretting giving you a key to my place." I say while I groan from the light. "Oh wake up Billy made soup!" He says excitedly. "Why are you guys here?" I ask. "Cause we care now get up and get well so you can get back to kicking some demons ass!"

With a few days of these annoying dimwits I get back to feeling myself and I low key enjoyed having them around to help. But dont tell them they will know I actually care.

Sorry lmao. If you haven't caught on this is a Ghost adventures imagine. I really love their show and I have been a fan for a while and I don't really see imagines like this so I thought id make one. If you have any request feel free to let me know. Stay happy and safe!

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