Stomach Bug (Luke)

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Request for bwthib

(Luke's P.O.V)

I woke up feeling a sharp stabbing like pain in my stomach. And from off the bat I was a bit sweaty. But it wasn't enough for me to ask my dad if I can stay home. So I get up and I start to get dressed for school. On my way down the stairs the pain got a bit more intense and I winced. "Hey buddy are you ok?" My dad Ross asked. "Daddy!!" I cried. Now sitting on the stairs cause my stomach ached so much. I see a figure getting closer to the steps until it gets into frame I see my dad.  "Hey bud what's wrong?" My dad asks me holding me in his comforting hug. " hurts." I cry out. "Hey hey its ok. Lets take you to the doctors ok. Then we can figure out what's wrong ok bud?" He asks. I just nod. Already knowing that my fear with needles will make me suffer even more.

On our way to the doctors my dad held my hand rubbing soothing circles on it. "Its gonna be ok buddy after we are done I'll take you to get some hot chocolate from dunkin ok?" He asks knowing hot chocolate cheers me up. I nod and hold his hand tighter as we get closer to the dreadful building.

We get out as and walk in. "Go have a seat I'll sign us in." My dad tells me. I nod and goes sit down in one of their uncomfortable chairs. I'm holding my stomach hunched over when my dad comes back and looks at me worriedly. "Hey buddy I'll be there the whole time ok? I am so sorry I let this happen to you." My dad says as he pulls me into a comforting hug.

The nurse calls us on back and she takes the basic vitals while I hold my dads hand. I'm pretty calm during this part cause I know its not a needle. The nurse leaves and the doctor comes in. "Hey Luke. Long time no see how are you doing? I heard you are having some stomach pains is it ok if I take a look?" My doctor asks. My grip on my father's hand tightens and so does his. I nod slightly to tell the doctor he can. "Ok bud can you lay on back so I can take a quick feel of your tummy." He says. I nod and lay down still holding my dad's hand. The doctor presses on my stomach but once he gets to a certain spot he presses a little too hard and I cry out as I vomit in the vomit bag giving to me by the nurse. "Oh I'm sorry Luke. But I figured what's wrong but you may not like this. You have a stomach bug that is treatable with an injection in the upper bum." He says. My eyes widen my muscles tense and the color drains from my face. My dad was quick to notice and he stood up and hugged me. "Your gonna be ok buddy. Its gonna be all ok." He says while rubbing my back. I notice a nurse walk in with a tray with a needle on it and the doctor putting gloves on. That's when I lose it and starts to cry. My dad engulfs me in a hug and sits me on his lap until I'm just sniffling. He then lays me on the cot and holds both my hands as I feel my pants being pulled down. The tears start coming back as I feel the wipe. "Hey hey your ok." My dad says. "Ok Lule.on the count of 3. 1.... 2.... 3." He says and plunges the needle in. I let out silent cries in my dads hold. I then feel the horrid piece of metal leave my skin and the injection site is covered with a band aid. "You did so good son. I am so proud of you." My dad says and pulls me into a hug. "Ok so no school for the rest of this week and plenty of drinks and soups and sleep." The doctor say.

We wave off the building as we drive home. My dad of course held his promise and bought me a delicious cup of hot chocolate. I love my dad and I don't know what I would do without him.




Thank you for the request! Hope you enjoyed.

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