Stomach Bug (Jessie x Henry)

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Request for Rosequeen365

(Jessie P.O.V)

I have been living with my brother Henry for almost a week now. I moved in woth him because my parents were abusive all to hell. But that's a story for another time. My brother has been out of work on the count that he needed to spend time with me. I don't know what he works as cause once he left for collage he never came into contact with our parents until recently. Anyways I woke up to the sound of my alarm. I snacked my phone a few times because it was giving me a head ache. And to not help me at all my stomach was killing me all night. I don't want to tell Henry cause he has always been super over protective of me. And I one thing was wrong with me he would send me to the doctors to get checked over. But the problem with that is I have a BAD fear of doctors and needles. Its all because my old doctor was super mean and was never nice. So yah telling my brother was marked off my list. I get up and start walking to my bathroom mentally preparing myself for the monster yet to come. I get super close to my bathroom door and I get a dizzy spell. Well that ain't good. I held onto the wall praying to god that it would pass soon and my brother wouldn't see. And as if God was on my side it lasses and my brother never came to check on me. I continue my way to the bathroom I physically look like poop. I wash my face brush my teeth then apply some light makeup. I double check myself before nodding at my appearance and walk off to the closet to get dressed. I decide on a simple white tee shirt and a pair of shorts since its hot as hell here in Florida. I go downstairs and get my shoes on. I see my brother sitting at the table eating breakfast. "Good morning Jessy bug." He sings calling me by my childhood nickname. "Morning hear bare." I say back and go over and hug him. His Nick name is Hear bear because when he was younger he had long slick back hair. His hair is still pretty long. "Hey hon are you feeling alright?" He asks concern lacing his voice. "Yes Henry I'm fine." I say and rush over to the door. "No breakfast again?" He asks sighing. "Nope." I say and walk out. I usually don't eat breakfast so there is no surprise there.

On my way to school I get another dizzy spell but this one was more intense then the last. And on top of me feeling dizzy I get an urge to throw up. I run to the nearest enclosed area and throw up. I throw up all my contents of dinner last night. Throwing up seemed to make my stomach feel worse. I cry wishing the pain would just go away. And to make matters worse is I feel super weak. I finally get composure over myself and clean myself up with my makeup I carry in my bag. I complete my walk to school and get into the air conditioned building. I go to my locker and spray some perfume on so I don't smell like vomit and I go to class. In the middle of class my headache and stomach ache shoots up at the same time making me gasp and topple over. I hear all the voices around me fading and so does my vision. Next thing I know I'm floating in a black abyss.

(Henry P.O.V)

I could tell something was wrong with her the minute she walked down this stairs. She was sweating through her make up and she look super pale and clammy. I asked if she was alright and she just said she was fine and left. I shouldn't be a doctor if I couldn't tell she was sick. Yes I'm a doctor. I work at the hospital as an ER doctor. I took a week off to get my sister situated in my house. I wasn't gonna tell her I'm a doctor because she is deathly afraid of them from when she was little. I get kicked out of my thoughts when my phone rings. I answer it and its the school nurse from Jessie's school calling me and telling me she passed out. All my doctor senses break out and I tell them to have her sent to the hospital I work at. The nurse agrees and hangs up. I go and get a bay ready and get a spare nurse to help. I want to lower the number of ppl in the room with her so she doesn't have a panic attack. Once I get the page that the ambulance is here I hear the medic shouting info. "15 year old female clasped at school. High BP and high heart rate. Patient still unconscious and most likely dehydrated." They day as we wheel my passed out sister into a room. "Alright Annie I need an IV fluids in her looks like a stomach bug so I need antibiotics." I tell my nurse and she walks out to get the stuff.

Just then Jessie starts to wake up in a panic. "Henry!" She shouts. I go over and hug her. "Shhhh hon your alright I'm right here. You passed out at school because of a stomach bug. We are gonna help you." I say. I see her look at me differently. "Your a doctor!" She shouts. "Shh there are other patients and yes I'm a doctor. I didn't want to tell you because you would freak out. Now just stay calm." I say. Just then the nurse comes in the room with a tray of the iv supplies and a needle. "No.... No that's not going inside me no no no. Henry please no." Jessie says starting to panic. "Shh love its just a small pinch in your arm and then you'll get used to it. We have to do this to get fluids into your system." I see her physically starting to shake. "Annie can you give us a second?" I ask my nurse. She nods and walks out. "Jessie love what's wrong?" I ask hoping to calm her down. "I don't like needles they hurt and their painful and every doctor stabs me with them." She cries. This makes my blood boil inside of me. I cant believe I left her and this is what happened to her. I hug her and let her calm down a bit. "Please love I promise you won't feel a thing. You don't have to worry. Will I your big bro ever lie to you?" I ask. She shakes her head. "So can I give you the iv?" I ask. She shakes her head again. "I don't want that needle." She hiccups about to start crying again. "No babes that goes into the tube of the iv. You'll be ok. I promise." She nods slowly and I kiss her head. I grab the tray and bring it over. "Alright love look at the wall and relax." I say as I wipe down the bend of her arm. She starts to whimper but listens and does as told. She looks at the wall and I slide the iv in no problem and tape it over. She didn't even flinch. "You did so good baby sis." I praise and inject the antibiotics into her arm. You see the trick is to make them think other wise. It works most of the time. "Are you done?" She asks. "Mhm." I say. She turns around and hugs me and I hug her back. "Thank you big bro. And I'm sorry I'm such a burden." I kiss her head. "Your not a burden love. And I love you too bug. Now get some sleep you need it."




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