Goodbyes are the new Hellos

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It's 10am. The traffic is just as heavy as the rain. Cars honk and people talk as the rain splashes to the ground. "Lily come here honey!" A lady calls to her daughter. As another person pulls their dog away from the road. People minding their business in the bustling crowded streets of the city.

Amanda, Riley and Mikey are amongst the busy road raged traffic. "Amanda just go down southbound. We'll be late!" Riley shouts from the back seat just wanting to get to the hotel. Mikey chuckles from the passenger seat. "Okay you back seat driver!" Riley just rolls her eyes. Amanda looks in the rear view mirror and rolls her eyes. "You two are pathetic." She scoffs and looks around. "There is a street coming up we can turn on. We'll get in southbound from there." Amanda assures her group of friends. "Mikey can you give me a sip of your drink?" Riley asks. Mikey smiles and replies. "Sure just don't drink it all." Mikey says turning around to hand Riley the drink. Amanda's face turns to one of pure terror as car horns are heard. "Mikey turn around!" Amanda yells.

Mikey turns just in time to see a car hydroplaning towards them. "Everyone brace your...." Amanda tried to shout before the crash of two cars boomed through the entire city street causing screams and chatters. At that point in time only the sound of the radio was heard in the car. All bodies were bloodied.

People surrounding the car with their phones out. Some recording and some calling for help. It's almost as if the world is going by in slow motion.

A man runs up to the car that sheltered the three friends. "Hey can anyone hear me!" The man shouts trying to pry the door open. He successfully opens the back passenger door revealing Riley. The sight of her body made the man pray to god she wasn't dead. Her pelvis was obviously broken from the way her legs were on the back of the passenger seat. The man rubs Riley's sternum earning a slight groan. The man sees her chest rise and fall and he closes his eyes thanking god she's alive. He looks to the other two who are in worse condition. "Stay with me hun help is coming." The man says hearing the sirens in the background.

The emergency services get on scene stabilizing the vehicles before planning the extraction. And after almost 20 minutes all three friends were extracted from the car and put into ambulances.

Riley P.O.V

Pain. Pain is all I felt. Red was all I saw. And burning rubber was all I smelt. It hurt to open my eyes, it hurt to breathe. How was I still alive?

"Ma'am can you hear me?" I hear a man say shaking my shoulder causing me to groan. "She's responding. Get her stabilized on the board before we move." The man states before placing something stiff around my neck. "I'm Ethan a Paramedic. You were involved in a car accident. We are in the process of getting you out now. I just had my partner put a collar on your neck to keep from further injury." The man says. I slowly start to feel light. Almost as if I'm being pulled away from this world. But what about the others? I can't leave if they are still alive.

Third person

Arriving lights and sirens to the hospital the ambulances are quick to get the three friends inside and into a room. The hospital staff rush around trying to give orders as two of the friends are rushed into surgery right away and the other gets covered.

Emotions are high, but so is the tension. "Time of death. 14:17." The doctor says looking at the clock sighing. "How are the other two?" The nurse asks another. The sad expression on her face says it all. "Not good. Both girls were rushed to the OR. One has some serious head injuries. The other has a broken pelvis and god only knows what other injuries." The nurse explains.

Six hours later one of the two girls makes it out of surgery. And into a recovery room in the ICU.

A month later....

"Wh-what?!!" Riley shouts shaking and crying after hearing about the passing of her friends. "What do you mean they are dead?!!" Riley sobs towards the doctor. "I understand this is a lot. We tried everything we could but the impact from the vehicle was too great." The doctor says trying to explain this situation as carefully as he can. The doctor is also pretty heart broken about the whole thing. He is the one who pronounced Mikey dead. And it pains him to tell her about her friend. Riley just breaks down crying as a nurse helps her wipe her tears as she is unable to do much due to the injuries she suffered. "I'm sorry for your loss." The doctor states trying to hide the fact that he too wants to cry feeling the pain from Riley.

Six years later....

"This is your aunt Amanda and your uncle Mikey." Riley tells her two year old son Mikey. "Mikey?" He asks curiously from hearing his own name. Riley nods messing up the boys hair. "That's who you're named after my love." Riley says her eyes filling with tears as memories flood her head.

A gentle hand was placed on Riley's shoulder. "Here honey." The man hands Riley a tissue. Pulling her close to his chest as she cries. "I miss them Danny." Riley sobs and her husband Daniel rubs her back also tearing up from the memory of pronouncing the death and having to break the news to Riley. "I know sweetheart." A tear sheds down his face as he also pulls their son Mikey into their family hug next to the graves of Mikey and Amanda.

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