Pneumonia (Alison×5SOS)

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(Alison's POV)

"Please Lukey I really want to go to this party." I beg to my older brother Luke Hemmings. "Look Alison I don't know how many times I have to say no! No means No!" He shouts back getting annoyed. "Why? Give me three GOOD reasons as to why I can't go." I say starting to get pissed. "You want three good reasons. Reason 1. It's a party with teenagers and which will most likely consist of drinking and smoking. Reason 2. What happens when teenagers are high and or drunk? They have Sex. Reason 3. If you don't have a way home I will NOT condone to you walking late at night by yourself on a Friday." He says using his fingers to count. I roll my eyes. "I said GOOD reasons." I say emphasizing the word good. "And plus it's a fully supervised party at the skating rink 5 blocks from the hospital. And the only ones gonna be there are Bella, Kim and Andrew." I say as if it was an obvious thing. "Again Alison no means no. End of conversation and don't EVER and I mean EVER bring this up again." He says sternly. I take a breath trying so hard not to just beat the living hell out of him. "Fine then have it your fucking way 'Luke Hemmings'! You never let me do anything! Hell I can't even fucking take a walk outside without you nagging me about this and about that! I'm sick and tired of you treating me like I'm a child! I'm 16 Luke! 16! I haven't had a birthday party in 3 years since mom and dad died all because YOU are so 'over protective'! I Wish I had died in that fire along with them!" I shout as I run outside crying. As I get towards the door I hear Luke just scream out of pure anger. Serves him right for making my life a living hell.

It's raining, dark, the air is crisp and cold. I'm sitting out here in only my PJs which are shorts and a t-shirt. No shoes, no socks and no coat. But to be honest it was quite peaceful. I hadn't heard from Luke in a while which in a way concerns me. But nevermind him. I mean I'm not even that mad about not going to the party Im more mad that he's always keeping me home. The only time i get to leave is to go to school or the hospital. I hate having a doctor as a brother.

30 minutes or so pasted. I couldn't really tell though it was still really dark and the rain stopped. My mind is a bit clearer now and I'm not as pissed as I was earlier. Although I hope it's the same for Luke. Although I hate his guts at the moment he's still my brother and I know that's he's only protective because he lost his only family except me.

I head into the house and I see darkness. "Luke must've went to bed." I tell myself out loud. I shrug and head to my room. I change into dry clothes and I dry my hair with a towel. Although I should probably take a shower I'm just too tired for that right now. After drying my hair and changing I get in bed and I fall asleep.

I woke up to a pounding in my head and my chest feeling tight. I sit up and look at my clock on my nightstand. '3:20' it reads. "Ugh~" I say as I grab my head. I should probably go and tell Luke maybe he'll- but wait... I can't... He probably hates me. I sigh and I rest my head back down. A tear rolls down my check as last nights turn of events play through my head. I'm such an asshole. Why did I have to hit my own brother where it truly hurts.

The pain in my chest gets worse and so does my head. At this point I can physically feel sweat running down my face. I start to panic as my breathing also feels slightly off. I grab my phone and look at the time. '5:14 am'  it read. "Shit." I say as I grab my head in pain knowing Luke should be getting up to get ready for work.

As I'm contemplating on if or not I should tell him how I'm feeling, I hear the front door shut. "Fucking god almighty why now!" I shout as tears stream down my face. The pain is bad. It's getting harder to breathe and with the crying comes coughing. I fall to my hands and knees in a coughing fit as I hear the front door open again. Followed by foot steps leading to my room. "Alison cut the crap I can hear you all the way outside!" Luke shouts through the door. I roll my eyes as I try to stop coughing. I finally succeeded as I heard the front door open and close again. This time it didn't reopen. Wow no good bye, no have a day, not even a I hate you and forever will. Cause to be quite frank with you I deserve it.

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