Anemia (outer banks cast)

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(Danielle P.O.V)

Hi I'm Danielle but everyone calls me Danny. I'm 14 years old and in 7th grade. My birthday falls behind the enrollment period for school so I'm in a grade below most of the other 14 year olds. Speaking of school that's where I am right now. "Danielle can you answer number 7 please?" My teacher Mrs.Parker asks. "Uhh.... One second please." I say and open my notebook to write the formula.

I go to look back up at the board when I get a dizzy spell. I blink my eyes to try to focus them. I can hear my teacher walking towards me. "Danny are you ok sweet heart?" She asks. I nod. "Yes miss. I just felt slightly dizzy is all." I say with a smile. She nods still looking concerned. "Alright love if you want to go get some water you can." She says and I nod. "Thank you." I say and stand up and walk out of the class.

I go to the water fountain and fill up my water bottle. See because of covid they shut off the water to the drinking portion so now we have to bring water bottles to fill.

I take some sips of my water when I feel another wave of dizziness. I grab onto the wall to try and stable myself. I can't quite make out what's happening but I feel a hand on my shoulder guiding me to the ground in a sitting position. "Just relax. Your gonna be ok." I hear. I soon come to realize it's the school nurse. Nurse Bailey.

After a few moments the dizzy spell passes. "Hey you wanna come with me to my office?" She asks. I nod and she helps me up. As we walk towards the nurses office she talks. "Your teacher called me saying that she was concerned. She said you had a dizzy spell in class." She says. I nod. "Do you know what could have caused it?" She asks just as we reach the nurses office. I shake my head. "Alright well drink some water and I'll call your mom to come get you." She says with a smile. I nod and sit on the cot and drink water. "Hello. Hi this is Nurse Bailey from Montgomery middle school. I'm calling about your daughter Danielle. She has had two dizzy spells so far today. She's in my office right now drinking some water and relaxing but she is looking a bit pale. I was wondering if you could come pick her up?" I hear the nurse say assuming she's on call with my mom. "Alright perfect. Ok see you in a bit." I hear and then I hear the phone being hung up. "Love your mom will be here in a bit she's leaving work now. But I do wanna check your vitals to make sure that nothing serious is wrong." She says. I nod slightly. You see I'm scared of medical personnel when my mom or dad isn't there with me.

"Hey sweetie nothing to worry about I'm just gonna listen to your heart and lungs ok?" She asks. I nod as she warms up the bell of her baby yellow stethoscope. She places it on my chest and tells be to take some deep breaths.

I do as told.

I watched as her face got serious but yet still soft. She takes a breath and puts the stethoscope around her neck. "Ok sweets your heart is beating a bit fast. I don't know if it's because of nerves or something else. So when your mom gets here I'll inform her on that." She says and goes to check my lungs.

After getting the all clear on my lungs the phone in the nurses office rings. Nurse Bailey goes over and answers it. "Montgomery middle school health office. Nurse Bailey speaking." She says. "Alright send her in." She says then hangs up. "Good news. Your mom is here, she's gonna come in to get you." She say causing me to nod.

After a few minutes my mom knocks on the door. Nurse Bailey opens the door. "Hello Mrs.Folgers she's right this way." I hear then coming into view I see my mom. "Oh dear. You look like a ghost!" She exclaims. The nurse nods. "She does have a slightly elevated heart rate so I would recommend scheduling a doctor appointment." The nurse says. "Yes I actually already did. She has one tomorrow." My mom says. "Alright good. Well then Danielle I'll see later. Get better soon." The nurse said as me and my mom start leaving.

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