Check Up (Bella×5SOS)

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⚠️Warning⚠️: Mention of minor physical and mental abuse.

(Bella's P.O.V)

"Bella come down here for a second please!" My mom shouts from downstairs. "Coming!" I shout back.

"Yes mom?" I say as I walk into the living room where my mom is on the couch working in her laptop. "You have an appointment later at 3." She says not looking up from her laptop. "Okay." I say and turn. "Hey Bells can you get me a drink please." She says still not looking up. "Of course. Would water work?" I ask seeing her nod. I sigh and walk into the kitchen. My relationship with my mom has always been like this. She's always so busy with work. Especially after my father left. But I try to do my best and be the best daughter I can be. I get good grades and I'm always on top of everything while my mom works.

"Here you go." I say placing her water on the coffee table. "Can you hand it to me please." She says. I sigh. "Here." I hand her the water. But my hand slipped and the cup of water spilt all over her laptop. Her face lit up with fumes. "ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME RIGHT NOW ARE YOU GOOD FOR ANYTHING?!!" She shouts causing me to flinch backwards. "YOU PIECE OF SHIT LOOK WHAT YOU DONE! NOW WEEKS WORTH OF WORK IS FUCKING RUINED! GONE! CAN'T YOU DO ANYTHING RIGHT?!" she screams. I'm frozen in fear shaking. I have never seen this side of her. "B-but y-you asked f-for your w-water..." I say shaking. "Oh so it's my fault that YOU spilt water in my fucking laptop?!" She spats in my face. "Just like your fucking good for nothing father! Always getting in the way of MY fucking life! Since your so much like him just go fucking live with him!" My mom says making my shaking get worse. "You better pay for this shit!" She says angrily. I nod still scared. "You have a mouth use it!" She says slapping my face. My eyes fill with tears as I run up to my room. "Run away just like your fucking father!" She says.

I get up into my room and I close my door. I rummage through my nightstand drawer to find my handheld mirror and I look at my face. My wet, teary eyes widen at the sight of a massive hand print on the side of my face. I carefully rub my fingers over the mark as I flinch of the stinging. I place my hand over it feeling the coldness of my hand feeling nice on the hot mark.

I don't know how long it's been since I was in my blankets crying holding my face which was still throbbing. I hear a knock. "Hey Bell's it's me..." My mom says hesitantly. I sniffle up the snot and I hesitantly walk over to my door and I open it and stare at her. She looks down at me with her face filled with regret and her eyes filled with tears. She bends down causing me to flinch. She then wraps her arms around me. "I'm sorry Bell's. I said things that I shouldn't have and I hit you. It wasn't your fault. None of this was. I just snapped and I'm sorry sweetie." She says crying. I just stand there as her hands move to hold a shoulder each. "Let me see it." She says referring to the mark. I remove my hand to show her and I watch as she gasps. "O..... Oh my God! Did I do that??" She says carefully inspecting it. I nod slightly causing her to hug me again. "Baby I'm so sorry! I didn't mean it!" She sobs. "I'm such a bad mother!" She sobs into my shoulder. I just stand there and pat her back. "You snapped is all." I say. She looks up to me. "That's no excuse for a mother to have hit her child." She says sternly. "I'll go get you an ice pack or something. We need to get the swelling down before your appointment." She says rushing to the kitchen. I walk downstairs to the living room.

She comes back with the ice pack and gently places it on my cheek. "I'm sorry baby I promise this won't ever happen again." She says repeatedly. I just nod and try to hold back the urge to pull away from the ice pack.

After some time my mom take the ice pack off and sighs. "It's pretty badly bruised." She says with a sigh and then looks at her phone. "Oh shit but we have to go now! Like right now!" She says standing up and rushing to her her jacket, shoes and keys.

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