🍋Polyamorous: Kaminari x Reader x Shinsou

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This lemon is sort of a sequel to Pussy Cat. At the end of Pussy Cat, Shinsou brought up how Kaminari finds Shinsou's girlfriend sexy and that he's game to, well, sharing the Reader with Kaminari if and only if she's alright with it. The Reader wasn't against the idea. This oneshot is a follow up/lemon.

There is Kaminari x Shinsou in here as well. Got a problem with it, don't read it.

Also, kind of like the Tamaki lemon: Slime, as well as the Hawks Lemon: Karma, this lemon is more told through Kaminari's point of view rather than the Reader's. I have my reasons for going this route, although I'm also not sure why I took said route in the first place either.

The second school had ended for the day, Mr. Aizawa's door hadn't remained closed for long. Students would bust through it as if their lives were threatened by a monster. Never would they come back until the very next day. Everyone, except a male who sported a head of midnight violet hair that stood on end. Shinsou Hitoshi was his name, and he takes pride in his hair as it's his most defining feature besides the striking resemblance he shares with his mentor. He had dropped by the classroom, shared a few words with his mentor, then spun on his heel to face the person he's come to respect and in the last few months.

Although Denki Kaminari considers Shinsou and himself to be friends, and good ones too, Denki found it peculiar that Shinsou was coming to him for a change. "Hey..." Kaminari trailed off as he slowly rose from his desk. "Not that I don't wanna see you... But why are you here?"

Shinsou held out his hand and grabbed at the air. "Got the thing I asked for?"

Kaminari blinked, wondering what Shinsou meant. Then it hit him! Only because Shinsou hasn't asked Kaminari for anything before besides a detailed list of... Provocative things. Trust the blonde when he says that Shinsou has been an odd duck as of lately cause such a request wasn't expected in a million years from the drowsy male. "I mean... Yeah. I got it," Kaminari blinked a few times as he fished through his grey book bag that hung loosely from one shoulder. "Again... Um... May I ask why you wanted a list of my kinks?" With a crooked brow, he handed his violet friend a sloppily folded list written on what was previously doodled lined notebook paper. "I normally wouldn't care if you were Mineta, but again, why you? I thought you weren't exactly into that type of thing. Unless..."

Shinsou began to unfold the paper, but was curious as to why Kaminari stopped speaking for his brow cocked as well. "Unless?"

"You're looking for more ideas in the bedroom again aren't you?"

"Yeah," Shinsou shamelessly agreed with a small shrug. "(Y/n) claims she's fine doing whatever I want but complains whenever I ask for something twice in a row so I gotta change things up. Not that I'm complaining, I finally got her to try a tail just last week." Oh that sinful tail... Shinsou hasn't seen (Y/n) so bashful ever since their first little 'adventure' beneath the sheets. She'd shudder beneath every little touch of his paled fingertips. Skin glossed over in a mountain range of bumps. His requests, or rather Shinsou alone, had these effects on her body and it brought him immense pleasure.

Kaminari smirked, "a tail you say?" Shinsou smirked in return. That tail won't be discarded anytime soon. "Tell me it was one of those plug tails!" Cat, wolf, fox? Kaminari isn't exactly sure what it was, but tails were somewhat arousing. He wasn't exactly 'into' tails or animal related fetishes, let alone thinking about them until Shinsou came around.

"It was your idea after all."

"I mean... Not really," Kaminari began to grow flustered. "I only suggested it because you like cats so much."

Shinsou glanced up from the paper within his hands. Kaminari's handwriting was legible, but just barely. "It was still your idea and a good one too."

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