The Waitress: Midoriya x Reader

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Requested by Nacatu
P.S. Everyone quit asking for requests!!! Unless you’ve done a favor for me, placed in one of my writing contests or found a reference I’ve hidden within this book then no I’m not gonna take your request. Check out the first part of this book if you want a guide to all the hidden references people have yet to find as of now if you want a request that badly.

Reference Found!!!
One Piece reference!!!

School is the time that everyone gets together, glued to their seats, for seven hours a day. What happens afterwards is free for anyone to do whatever their heart desires. Climb a cliff, take a nap, run around like headless chickens? Really, anything could happen. Even though anything can happen, class 1. A. students got a good ‘feel’ for their peer’s schedules. You’ll always find Koda playing around with his pets, Sato baking sweets in the kitchen, Momo sipping high end tea, Jiro writing herself a new hit song with Kaminari to help, Bakugou and Kirishima studying their eyes off, and many others to add. However, it wasn’t until recently that the students of class 1. A. had noticed Midoriya’s break in schedule. They began to wonder where Izuku Midoriya scurried off to on most days after school. Normally, he’s training to hone his skills better or studying till he flops dead like a fish. Not as of lately though. Midoriya’s been leaving U.A. campus more often than none. But for what reason? Of course those who are close to him are beginning to wonder where he’s been. Although, most of them just want a good study buddy more than anything.

That’s why, after careful planning and endless searching for the elusive broccoli boy, Kaminari managed to put a rain on Midoriya’s parade before he could evade his advances. “Hey bro!” Kaminari slung an arm across Midoriya’s shoulders to trap him on the spot. “Wanna study together? I already have all my stuff!”

“I’m not studying though,” Midoriya unfortunately admits. To be perfectly honest, he doesn’t really want to help Kaminari out right now either. Being the good hero in training that he was, Midoriya couldn’t exactly turn him down either. His heart wouldn’t let him hear the end of it if he did...

“What’re you doing then?” The blonde hummed.

“Just to the cafe nearby to do some reading.”

Can’t reading be done anywhere? Why does he need to go across town to read? “Everyday of the week?” Kaminari surely was becoming skeptic by the second.

“It’s cheap,” Midoriya shrugged Kaminari’s loosely clung arm from off his shoulders. “Plus they always stock up on manga and magazines that you can read all you want as long as you buy something.” So a library where you pay for admission?

 Kaminari awed with a precarious tap of his chin. “Oh that place! I’ve been hearing about it alot lately.”

“Come if you want,” Midoriya nicely stepped away being the sheepish boy he was. “I can help you study but I’ll be doing my own thing so don’t expect me to hover over your shoulder.” A sigh of relief and Midoriya knew he handled his business perfectly. He gets to read, Kaminari can sneak in some desperately needed studying. Everyone wins!

“Hey that’s fine!” Kaminari whistled. “I studied with Bakugou ONCE! Man… It’s like he’s breathing down my neck. Yaoyorozu’s too busy showing off her expensive stuff and Iida is too straightforward for me.” You might say 3.14 = but all that Kaminari’s thinking is ‘Pie is math?’ Jiro and Bakugou always teased him by saying his quirk fried his brain cells and always laughed off the jokes but seriously… Kaminari’s beginning to wonder if his quirk really is lowering his brain cells to idiotic quantities.

With a book bag filled to the brim with textbooks galore, Kaminari followed Midoriya to the new manga cafe in town. It was a hotspot for teenagers because of the free manga and that it was convenient given that it was walking distance from UA. Much to Midoriya’s surprise, the place wasn’t as busy as it usually was. It was RIGHT afterschool though, so the vacancy should be expected. Therefore, they could practically sit anywhere within the loungy establishment of red couches and stalls to the white tiled floor and embroidered pillows. Midoriya on the other hand approached the register as if it was a noble quest the second he’d enter where a beautiful teenage waitress stood mixing a shallow cup of coffee. Somehow, her hair was always perfect, apron wrinkle free yet stained just barely with coffee spills and her name on display on a golden badge clipped to the shirt of her breast:(Y/n). Kaminari too couldn’t peel his eyes from the working beauty. She was so focussed on that little cup as she poured cream into it to make a masterpiece of a picture within. Upon their approach, the girl shifted from complete and utter boredom to that of delight in two seconds flat at the sight of Midoriya’s beaming smile. “Nice to see you again (Y/n)!” Midoriya bowed slightly before the girl in such a chivalrous manner. “Do you have anything new on All Might yet?”

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