The Beastman: Todoroki x Reader

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Requested by GoKotoha
Thank you dearly for writing those requests for me! I hope you like this oneshot. It’s a special one and I’ll explain why.

Alright, I was going through old oneshots I’ve made in the past from when I wrote for One Piece and fell in love again with one of them. It was called Dog Days: Law x Reader. I really wanted to put a new spin on said oneshot and modernize it into the MHA world as well as with my current writing style. I’m not entirely sure why I treasure the oneshot so much, it just has that special place in my heart.

With each new generation comes monstrous quirk genetic mutations. The merging of two quirked parents, be it useless harmless quirks or that of in between, can bring upon the most destructive of quirks making each generation more fearful and powerful than the last.

While in most cases the quirks of each parent mutate to make a new one upon their child’s birth, it wasn’t uncommon for a child to take on only one of their parent’s quirks. (Y/n) (L/n) was in that exact position and thankful for so. Her mother, as Pro who’s nicknamed the Angel, as she harnessed the power to steal a light source and use it however the user sees fit. (Y/n)’s father on the other hand was also a pro hero who earned his wive’s heart through hard work and dedication. It was like Beauty and the Beast as he was rightfully nicknamed the ‘Beastman’ for his ‘wolfish’ appearance that’s always changing by the day. With great big claws and strength, this quirk couldn’t be more perfect for combat. However, as most quirks do, the ‘Beastman’s’ quirk had a slew of downsides. How a mutation quirk can never be turned off would easily explain how he’s forever stuck being abnormally hairy, bearing fangs, sharp claws, pointed ears and bushy tails. That’s why (Y/n) was lucky to have been gifted with only one of her parent’s quirks and not the other.

Or, that’s what she thought until her sixteenth birthday came and went.

From being apprehended to being thrown into her room at UA for surveillance and the safety of others, (Y/n) could only be viewed as a monster.

Once Shoto Todoroki heard the news of his beloved’s uproar, her new bodily appearance and behavior had caught his attention. ‘She like a wild animal!’ they all claimed. ‘Must be the work of villains. Who would do that to a teenager?’ But Shoto knew all too well that this wasn’t the work of villains but genetics itself.

A few phone calls were made.

“Is it possible that (Y/n) awakened your half of the quirk?”

“She did just turn sixteen,” (Y/n)’s father replied in his lispy voice given the great size of his canine teeth. “This is the age when you kids are mentally and hormonally matured not to forget that… Um… You kids legally can do the dirty now. It only makes sense that her wolf instincts have awakened. Sixteen for me for a rough time as well.”

Shoto wore a sour face, “So you’re telling me she’s in heat?”

“Well when you put it like that,” the Beastman awkwardly scratched at the back of his neck.

“I’m not having sex with your daughter…” Shoto groaned. As much as he’d like to, that’s more of a thing he’d do a couple of years down the line when she has a ring around her finger.

A growl ripped across the phone line, “Have sex with her and I’ll rip your balls right off!!!” The Beastman quite literally barked.

“I don’t think she’s in heat anyways,” Shoto sighed as he brushed off that threat with ease. He has Katsuki Bakugou to thank for such. “I think it’s just the quirk talking. (Y/n)’s apparently attacking everything that moves. How am I supposed to help her calm down?” (Y/n)’s reverted to the mental state of a wolf and that’s that. Wolves fight, hunt and act recklessly around humans. Everything she’s sadly going through.

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