Mr. & Mr Aizawa: Aizawa x Male Reader Part 2

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One grueling game of four corners, and one team emerges victorious. However, nearly everyone of your students were beyond upset and uncomfortable, running around in paint soaked uniforms, the rainbow dribbling from the ends of their hair, the rubbery texture irritating their skin and flaking off with every movement made. With a paint creation quirk, you were known as Pro Hero, Pallet, just like a painter's pallet. Of course it was your brilliant idea to use paintballs, no not paintballs you shoot from a pressurized gun, literal balls of paint you manifested with your quirk that explodes upon contact. There was a handful of students that had gotten into the game and enjoyed it until the very end, those students had came out to be your favorites so far, and it's only your first day. Others enjoyed the thrill of destroying the competition, still heavily disliking the fact that showers are now a main priority and the school day has just begun. Overall, your first day is one to remember.

"Okay kids," you wore a shallow smile, trying with all your might to conceal your excitement and pleasure in seeing your suffering students. Shouta was right, messing with the students has to be the best part of the job. "Go ahead and hit the showers, you have an hour until your next class with Shouta. Sorry about the mess, It's on you to clean yourselves, on me to clean this room," paint covered every square inch of the room in all sorts of colors, even some with names that are too complicated to even bother to pronounce like cerise, mauve, cyan and chartreuse. Oh how you dislike that many colors that exist. Would it hurt for you to request that this room stays this way? No... That's Shouta lazy.

"Awe Mr. Aizawa would you like for us to help you clean the room *ribbit*?" Tsu, one of few students of whom highly enjoyed the game of four corner paintball, offered to aid in your misfortune. Splotches of fuschia addressed her right hip, while electric blue splattered across her torso and some parts of her olive hair.

"Maybe after class," you appreciated the offer. "Now run along to the showers, if you all need extra time to clean yourselves up, cause I know just how hard it is to get paint out of hair, just give me a call and I'll persuade Shouta to allow an extra hour to freshen up-"

"You're the best Mr. Aizawa!!!" Uraraka ran over to you, throwing herself upon you leaving a body imprint of reds, blues, and purples upon your black attire that was once clean of imperfection.

"Great," you groaned as soon as the brunette parted the embrace. Only to shrug after a few seconds, "Oh what do I have to lose?" You laughed merrily as the ruined clothes were downright deserving.

"Karma's a bitch!" Bakugou cackled, he had a red paintball clutched between his hands. His friends assumed a similar stance, all clutching onto balls of blues, greens, and stray white, preparing for hell to break loose.

"Fuck..." You muttered. Not a second to lose, Bakugou and his little pose ambushed you with the remaining paintballs leaving you to be the most paint covered individual in the entire school. The attack itself didn't hurt, rather now you had the chemical taste of paint permeating your tongue, the one downside of your quirk. The boys ran off before you could say anything, not like you were going to in the first place. The rest of the class soon followed leaving you in your paint soaked state.

"As long as I get my hair washed I don't really give a-"

"You just had to pull out the big guns on your first day..." You recognized to deep bored voice from anywhere. You turned around, still in the middle of wiping your face clean of paint with the innards of your shirt until your eyes no longer buzzed with pain and vision clear of abnormal coloring.

"I wouldn't really call it teamwork," you sniffled, turns out paint somehow made it up your nose. "More I didn't plan out my first day and now I regret not listening to you."

"For once I'm more prepared," Shouta took that accomplishment to heart with a mild smirk you more than noticed despite the paint fumes getting to your head. "(Y/n) you should go hit the showers too, forget the mess, I know a few pros that'll get this taken care of-" Shouta's grey narrowed in on your features, nothing good came from a smirk plastered across your features. "Spill it..." He demanded.

"You know what I want," you spoke with a cocky ring to your voice.

"No..." He turned you down flat.

"Come on we have two hours to kill," cause you know that your students will milk the fact that you're allowing an hour to clean themselves up from the exercise and more time if necessary. "Let's have some fun in the shower... We haven't done anything since the wedding," it was usual sex, but the date really emphasized just how special and endearing that steamy night had mentally etched itself within your mind. Passion, almost all feelings where the focus was off pleasing the other, rather it was preserving the love that wedding day brought forth that drove you wild.

"Later," Shouta compromised. "We can do whatever later, maybe when we aren't on a time crunch-"

You dragged your right hand down his firm chest, a white handprint streak to follow with the motions made. "What about now?" You smirked once again.

"It's just a shirt I can always change," it was clear you were poking the bear. Shouta spun around on his heel, stomping away.

You ran after him desperately, "a kiss then?"

"Why are you so desperate all of a sudden?" Shouta hit you in the chest, forgetting completely that you were covered head to toe in paint so now his left hand was freshly coated in a fade of colors.

"Shower?" You hummed.

"How is it that you always somehow get you way?" Shouta pinched the bridge of his nose with his clean hand.

"Cause I married you," you snickered, cupping Shouta's cheeks within your hands. "Loosen up... You know I'm always gonna be here to catch you whenever you fall," even with the summer wedding, one thing after another Shouta is almost always busy and stressed out and normally unable to calm down and take a second to breathe. Basically saying, Shouta is your main priority, be it love or a stern reminder, you'll always keep him on his feet.

"My cheeks are white now aren't they?" Shouta completely bypassed your little man to man speech, he could feel his prickly beard stiffen up to a cold piercing his cheeks beneath your touch.

"No," you fought back a snicker.

"(Y/n)..." He growled.

"Bubblegum pink," you answered, not regretting a thing.

"Get your ass in the shower before I turn it to grass."

"As if that's a threat," you walked beside your lover back to the dorms where the tension had simmered down enough to your standards.

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