The Set Up: Kirishima x Male Reader x Kaminari

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Requested by who Kiwi_The_Weeb found the One Piece reference in The Waitress: Midoriya x Reader.

This oneshot is LONG AND there'll be two separately posted optional endings for Kirishima and Kaminari depending on whom you'd rather be with by the end of the oneshot.


It's both a blessing and a curse all wrapped up into one. Love can be beautiful. From how love can create newfound relations, memories to never be forgotten and even a child in due time. While that all may sound nice, love is known to drive others into madness. You'll cry be it good or bad, want to rip out your heart and shut others out if such a delicate organ were to be messed with in the right ways.

There's a student that attends UA High who too was at a crossroads with love.

(Y/n) was a promising young man. He always made time to study and got the best grades although he won't deny that his procrastination normally got the better of him. He entered UA and successfully landed a spot in the Hero Program with the intent to be fully devoted to his passion. Yet, overtime, that devotion was no longer top priority. Coming from the man who entered a school for heroes without even thinking about the possibility of crushes and budding relationships, he fell for Cupid's spell anyways. (Y/n) had made many friends, but one stood out above the rest. Ever since (Y/n) had gotten to know the resident manly man of Class 1. A. He's come to respect Eijiro Kirishima for his contagious peppy attitude and honed body. However, with time, that respect morphed into something else entirely. No matter how badly the truth wanted to come out, (Y/n) fought and fought his true feelings for the man in red like it was the plague. Too bad (Y/n) had to be born an unfortunate young man as he wasn't like all the other boys his age for he hasn't told a single soul, not even his parents, that he doesn't exactly play for his own team. This 'love' for Kirishima well... It was out of reach for (Y/n). Like the sun, no matter how hard you reach for it, all you can feel is warmth but never experience the whole thing first hand. (Y/n) was crushing on someone knowing he'd never be able to embrace Kirishima's muscular body, hold his strong imaginably rough hands or... Kiss those perfect lips of his. (Y/n) was certain that he was to go through life without a person to love and hold.

Yet, despite how he's deemed the relationship forbidden, (Y/n) remained as close as can be with Kirishima. Why at this very moment, (Y/n) had a front row seat to Kirishima's gunshow. That 'front row seat' was Kirishima's bed, but in (Y/n)'s eyes he was lying on a bed fit for a king. Today though, while (Y/n) found Kirishima's daily weight lifting to be the most provocative thing he's came to love about him, today just didn't feel like one of those days. "I call myself a hero even though I'm the biggest coward I know..." Suddenly, Kirishima's show wasn't all that entertaining.

Kirishima just barely heard what his friend had to say. Just one look, and Kirishima could piece together with ease that (Y/n) was deeply troubled and wanted to call for help but something kept him from speaking a word. "We're all cowards in our own way bro," Kirishima allowed his arms to lie at his side, his hands still gripping to the dulled steel of his dumbbells.

(Y/n) continued to lie on the bed, blinking wildly. "You weren't supposed to hear that..."

"It's true though," Kirishima wore a reassuring smile as he sat down beside (Y/n) on the bed. He picked up the rag that was slung around his thick neck to wipe up the sweat that glossed over the expanse of his face. "I'm afraid of a lot of things (Y/n). I'm scared to death of losing my friends, scared that I wouldn't be able to save citizens in trouble, scared of asking out the person I like. See... Even the most brave people can be cowards."

That smile of his, (Y/n) thought as he averted his gaze from Kirishima's crimson. "You like someone?" (Y/n) sighed. Kirishima doesn't like me like that... I know it... I've been crushing on him for over six months now. If he likes anyone, It's Bakugou! Kirishima risked his neck to save Bakugou a while back. Why am I even asking who he likes? Why am I making my own self jealous? I can't even get over my crush on him.

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