Long Distance: Midoriya x Reader

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Requested by ThatRandomUniLlama who found the Ant-Man & the Wasp reference in Bad Romance: Shinso x Reader.

"Aw do you really have to go?"

"I was offered to take my internship with David Shield, as if I'm passing up an opportunity such as this," you've never been to America, might as well take up the opportunity to go since offers like these don't get passed around all so easily like store coupons in a newspaper. Plus, why is Midoriya being to clingy out of the blue? Normally you take him to be the more self sufficient and understanding. "Midoriya," you hummed, ruffling his head of forest green with a shy snicker. "I was told I wouldn't be gone for more than a month. In the meantime we can always text or call or video chat if that's what you'd prefer," Midoriya didn't perk up, his frown was tugging at your heart strings, but not as much as his watery puppy dog eyes. "C'mon if you had to leave for a few weeks I wouldn't get all mopy, I'd focus on the day you come back, not on all the moments you're gone."

"I'm just gonna miss you is all," Midoriya finally smiled, it was small, but you could tell he was too embarrassed to really show it through the blush of his freckled cheeks. "We just got together and now you're leaving. I had a date planned for next week but here we are now..." Midoriya invited himself along to your momentary takeoff as you stood within the door of the small bi-plane that's expected to shuttle you to America. You thought that he wanted to wish you a proper goodbye, when really, you're beginning to wonder if he's actually trying to spend every last second with you until time has ran dry.

"Y'know it pains me to leave you," you whined. "I'll bring you back gifts and we can make up that date the minute I get back. How about that Midoriya?"

The boy's frown became a shy smile as he rubbed the back of his neck, "Be back soon (Y/n)."

You awed, cupping Midoriya's freckled cheeks and planted him a quick kiss upon the lips before retracting with a girlish giggle. "I'll be back before you know it." And so you boarded the plane without another word.

"B-bye (Y/n)!" Midoriya spoke through his hand that felt his lips with wonder, your warmth remained. He couldn't get over the tingly feeling that lingered upon his lips, the sweet scent that caught his nose, were you wearing lip balm? If so, mint has became a flavor of interest to the boy in green.

The next month went by rather quickly. Midoriya and yourself never got to really text, call, or chat with America and Japan being in two completely different time zones, 13 hour difference. When the time was right in Japan for Midoriya, you were dead asleep in America and so on. Clearly within the moment communication wasn't cutting it. Midoriya got past that barrier though, he occasionally sent emails with videos and pictures of himself and everyone from class in which you treasured more than anything and did the same in return. Melissa Shield loved to make funny videos with you. Midoriya has gotten into the habit of sucking on peppermints and chewing gum while you were gone as well, they reminded him of the first kiss the two of you shared.

Now you sat within a taxi that drove through the streets of Japan, just blocks away from your first home at UA.

You took a deep breath in, stepping out of the taxi's side door. "So great to be home," you smiled ear to ear, the front gates of UA called your name. The taxi driver was quick to pop the trunk on the yellow vehicle and proceeded to hand you your belongings: a suitcase, your costume case, and a large duffle bag full of gifts for you-know-who. Only to be on your way the second the trunk was closed. No sense in messing around, time to reunite with the class.

But it was two in the morning, highly doubt anyone is awake at this hour.

Oh well, you thought as you entered the class dormitory just to find that some of the boys from the class had crashed on the sofa in the lounge. They were watching some tv and must've fell asleep part way right? You were quick to turn off the tv, draping a blanket over the class troublemakers Kirishima, Kaminari and Sero and headed for Midoriya's dorm with a near skip to your step. You were wide awake to say the least, becoming so accustomed to America, right about now it'd be one in the afternoon there, two in the morning here. Highly doubt you'll go to sleep before school tomorrow. That's why you're gonna be a rude girlfriend for today and wake Midoriya up.

"Deku~" You sang, sneaking within his room. He never locks up his room at night, how you know that will remain a mystery. There was not a light in the room besides the dull glow of the moon through the window, All Might's various faces from posters to figurines watched your every move, and Deku lied on his bed sleeping all so soundly while he clutched a pillow tightly to his chest like a teddy bear. Something told you that his big gift from America wasn't gonna be all that great, maybe you should've just gotten him a big teddy bear?

"Hey Midoriya," I pushed on his shoulders, rocking the boy within his sleep. "I'm back my lil' cinnamon roll."

"Leave me alone mom..." Midoriya muttered in his sleep, throwing himself over to face the wall away from you.

You couldn't help but to snicker. "Your girlfriend is back from America with a bunch of gifts just for you," you raised your voice just enough to break his heavy breathing. Just like a dog, you saw his ears twitch with interest in what you had to say. He groaned, slowly sitting up within the bed and rubbing the sleepiness out of his eyes. Something told you he still wasn't awake, he's staring at you dead on and yet his expression hasn't changed a bit. "Midoriya I'm back from America," you ruffled his hair. Oh how you've missed being able to pet his messy head of green.

"(Y-Y/n)!?" Midoriya squeaked, finally, he's registered the fact that he's awake. "(Y/n) I've missed you!" The boy entrapped you within a hug, you were so tightly pressed to his chest you nearly couldn't breathe.

"I missed you too... I'm dying..." Yeah, now it was official, you couldn't breathe through a hug so tight.

"Oh sorry!" Midoriya released you, fixing your clothes frantically making sure you're feeling alright. "I just couldn't help myself," he admits.

"Oh whatever, I loved the hug," you giggled. Just to move yourself from atop Midoriya's lap and replace yourself with that large duffle bag you had in America. "Bought you a few things as promised. Although there isn't much variety," Midoriya opened up the bag and found a bunch of American candy, a photo album of yourself and Melissa touring the many big name cities and landmarks of the country, some were places Midoriya has been geeking out about seeing in person, and next to last was a small leather bound journal filled to the brim with signed photographs of American Pro Heroes.

"I can't believe you got all these," Midoriya awed, flipping page after page reading up the information you left about each pro.

"It's wasn't a problem, anything for you Deku."

"I really can't appreciate this more than I have," Midoriya closed up the book, setting it aside. "Thank you (Y/n), I love you."

"Glad to be back Midoriya," suddenly, you were tired. Maybe all you needed was a big cinnamon hug from your favorite person to get drowsy. "I hope you don't care that I'm spending the night. I'm too tired to leave," Midoriya couldn't object before you threw yourself across the foot of the bed. You stretched out and practically claimed it for your own. Well, Midoriya didn't have the heart to get rid of you, therefore, he covered you with his blanket and wished you a good nights dreams.

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