Twenty: Sir Nighteye x Reader

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Izuku Midoriya, he’s a boy of raw determination. Just days ago, the hero in training had gotten himself beaten to a pulp without the foe to lay a finger upon his nimble body. How does one beat himself up you might ask? Talent that’s for sure! The truth? Izuku took inspiration to imitate the attack style of his former mentor, Gran Torino. Bounce and zoom around the office like the rabbit he is! All this effort, yet nothing came out as expected. His head clashed with walls, a face flattened against furniture and an exhausted body to top it off. Not one finger could graze Sir Nighteye and his future sight quirk. Luckily, the batter was well rewarded as the youthful hero in the making landed himself a place at one of the most prestigious hero agencies in all of Japan: the Nighteye Agency.

A great achievement to be working under a former sidekick to the Number One Hero. Izuku felt as if nothing could stop him now! And so, today marks the first day Izuku is said to start his new Hero Studies alongside Sir Nighteye and an upperclassman he’s came to respect in so little time. Dressed in hero uniform, the bouncy rabbit boy with emerald green hair met with Mirio Togata for his first day on the job.

Mirio Togata, he’s that upperclassman that Midoriya respects almost as much as All Might. A bright and prideful blonde who wants to save a million people! Also in uniform, Mirio held up a gloved hand to greet Midoriya. “Hey Hey! First day working with Sir, I knew you could do it!!!” Mirio Togata praised his new heroic partner with a pat on the back.

Midoriya mimicked Mirio’s smile as much as he could without putting on his almost flawless interpretation of All Might’s face in the process. “I’m looking forward to working with you and everyone else at the agency!”

“You’ll love everyone there I can assure you that!” Mirio began the journey over to the agency. He spoke of the many faces he works with on a day to day basis starting with the quirkiest of them all: Bubble Girl, Nighteye’s partner. She’s a handful that’s for sure as she’s normally on the shorter end of the stick when it came to scoldings and punishments. Then he mentioned that of the squeaky voiced Centipeder: the man with a Centipede head who also works closely to Nighteye. A few other familiar faces were mentioned, until he spoke of a woman Midoriya never even heard about until now.

“(Y/n) Sasaki is Sir’s wife and we all love her,” Mirio, although he’s always seen with a smile, wore his smile even larger than before just speaking of this wonderful woman he respects more than most.

“Nighteye’s married?” Midoriya questioned in utmost disbelief. Sir has such a firm exterior like those guards with the fuzzy hats in England. It’s especially hard to imagine Sir Nighteye married. I was beginning to think that he was married to his job, Midoriya laughed openly at his own thoughts taking into account the many stories All Might shared with him about the many times he’s shared with Nighteye in his younger days.

Mirio was glad to explain who you were, why wouldn’t he be? “Sir has been married for quite some time,” he began with a rather large statement up front. “They’re highschool sweethearts and got married the second they graduated! It’s their twentieth anniversary any day now. Could be today but, HA! I can never remember stuff like that very well. She’s been talking about it for a while now that’s all I know. I really do wonder what they have planned. Bet it’s romantic,” only fate will tell as far as the boys know.

“That long!?” Midoriya choked. The shock was expected since even his own parents haven’t been together for that long. Now that he ponders the subject of marriage, Midoriya wonders how his own father is doing. Wait, does Nighteye have children!? These are the real questions.

“I said that they’ve known each other since highschool,” Mirio reminded his friend.

“Yeah sorry…” A bead of sweat formed atop Midoriya’s forehead. “Is she anything like Nighteye or like… Yeah what’s up with them?” Nighteye and his wife could be polar opposites because much like the old saying goes, Opposites attract! Or, they could be the exact same because another old saying is searching for love is like searching for yourself. When you find yourself you find love because they’re the same. Right now, all that Midoriya can imagine of Nighteye’s wife is that she’ll either be a cold intimidating woman or a truly happy and lovable one like his own mother.

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