Demons: Bakugou x Reader Part 2

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Forewarning, Bakugou is slightly out of character as I went my own spin on this and that Bakugou is a demon.
And yes, as said before, because I was inspired by the WebToon Ghost Wife, there are many refs in here that won't as a reward.

For the better part of a week, Bakugou's corpse has been lying on a cot within your room back at home. You've asked for permission to stay off school grounds after class each day until further notice with the excuse that a family member was on their last leg just to watch over him. Well, partially true. While he wasn't a family member, Bakugou is very well dying within your bedroom and he supposedly died a few months ago. You've treated his wounds to the best of your ability but the boy just won't wake up. You're afraid to take him to the hospital, let alone tell anyone about him because who in the right mind would believe you!? The subject was brought up by Kirishima on his own though! He said something about visiting Bakugou's grave recently but something felt off. Off how? Apparently whenever Kirishima visits he can normally feel a spiritual energy come from Bakugou's grave but the feeling is just magically gone.

Something is truly wrong...

"Better head home..." You began to put away your things in a hurry. "If he wakes up when I'm not there, he'd scare my family half to death-"

"Do you want any help at home (Y/n)?"

"HEY!" You nearly jumped out of your own skin. Well actually, you jumped backwards crashing terribly over a desk while spilling the contents of your bag around the room like rainfall.

Kirishima, amazed with your reaction, jumped over the desk and came to your aid. "You're so jumpy (Y/n)! You need a break! Let me come home and help you out a little," the man offered his hand to you as you struggled to even sit up. That's when Kirishima's crimson orbs saw the crisp white bandages that were tightly wrapped around your hand and wrist. "You got bit like a week ago. It's still not healed?" That cat bite from the day you found Bakugou's corpse... Kirishima surely does pay attention to the little details. The man took matters into his own hands and gently held your injured hand. He began to carefully unravel the bandages, little by little your flesh began to show.

You're not quite sure why, maybe riled nerves or pain, but your hand began to shake. "Kirishima... Please I'm fine-"

"This is supposed to be a cat bite!?" Kirishima gasped nearly mirroring your erratic behaviour from earlier. Right in the palm of your hand lay four long scratch marks that started from the base of your fingers to your wrist as crimson as freshly spilled blood. "(Y/n)..." Kirishima's true concern refused to shake from your well being. "What's really going on? I think we should go to the hospit-"

"It's no use," you voice was beginning to shake much like your hand. "In all fairness that was a bite mark but now it's not," seriously, you couldn't stop staring at the claw marks. Last night when you changed the bandages, there was bite indentations. Injuries don't just magically change like that even if they're infected.

"I'm worried about you," Kirishima enveloped your injured hand between his own.

"I think I have a demon in my house..." You finally came clean.


"A week ago, the same day I got this mark, I found Bakugou dying in the streets..." Now that you mention it, ever since you've came across his body the quality of your own body has slowly been declining. Now all you want to do is sleep, your body shakes and begs for a rest, and the idea of food made your gag reflexes go on a frenzy. "I know Bakugou died but he's at my house... Something... I don't know what... Something is different about him and why is he no longer dead?"

"(Y/n)..." Kirishima's heart was beginning to shatter just watching you fight off tears. He wasn't going to stand for your suffering and next thing you knew was that the boy had picked you up and carried you within his arms. Right now, you felt so useless, drained, and the idea of lying down and succumbing to death didn't sound all that bad. "I'll take you home. Get a look at him myself."

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