Venom: Kirishima x Reader

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There is MANY references within this that I AM NOT counting for reference prizes since most of them are Marvel references and since this is a crossover of course references were expected.

Also, no prior knowledge of Marvel or Venom are required to enjoy this. However, if you’d like, I focussed primarily on one scene from the 2018 film Venom. The scene where Eddie broke into the Life Foundation to get photographic evidence of the horrible symbiote experiments.

Do you know how much just one connection can set up for you? It can make or break your career be it a hero in training, a Pro Hero or just one news reporter. Have you figured it out yet? You fit into all those criteria. You are a hero in training who wants to become a pro hero but has a quirk that isn’t considered the most useful resulting in the desperate desire to gain connections for a dream of fame to become reality. So what did you do? You got on your knees and begged the biggest Pros and Agencies just for one chance at well… Anything. Any bit of help could do you millions.

Long story short… When nobody gave you a chance, you put your entire future into the hands of one man. This mission could make or break you through life or death...

You just gave the entire rundown of your life shaping mission to the one person you trusted your life in, Eijiro Kirishima. This boy has made your heart sing with complete and utter joy since the first day of freshman year in UA. He’s been there for you through thick and thin and he might just join you in death if all this goes south.

Based on how you’ve been carefully examining Kirishima’s fluid change in emotions, he seems to be most settled on mildly concerned and that doesn’t put any less strain on your heart. That was until Kirishima finally worded a response after careful consideration. “So…” Kirishima scratched the back of his neck. “What you’re telling me is… You want to break into the experimental unit of the Eightfold Cleansers, or according to you is the Life Foundation, steal some evidence, and leave?” Kirishima stared at you with this lost sense of direction, especially when you nodded to his claim. His heart began to rip apart hearing that you wanted to jump into this mission as a lone wolf, when in reality you needed all the help you can get. “(Y/n)...” Kirishima began to sigh, you began to feel his pain as well being the empathetic woman you were.

“I know enough about out the Foundation… I won’t get hurt,” you claimed but Kirishima was so rightfully aware that you were purposely holding back vital information.

“(Y/n), really, just leave the subject alone. I know what I’m talking about,” Kirishima took a firm hold of your shoulders that shook some sense into your being. However it wasn’t enough to extinguish your heavy desire for the taste of thrill.

You rested your hands on Kirishima’s. Your soft reassuring smile eased his concern if only just a little bit. “Look, Kiri, I know you and Midoriya and a few others were assigned to help figure out the mystery behind the quirk erasing drugs that have been circulating around Japan lately but I’ve figured out where the heart of it is!” Although it was strictly confidential, only Kirishima and a few other Pro Heroes and Classmates knew of the true intentions and capabilities of the Eightfold Cleansers.

That’s where a new concern had popped up. Where and how exactly did you get all this information about the Cleansers? Everybody is aware that you aren’t interning with any pro heroes and agencies right now. Unless you’ve been spying for a long while now and nobody became vigilant in the affairs.

That’s when Kirishima’s curious eyes of crimson wonder watched intensely to your shuffle and frenzied toss of papers that overflowed from the mouth of a bag that lied in the corner of your bed. “Sir Nighteye refuses to let me mentor under him within condition you see?” After a struggled search, you found the manilla envelope within your book bag that withheld information the government had been dying to get their hands on. “I did a bet with him saying that unless I can find out where the Cleansers are based, he MUST make me his apprentice just like he’s doing with Midoriya and Mirio. In which I have!” You poured out the contents of the envelope, out came a flood of printed photographs on regular printing paper.

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