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San couldn't take his eyes off Yunho while waiting for him to wake up, even with everyone else around them was freaking out with other problems. He didn't want to be rude, but right now the one thing he needed to be ok, was to know that Yunho was going to be alright.

Visions of the car crash kept swimming in front of his eyes, causing him to tear up and shake his head.

They were lucky to be alive.

"Please, Yunho... Please wake up." He whispered, bringing the older's hand to his lips.

Despite everything, now that he was awake and had eaten a little after Mingi and Hongjoong brought him some food, he was feeling a lot better.  There were still some aches and pains, but nothing he couldn't handle. His body told him he'd experienced worse before.

He knew that part of the reason he was feeling so much better was because of what Yeosang had done. The chip implant in his head was infinitely better than the headband. He hardly noticed it was there, and that was all he could ask for given the situation.

Hours ticked by and he picked up snippets of ideas the others were talking over to try and rescue Jongho.

As much as he hated to say it, if Mercer had Jongho... things were looking pretty bleak. San was willing to bet Mercer would try and take control of Jongho too.

"What are we supposed to do?" Mingi asked from where he was standing in the corner.

"I say we attack him head on. It'll be the thing he expects the least." Hongjoong licked his lips and cocked an eyebrow. "I've got enough firepower."

"I don't know." Seonghwa sighed. "Most of the base is underground, and that's where most of the men are. There's only one entrance in and out."

Silence fell over them until a raspy voice capture their attention. "What will... happen... if we kill Mercer?"

Everyone looked to Yunho and San let out a strangled sob when the older slowly opened his eyes. "You're ok!" It took every ounce of strength San had to not fall in top of Yunho and squeeze him and never let him go.

The others quickly gathered around, with Mingi being closest and looking down at him with concern. "How are you feeling?"

"Like shit. How else am I supposed to feel?" The driver's voice was raspy as he spoke, but he somehow managed a tiny smile while looking up at his friend. "Now answer my question."

Seonghwa let out a sigh and pinched the bridge of his nose while scrunching his eyes. "I don't know for sure, but I think a good majority of the Pack would run as soon as my father is gone. Most of them are there because they have no where else to go or they owe some kind of debt. There are a few though who are loyal and are probably vying for my position as next in line. They are going to be the real problem."

"How wide are the hallways?"

"Yun... you need to rest." San leaned forward to run his fingers through the older's hair. "You don't need to worry about this."

A gentle look entered Yunho's eyes and he shook his head. "I will when this is over."

"Yunho-" Mingi started to say, but he was cut off when Yunho started to sit up. Both he and San immediately leaned forward to support him, both making a small sound of protest at his action.

"I'm stronger than I look. Plus, if he has Jongho then we are running out of time. We can't afford to delay, no matter what you guys say." Even though he still looked like he was in pain, Yunho had a look of determination that said not to mess with him. Although he did instantly pale when he was sitting up and his breathing was labored.

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