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Seonghwa ran a hand through his raven hair while waiting for the car to come to a stop.

After a successful raid form a nearby city, he wanted nothing more than to return to his room and relax, but he needed to check in with his father first.

His crew unloaded their scores and took the time congratulate each other. A small tradition they had started was passing around bottles of soju to take off some of the leftover tension.

Even though the Pack ruled over the city and surrounding areas, there were still those who tried to oppose them so they always needed to be on their toes.

Seonghwa raised his glass and toasted the others before downing the warm drink. He hummed and handed his glass over to the man next to him before turning to head inside their large mansion.

They could take the time to celebrate, but he had other things he wanted, and needed, to do.

The first place he went was his father's study. The room was designed to be a place to his father to come and relax, among other things. Dark oak wood was used to build the bookcases lining the walls and the solid desk on the far end of the room. A few sofas were in the center and a large, luxurious office chair sat behind the desk.

His father, Mercer, was seated in his chair looking over a packet of paper. As soon as he heard the doors close, he lifted his head up and gave Seonghwa a bright smile. "Son! How did things go?"

"Well, Father. I'd say this was one of our most successful missions." Seonghwa pulled up a chair and sat down on the other side of the desk.

As he settled in, one of the bookcases in the corner of the room slide open and his father's shadow walked in.

Seonghwa raked his eyes over the other's body but worked to restrain himself in front of his father, although a knowing chuckle came from the man.

"San." Mercer greeted, turning his chair a little. The movement was accompanied by the soft clinking of metal. "Is everything ok?"

"Yes. The scans all came back normal." The younger bowed low. "Thank you for setting me up with that doctor." When he straightened up, his eyes narrowed and he had the look of a stone-cold killer.

"It's not a problem. I take care of my men, and I want to make sure you are healthy." Mercer gave him a kind smile. "Let me know if the headaches return, ok?"

"I will. Thank you, Sir."

Mercer nodded in approval, then turned back to Seonghwa. "Get some rest, my boy. You've earned a few days off." He stood up and walked around the desk to gently cup Seonghwa's chin. "I'm proud of you."

Seonghwa felt his chest swell with his father's praise. That was one of the few things that mattered to him. He would do anything for his father, and the fact that they had built this empire together only brought them closer. Seonghwa knew all of his father's secrets and his plans to continue to build their power.

Nothing could stop them.

With one final glance, Mercer turned around and walked back around his desk.

Then he snapped his fingers twice.

Neither San nor Seonghwa reacted when a boy with blonde hair rose up from underneath it. He wore nothing but a pair of black, skin tight shorts and a black collar that had a chain running from it attaching him to the desk. He kept his head bowed and stayed still while Mercer unchained him from the desk.

Seonghwa glanced at him out of the corner of his eyes. The boy, Wooyoung, had been his father's personal plaything for years now. He was always in the room while at the mansion and was locked up if his father had to leave it. He never spoke, never looked at anyone, and never disobeyed an order.

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