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Jongho did everything he could to keep himself busy during the next several weeks. Which wasn't much...

Their group was just playing the waiting game now.

None of them went outside unless it was absolutely necessary. Hongjoong had even posted signs to make it look like his store had been shut down by the Pack. It wasn't an uncommon sight so most people would avoid it.

There was one day that it sounded like someone was up there turning the place upside down. When Yeosang sent out a drone he confirmed it was a couple Pack members, most likely trying to find any hidden secrets, but Hongjoong was smart and cunning.

They were safe as long as they stayed there.

San recovered quickly. His ribs healed just fine and it sounded like the chip was operating perfectly. He wasn't complaining of any headaches or pain like he would before.

When he wasn't having tests run on him, he was sitting beside Yunho.

The older's progress was much slower. He had lost a lot of blood in the car crash. There were a few days they were worried they might lose him when a fever set in. His head would rock back and forth and he would moan uncontrollably.

San had been in hysterics the entire time. So had Mingi.

But Dr. Kim came back often and helped him through it.

Now Yunho was on the road to recovery. He still had problems with exhaustion and could only do so much for short periods of time, but he was determined to get better. He had lost it when Yeosang told him that his car had been recovered and was being repaired too, which set him back a couple of days because he exhausted himself.

Jongho glanced over at where Yunho was doing some stretches with Mingi and Yeosang. His eyes lingered on Yeosang and he felt his chest tighten. They still had yet to make up fully. Right now they were civil toward each other, but Yeosang had been spending the night in the med bay to be closer to San and Yunho, leaving Jongho alone every night.

He didn't know what to do. Part of him was still mad at Yeosang for how he had been acting since Mingi showed up, and the other part wanted to grovel at Yeosang's feet and beg for forgiveness.

Why did he have to be like this?

He felt so lost...

Everyone here had a job to do or something they could contribute. All he had was his strength. He wasn't smart, cunning, or fast. How was he supposed to help them...


Jongho turned around to see Wooyoung walking over. He nodded in response and looked back at the others.

"How's he doing?" Wooyoung stopped next to him and leaned against the wall.

"Fine. Doc says his leg is healing nicely. He should be able to get up and around here soon. Everything seems to have healed, now it's just building up strength."

"Good, I'm glad to hear that. Are you busy right now?"

Jongho shook his head and glared at the ground. "No."

"Would you min-"

"Grocery run?" Jongho muttered, knowing exactly what Wooyoung wanted.

The older rubbed the back of his head and shifted in place, sensing Jongho's discomfort. "I know, I'm sorry, it's just..."

"I'm expendable." Jongho kept his voice quiet, not intending anyone to hear his thoughts, but Wooyoung did.

"That's not true! You're just not as well known as the rest of us. It's safest for you to venture out. It's nothing against you at all." Wooyoung reached out to place a hand on Jongho's arm, but he yanked it away. "Why are you doing this?"

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