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At first, Hongjoong had thought he was hallucinating when Seonghwa had first stepped in his store. But that thought was quickly dismissed when Seonghwa started begging him for his help.

That was when he knew he was crazy.

He had never, ever, not even once, let the idea cross his mind that the son of his worst enemy would need his help.

Yet here he was, on his knees, looking at him with pure desperation in his eyes.

And the fact that Hongjoong was now showing him the secret entrance to his underground black market just confirmed how insane he had to be.

He didn't think he'd ever be able to explain why, but he had always had a gift for reading people, and Seonghwa... Everything about Seonghwa screamed that he was a man driven here and that this was his last option.

Hongjoong allowed himself a moment to study the other person with Seonghwa. He was... cute. There was an innocence about him that intrigued Hongjoong, but he didn't miss the way that the boy looked around with wide, frightened eyes or the stiff and pained way that he walked.

Something had happened. Was Seonghwa protecting this boy and that's why there were here? If that's the case...

Hongjoong took in the stranger one more time.

This boy had to be valuable.

Maybe he could get all of this to work to his advantage.

When all three of them were in the back room, Hongjoong hesitated for just a moment before walking to the crate where he kept the lever to the trapdoor hidden.

A soft chuckle drew his attention and he saw Seonghwa shaking his head. "Smart. Hiding it inside a box."

"Sometimes the best place to hide something is in one of the most obvious places." Hongjoong pulled it and a trapdoor in the corner of the room opened. "After you, and if I notice you doing anything that I'm not ok with, I will not hesitate to shoot you on the spot."

The boy hid behind Seonghwa a little, but gave Hongjoong a hard glare before following Seonghwa down the stairs.

Hongjoong did one final check to make sure everything was ok with the shop, then locked the door and hurried down the stairs.

The trapdoor fell into place behind him and the underground hallways lit up to show them the way.

He started to walk forward, then paused when he realized the others weren't following.

When he turned around, he saw the boy backing away toward the stairs again, shaking his head while Seonghwa was whispering gently to him. Hongjoong inched closer to hear what was being said.

"Take a deep breath." Seonghwa reached out to place a hand on the boy's shoulder.

"I c-can't... I don't want t-to be trapped again."

Hongjoong's eyes narrowed as he contemplated what he was hearing.

"You're not going to be. I'm not going to let anything happen to you. Just stay close to me and we are going to figure this out."

The boy looked up at Seonghwa and nodded. A look of admiration and trust flickered there and he instantly leaned closer.

After the small moment was over, Seonghwa turned around and nodded to Hongjoong, who just arched an eyebrow in return. "Ready, Princess?"

Hongjoong smirked at the dark look he got in return before leading them the rest of the way into his underground home.

His plan was to keep Seonghwa away from all his merchandise and the main show area, so he led them down the long hallway that housed his makeshift bedrooms. Normally they were used for big buyers who travelled in from out of town, but they would work for now.

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