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"Thank you Doctor, I appreciate it." Hongjoong said gently before hanging up the phone. He let out a long sigh, then dragged his hand over his face. "What a mess..."

It had been a long time since he'd seen any kind of action like that, and he'd be lying if he said he didn't feel a sadistic thrill watching all those Pack members die, but he had experienced something today he never thought he would.

Genuine fear.

And not for himself either.

Watching these people who had forced themselves into his life fight for their own like that... for whatever reason it hadn't been easy. And as much as he didn't want to admit it, Seonghwa had been amazing. Especially since that was probably his first fight against the Pack since leaving.

Now everything would be different since both San and Yunho were injured. Could they afford to wait until both were healed before attacking? It would be extremely difficult if they did, today was their official announcement against the Pack that there was a group out there willing to stand up to them.

Mercer had to be fuming right now.

The thought made Hongjoong grin and let out a dark chuckle. Oh how he wished he could see it.

A knock at the door interrupted his thoughts and he turned to see the man he had been debating selling for money leaning against the doorway. "Good driving today." Seonghwa said.

"Good shooting." Hongjoong leapt up to sit on his desk and smirked. "I'm surprised you didn't chicken out like the coward I know you are."

He watched as Seonghwa ground his teeth together and shook his head. "I'm not interested in doing this with you, Hongjoong. I know we have a history, but I think today just proved that I'm willing to fight for you and Mingi. I have no interest in being in charge, I don't want to lead, I just want to create a safe further for me. And for Wooyoung."

Hongjoong arched an eyebrow. "You have a way with words, I'll give you that." He jumped off his desk and  walked forward to hold out his hand for Seonghwa to shake. "Truce?"

The older smiled and shook it. "Thank you. Did you get ahold of anyone to help?"

"Yes, a friend of mine, Dr. Kim, is going to come by. He will use the secret tunnel so we don't need to worry about anyone watching him. No one knows about that entrance except for you guys and my most trusted contacts."

"Good. I think I have them stable, but I have no idea if what I did will really help or not. I only have the basic medical training provided to the Pack plus what little I had looked up on my own." Seonghwa's eyes dropped and his head fell forward a little. "I just hope it was enough." He added in a whisper.

In that moment, Hongjoong was surprised when he felt the urge to comfort Seonghwa. It was something he had never expected to feel for the older and his first reaction was to feel disgusted. But he pushed through it and reached up a shaking hand to pay Seonghwa's shoulder. "I'm sure you saved his life."

Seonghwa gave him a tight lipped, grateful smile."You might want to go check on Mingi. He's taking today pretty rough."

Hongjoong twisted his lips to the side. He knew exactly why Seonghwa was telling him to do this and he didn't know if he liked it. The fact The fact that it was pretty much expected that he and Mingi should get together didn't sit right with him.

But... seeing Mingi fighting today...

With a disgruntled sigh, Hongjoong walked past Seonghwa and started searching for Mingi. He had an idea.

He found him in the infirmary still, sitting in the corner with his knees drawn up to his chest and his head resting against them. Both Yunho and San had been transferred to beds and had several wires attached to them to monitor their vitals.

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