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Wooyoung could barely keep his hands from shaking as he tried to pry open the destroyed drivers side door one more time. It was so mangled and damaged that it hardly budged.

The window had shattered so when he dropped to all fours and peered inside to check on Yunho again, he could watch as blood dripped from some unknown wound on his body.

"Yunho, please wake up." He urged.

Mingi appeared on the passenger side and started to climb into the overturned car. "Fuck."

"I can't get the door open. How do you want to do this?"

"I don't know, moving him could do so much harm but we are too exposed here..." Mingi started muttering to himself, then said, "Try to cut him loose and lower him down, I'll guide him out this way."

Wooyoung nodded and slipped a longer knife from his waist and carefully slipped it underneath Yunho's seatbelt. It only took two quick flicks of his wrist to cut the lap belt so that Yunho was only being held up by the one across his chest.

"Ok I'm ready." Mingi grunted a little as he moved forward. There was hardly any room for his long limbs, but he managed to twist himself enough to lift a hand to cradle the back of Yunho's head.

As soon as the seatbelt severed, Wooyoung slapped the knife to his chest so it would magnetize and helped catch Yunho and maneuver him out of his seat.

The car creaked with all their movement and for a moment Wooyoung was worried it would collapse on them. But Mingi was able to wiggle backward and pull Yunho with him.

Wooyoung backed out as well and surveyed the scene in front of him.

Hongjoong and Jongho were helping Mingi lift Yunho into the bed of the truck and yelling for some kind of padding or support, which caused Jongho to run around and start ripping jackets off the fallen Pack members and throwing them at Hongjoong.

Seonghwa was still standing in the back of the truck firing constant round from his rifle. Wooyoung took a moment to admire how incredible he looked like that before he sprang forward and drew several knives out to hold in between his fingers.

At first it had surprised him how easily he had picked up being able to use them, but after Mingi's story he didn't doubt himself anymore. They were a part of him he didn't realize he missed.

Wanting to cause a distraction to pull some of the pressure off Seonghwa and the others, Wooyoung sprinted around the front of the truck and snapped both wrists twice in quick succession. His knives flew through the air and impaled their targets, dropping each one to the ground.

The Pack members all dove for more cover, then turned and started firing in his direction. But Wooyoung was fast. He darted across an opening to draw their fire a little further away.

"Be careful." Yeosang warned in his ear.

"I'm always careful." Wooyoung dove from behind a car and there three more knives all while rolling toward another car.

"Show off." He could hear the amusement in Yeosang's tone and looked up at the drone overhead to flash a smirk.

"Wooyoung don't get too far away." Seonghwa said. He sounded concerned even though he had only stopped firing to reload his clip.

"Don't worry about me. Just start driving and I'll jump on the back."

"If you miss I'm leaving you behind." Hongjoong growled.

That cause Seonghwa to whip his head around and glare at the older. Before he could speak a bullet slammed into his chest and made him hold backward, although the harness kept him upright.

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