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"Did you get everything I asked for?"

"Yes. This is a risky lot though, are you sure it's going to be ok?"

"Who do you think you're talking to?" Hongjoong snapped, crossing his arms. He narrowed his eyes and felt a smirk tug at his lips when the man in front of him flinched. "I know exactly what I'm doing. No one can stop me. You should know this."

"Yes, Sir. Sorry, Sir." The taller man bowed and hurried away without saying anything else.

Hongjoong just rolled his eyes and looked down at the clipboard in his hands. A wicked smile crossed his face the further down he list he got. "Perfect."

After a moment, all he saw was dollar signs.

He was going to make so much money tonight. Which meant more money for him to use, and less money going into the Wolf Pack's greedy pockets.

That was his main goal.

The Pack had taken everything from him. They were the scum of the earth and he was determined to defy them for a long as possible without getting himself killed.

And if he were to die, he would make sure to take as many of their members as possible with him.

Now that the packages were delivered, Hongjoong could relax until later that evening. He leaned back in his chair and surveyed the store.

There were only a couple of people milling around and all of them kept their heads down. He couldn't blame them though. These were dangerous times.

One young couple came and bought a couple of magazines, some snacks, and drinks. They kept their heads down and only said a few things to Hongjoong before getting out of the store.

He just smirked and shook his head.

They had every right to be afraid right now. This was not a safe place for anyone to stay for long periods of time.

And the next person to walk in confirmed it.

Hongjoong stood up and reached under the counter to grip the gun he had hidden there. "What are you doing here?" He asked, trying to keep his tone as close to pleasant as he could manage.

The taller man opened his mouth and poked his tongue out the side of it while bitting it with his teeth. That look of sheer joy that crossed his face made Hongjoong shake with anger. "Is that anyway to greet your benefactor?" His dark hair rippled as he walked forward.

The man was attractive, Hongjoong couldn't deny that. And the way he walked was with a smooth precision, showing his training in the field. It also showed that he wasn't afraid to fight if needed.

But even so, Hongjoong scoffed at the question and cocked the gun in his hand. "As if. You only wish you were my benefactor."

"Easy there, Hongjoong. I'd watch what tone you use with me. You know that I can crush you like 'that'." He said while snapping his finger.

It took everything in him to not pull the gun out and shoot the man between his eyes, but Hongjoong knew he had guns aimed at him right now from somewhere outside.

If he made one wrong move then they would put him down in an instant.

"How can I help you today, Sir?" Hongjoong said, making his voice sickeningly sweet and plastering a large, fake smile on his face.

The man narrowed his eyes and crossed his arms. "You're a pain in my ass, you know that?"

"You wish I could be a pain in your ass."

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