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Things were tense now that Yeosang had given himself a time limit. There would be no sleep for him tonight, not with how much he needed to get done.

He was already working on another headband for San. The last one was thrown together so quickly it wasn't going to last very long. Yeosang wanted to make one that would fit comfortably to his head and be light enough that it wouldn't interfere with anything. That would make things easier for San in the long run.

Next to that was his laptop, which he had hooked up to started running diagnostics on the signal coming from Hongjoong's shop. Yeosang's gut told him there was some kind of secret to it. He already knew that it was being broadcast over an old radio frequency, one that no one would think to check unless they knew where to look for it.

Yeosang chewed on the inside of his cheek, then turned to his third project he had going on. For a couple of hours now he had been sifting through layouts of the city trying to find a new place for them to go.

Jongho was still downstairs sulking, but Yeosang knew he would come up as soon as accepted that this was for the best. They were going to do everything they could to protect this place, but every second they stayed here put them at risk.

Mercer had to know by now that San was compromised. They had to be prepared for an attack any time now.

A staticky sound drew Yeosang's attention and he leaned over to pick up the walkie-talkie. He pressed a button on the side and held it close to his lips, "Yunho?"

"Yeah, can you hear me ok?"

"Yes. Is everything ok?" Yeosang spun around in his chair and saw Mingi sitting up from where he had been laying down on the couch. The taller looked drained...

"Everything seems clear. San and I have done a couple of laps and taken some side roads, I don't notice anything out of the ordinary or signs of anyone following us."

It was the small piece of comfort that Yeosang had desperately needed right now. He sighed in relief and leaned back in his chair. "Good. I'm glad to hear that. Come back for now and we will come up with a game plan. How is San?"

"I'm ok." The younger answered.

"Any headaches?"

"Not yet, unless I start trying to piece everything together." A small giggle accompanied San's words and it brought a smile to Yeosang's face.

"I hear you there. Alright, come back. Then we can get ready to leave."

"Copy that." Yunho said.

Yeosang took that as a dismissal and set the walkie-talkie down. As soon as he did, the door opened and Jongho came inside looking hopelessly lost. He walked right by Yeosang and into the room they shared.

For a moment the hacker hesitated and glanced at Mingi, who just shook his head and came over to watch the screens.

Yeosang slipped out of his chair and ducked into his room and closed the door softly behind him.

Jongho was standing in the middle of the room looking around as if he was trying to memorize every corner of it.

"We are going to come back." Yeosang whispered. He walked up behind his boyfriend and looped both arms around his stomach, then let one hand slip up under Jongho's shirt to gently rub his chest. "It's going to be ok."

The younger started to tremble slightly but he stayed facing away from Yeosang. "Is it?"

"Of course, as long as we have each other, we will always be ok." Yeosang pressed his lips gently to Jongho's neck. "You know that, right?"

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